Agenda for June Library Board Meeting

Ainsworth Library Board Meeting

June 5, 2024 at 5 p.m.


1.         Call meeting to order

2.         Notice of the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act

3.         Roll call

4.         Approve minutes

5.         Approve claims for payment

6.         Monthly Library Report for May 2024-List of titles purchased

7.         Summer Reading Program “Adventures Begin @ Your Library”

8.         Work on 2024-2025 Budget:

            a.         County request sent and acknowledged by Commissioner’s

            b.         Waiting for some numbers from City Clerk on items (utility-insurance-etc.)

9.         Public Library Accreditation

            a.         Community survey

            b.         Develop committee to develop Community Needs Response Plan

            c.         Share information on our Peer Libraries and compare with our library

10.       Award letter for State Aid for Fiscal Year 2024

11.       Yearly Employee Evaluations

12.       Chamber’s request to extend hours on June 27th when Biker Rider’s are in town

13.       Workshops/Meetings:

            a.         Thursday Director Zoom Meeting-May 2nd and May 9th

            b.         Kanopy for NE OverDrive Libraries-May 6

            c.         NCompass Live: 2024 Public Library Accreditation Process-May 14

            d.         Library Foundation Board Meeting-May 22nd

            e.         Preventing Burnout & Fatigue Zoom Meeting-May 23

            f.          Public Library Accreditation Workshop-June 12th   (3 hours)

14.       Correspondence:

            a.         E-mail from Sam Shaul-NLC-“Library Trends Survey”

            b.         Articles of interest from Library newsletters/journals (“The Cover-Up” Article)

15.       Set next meeting date/time

16        Adjournment

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