January Library Board Meeting


January 3, 2024 at 5 p.m.


1.         Call meeting to order

2.         Notice on the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act

3.         Roll Call

4.         Approve minutes

5.         Approve claims for payment

5.         Monthly Library Report/List of titles purchased for November/December

6.         Review of November/December events

            a.         Book Club

            b.         Storytime for Thanksgiving and Christmas

7.         Dolly Parton Imagination Library Giving Tuesday Fundraiser with Chamber/Foundation

8.         Workshops/Meetings:

            a.         Thursday Zoom Meeting:  Nov. 2nd; Nov. 16th; and Dec. 14th

            b.         Nebraska State Advisory Council of Libraries Board Meeting-Nov. 17th

            c.         Library Foundation Board Meeting-Nov. 15th

            d.         Summer Reading Program Workshop-Jan. 23-Lexington

9.         Correspondence:

            a.         Poison Prevention Material for Children Ordered

            b.         Capital Business Systems Inc.-copy machine needs

            c.         Nebraska Digital Opportunities Plan Draft Available/Public Comment Sessions

10.       Set next meeting date/time

11.       Adjournment

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