Library Policy


The Ainsworth Public Library will strive to meet the growing needs for our community residents in their personal, educational, and professional quest for information.


The Ainsworth Public Library believes it is essential to provide materials and services which will help community residents of all ages obtain information meeting their personal, educational and professional needs in a user-friendly environment.  The Library will strive to be a leader in the area of technology so that local citizens have access to the latest trends in this area.



  1. The Board will consist of five members appointed by the Mayor, with approval of the City Council for a term determined by the State Law.  The Library Board has the right to send a list to the Mayor for considerations of possible library users who might be interest in serving on the Board.
  2. The Mayor/City Council may appoint board members for additional terms by consent of the board member whose term will be expiring.  Any board member of more than 12 years on the board, may be re-appointed for another term if a citizen cannot be found to go on the Board.
  3. A new board member is chosen to fill unexpired terms at the next regular meeting of the Board after the vacancy occurs.
  4. Any board member missing more than three consecutive meetings or six meetings a year shall be replaced by the Mayor upon the vote and request of the Board.
  5. Board members shall follow the laws on the “Conflict of Interest Law” and shall not vote on any item directly involved with that person. Board members may not in their private capacity negotiate, bid for, or enter into a contract with the Ainsworth Public Library in which they have a direct or indirect financial interest. A board member shall withdraw from Board discussion, deliberation, and vote on any matter in which the Board member, an immediate family member, or an organization with which the Board members is associated has a substantial financial interest.  A board member may not receive anything of value that could reasonably be expected to influence his or her vote or other official action.
  6. Board members will use the list of responsibilities of the members in the Nebraska Trustee Handbook as a guideline.


1.Regular meetings of the Library Board shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month starting at 5 p.m. at the Ainsworth Public Library.  The meeting notice will be posted at the Library, at the City Clerk’s Office, in the local newspaper, announced over the local radio station, as well as posted on the library’s website and library’s Facebook page.

2.  At all meetings of the Library Board, three members shall constitute as a quorum and a majority vote of all members present shall be required for the adoption of any motion or resolution.  If a quorum is not present at a regular meeting, the attending board members may set a date for another meeting to be held within one week, and all Board members will be notified of this specially called meeting.

3. Special meetings of the Library Board may be called by the President or by any two members, for a specific purpose.  No business may be transacted at such special meeting except the stated purpose.  A twenty-four-hour notice of any special meeting shall be given to the Board members and the Head Librarian/Director, unless such notice is waived.  Notice of any special meeting and purpose of meeting must be advertised in the local newspaper and/or over the local radio station.  If there is not sufficient time to advertise in the paper, notices must be place in three separate local public meeting places as soon as possible prior to the meeting.

4. The By-Laws and policy of the Library may be amended at any time by a 3/5 majority vote of the entire Board.

5. The presiding officer shall be entitled to vote on all motions.

6. Board members must notify the President or Head Librarian/Director as soon as possible when they are unable to attend a meeting to ensure a quorum will be met.

7.  The order of business for regular meetings shall include, but not be limited to, the following items which shall be covered in the sequence shown unless circumstances make an altered order more efficient:

a.  Call meeting to order

b.  Notice of the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act

c.  Roll call

d.  Approve minutes of previous meeting

e.  Approve claims for payment

f.  Monthly Library Report of Head Librarian/Director

g. Old (unfinished) business

h.  New business

i.   Upcoming meetings and workshops

j.  Correspondence and Communication

k.  Agenda items requested for next meeting

l.  Adjournment


Committees for specific purposes may be appointed by the President.  Such committees shall serve until the completion of the work for which they were appointed.  All committees shall make a progress report to the Board at each of its meetings.  No committee will have other than advisory powers unless, by suitable action of the Board, it is granted specific power to act.  The President shall be, ex officio, a member of all committees.


  1. The officers of the Library Board shall consist of a President and Vice-President who shall be elected from the membership every two years at the August meeting.
  2. The Head Librarian/Director will act as Secretary/Treasurer of the Board if so directed and appointed by the Board.
  3. The term of each officer shall be for two years after the regular meeting in August and until his/her successor has been duly elected.
  4. A vacancy in any office shall be filled at the next regular meeting of the Board after the vacancy occurs.



