AINSWORTH LIBRARY BOARD MEETING will be held on February 8, 2023 at 5 p.m. This meeting is open to the public.
1. Call meeting to order
2. Notice of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act
3. Roll call
4. Approve minutes
5. Approve claims for payment
6. Monthly Library Report/List of Titles Purchased
7. Public Library Survey
8. Library Telescope Policy
9. Summer Reading Program
10. Atriuum Book Systems updating OPAC (now shows Patron Savings)
11. Blind Date with a Book-Jan. 24th to Feb. 28th
12. Dr. Seuss Hour-March 2nd
13. AARP Community Challenge Grants
14. Meetings/Workshops:
a. Thursday Directors Zoom Meeting Jan. 26th
b. Summer Reading Program Workshop Feb. 1st Grand Island
c. Big Talk From Small Libraries Conference Feb. 24th (close that day ??)
d. Nebraska State Advisory Council on Libraries March 3rd Lincoln
15. Correspondence:
a. Fundraiser with Empties4Cash (recycle ink jet cartridges)
b. Information on Affordable Connectivity Program
c. Leverage Libraries to Achieve Digital Equity For All information
d. Items of interest from library journals, newsletters, etc.
16. Set next date/time for meeting
17. Adjournment