The Library Foundation Board held its regular quarterly meeting at the Ainsworth Public Library on August 17, 2022. The meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. Roll call showed all seven members present plus the library director. The minutes and the Treasurer’s Report were approved. One bill was approved for payment to Marsha Fuchs in the total of $22.44 for mulch in the front landscaping.
The Gift Transaction List from May to August 2022 was presented. Memorials were received in memory of Mr. Robert Tyler from Mrs. Camie See and Mrs. LaVonne Lippold. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chohon gave a gift in memory of Mrs. Kaye Chohon. A cash donation was received from Mrs. Shirley West. Other revenue on the list included Art Guild Card Sales; Coffee Station Sales; and donation jar funds. A total of $190 was raised from the Note Card Sales. The library appreciates all the gifts and support shown.
It was reported that the landscaping Project has been completed. We lost one plant but the others are doing wonderful. Lots of complements have been received on the plants this summer.
An update was given on the grants received this spring. It was noted that everything is now completed on the grants. A total of $7,868 was received with the ARPA Formula Grant; ARPA Library Improvement Grant; ARPA Youth Grant for Excellence; and the Delta Kappa Gamma International Alpha Delta Chapter Grant.
It was noted that the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Fundraiser Online was a success. We made the $1500 goal plus had a $700 match to bring the total to $2200. The Board approved of the Treasurer sending the funds to the Ainsworth Chamber of Commerce when they arrive.
A Humanities Nebraska Program will be held on October 20th at 5 p.m. featuring the 2022 One Book One Nebraska Title. Nebraska author, Jonis Agee will be here with her program on “The Bones of Paradise: A Novel Examined”. The Foundation Board agreed to provide refreshments for this event.
A letter was shared from the Nebraska Library Commission on a partnership between them and the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired with a new service for libraries in Nebraska. They will provide a 20” ONYX Deskset HC CCTV (electronic video magnifier) free of charge to libraries. The unit should arrive in several months.
Fundraising was discussed. It was decided to hold a Book Basket Auction in the fall. Baskets will need to be at the Library by Nov. 5th. Marsha Fuchs will get the information out to people who have provided a basket in the past. Our theme will be “Shine a Light on Reading” and proceeds will go towards the outside lighting project.
The next meeting date was set for November 9th at 5 p.m. Since there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:07 p.m.