1.  Preside at all meetings

2. Appoint the standing committees

3.Sign all necessary documents and claims

4. Call special meetings of the Board, either on his/her own motion when the occasion requires or on request of any two board members.

5. Complete the evaluation of the Head Librarian/Director each year and submit to the City Office for their records.

6. Perform other duties that generally pertain to the office or as directed by the vote of the Board.


  1. Perform all the duties of the President in the latter’s absence or disability


  1.  Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Library Board.
  2. Record the attendance at such meetings.
  3. Have the custody of all official books, records, accounts, and documents of the Library Board.
  4. Sign all bills and present to the President for their approval and signature.  Take claims of bills to the City Clerk’s Office for payment of the expenditures approved by the Board.
  5. Present to the City Council the name of any person who might be appointed to fill a vacancy on the Library Board, and to perform such other duties as may be directed by the Library Board.

Head Librarian/Director:

The Head Librarian shall be appointed by the Board and shall be responsible to the Library Board.  This person shall be considered the executive officer of the library under the direction and review of the Board, and subject to the policies established by the Board.  The Head Librarian/Director shall act as technical advisor to the Board and shall be invited to attend all Board meetings (but may be excused from closed sessions) and shall have no vote.


Under the powers of administrative/governing boards granted by law, boards make operating and administrative polices.  The Board acts as an agent of public trust governing the library.  The head librarian/library director is responsible for the internal management, daily operation and procedures of the library.  The head librarian/director exercises professional judgment under the direction and the review of the Board to implement the goals, objectives and policies set by the Board.

There are five areas of the library governance that stand out as primary responsibilities for library boards.


Library Cards

Patrons are required to have a valid library card in order to check out
materials. The library is funded mostly by city taxes and a small amount by
the county. The Ainsworth Public Library will is issue a library card free of
charge if the patron resides within Brown County. Library card applicants must
show 2 forms of identification to demonstrate residency. Patrons residing
outside of the county may purchase cards for a fee of $35 per year/per family.
A child must be at least four years old before being awarded a library card.
All children being issued a card must have parental approval.
Our library does participate in the NebrasKard program so any library patron
from our county may sign up for one free of charge as long as they have a
good library record.

Check Out Loan Periods

Adult patrons may check out a total of five items at one time.
Children under the age of eighteen may have a total of four items out at
one time.
Only two titles by one author or two titles on a certain subject may be
checked out at one time.
The loan period for books, audio books, videos, and puppets is two weeks.
Magazines may be checked out for four days.
An unlimited number of paperbacks that are not cataloged (such as our
Paperback Exchange Section) may be checked out for an indefinite period
of time but are expected to be returned.

Cake pans may be checked out for one week

The audio-visual equipment such as the slide projector, filmstrip projector,
over-head projector, and screen are available for loan with a small fee.
All items are due on the date stamped on the item. Overdue charges will be
assessed if not returned on time.
Please note that certain reference materials and items that have a one-of-a-
kind historical value may not be checked out.


Books may be renewed in person or over the phone for a period of two
weeks from the original due date if no one else has requested the material.
Magazines will be renewed once with a four day extension

Overdue Items

Items not returned on the due date are considered overdue. The borrower
will be notified by a phone call or an overdue notice in the mail.
Twenty-five cents per day shall be charged for an overdue book or other library materials until the item is returned or to a maximum of $10.00.
Fines for damaged items shall be at the discretion of the librarian.
The library provides a Book Drop located in the front of the building so that
items may be returned when the library is closed.
Borrowing privileges can be suspended until the items and overdue charges
are paid. Additional charges for lost or damaged items will be charged. These charges will be equal to the replacement cost of the item.  Because all residents in Brown County share the library materials, prompt return is appreciated.

Placing Holds

You may request that the librarian place holds on items which are checked
out, so the material is reserved at check-in time.
There is no charge for requesting a hold.
You will be notified by phone when the item is returned to the library and
you will have five days to pick the item up before it is given to another
patron or returned to the shelves for general use.


The library will not be open on:

  • New Years Day
  • Memorial Day
  • July 4th
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

If any of these holidays fall on Sunday, the library will be
closed on Monday.
The library may be closed on other holidays which the city honors,
or when the other businesses are closed.