Library Board Meeting

May 1, 2024 at 5 p.m.


1.         Call meeting to order

2.         Give notice on the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act

3.         Roll call

4.         Approve minutes

5.         Approve claims for payment

6.         Monthly Library Report for April/List of titles purchased

7.         Review of activities for National Library Week   April 8-13, 2024

8.         Ainsworth Art Guild “Spring Art Show”   April 12-27th

9.         Bright Horizon’s “What I Was Wearing” display    April 15-20th

10.       Book Club Review

11.       Story Time Update

12.       Update on Summer Reading Program

13.       Work on Proposed Budget for 2024-2025 for City & County

14.       Workshop/Meetings:

            a.         Thursday Director’s Zoom Meeting-April 4th

b.         United for Libraries-A Practical Guide to Evaluating Your Library Director Webinar   April 9th

c.         Thursday Director’s Zoom Meeting-Poetry Out Loud”   April 18th

d.         Library Board Continuing Education Record

e.         Library Foundation Board Meeting-May 15th

15.       Correspondence:

            a.         Articles of interest from Library Newsletter and journals

16.       Set next meeting date/time

17.       Adjournment

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