Book Club to Meet on January 23rd.

The Book Club will be meeting on Monday, January 23rd, at 2 p.m. to share thoughts on the title “A Hundred Sweet Promises” by Sepehr Haddad. If you have read this book, please join us as we discuss this title.

This novel is based on a true story. A family secret revealed 40 years ago by a grandmother to her grandson is now an acclaimed Russian historical fiction read. The author’s grandfather, Nasrosoltan, a famed music composer who on the eve of World War I travels from Persia to Russia to study classical music at the St. Petersburg Conservatory with such masters as Rimsky-Korsakov. While there, Nasrosoltan falls in love with a Romanov princess, but the royalty surrounding him considers this a forbidden love. Unexpectedly, the Tsar gets involved, and Nasrosoltan suddenly finds himself in a battle between head and heart while being caried forward on a wave of destiny towards an uncertain future.

Up next month for the Book Club, will be the title of “The Doctor’s Daughter” by Shari J. Ryan. This story takes place in Auschwitz in 1941. In Nazi-occupied Poland, Sophia cannot look her father in the eye. Sofia’s mother is Jewish–how dare he work as a doctor for the SS? She cannot forgive him, even if the bargain was made to spare their lives. In the middle of the night, Isaac emerges from a packed train with hundreds of others. Beneath Auschwitz’s barbed wire, soldiers surround them, and gunshots pierce the dark sky. The SS decide prisoners’ fates on the spot–and Isaac is chosen to work, rather than to die. Every day Isaac and his fellow inmates are sent to a nearby farm. From sunup to sundown, they toil the land with barely a scrap to eat. Every breath feels like it could be Isaac’s last, so when he sees a beautiful auburn-haired girl peering out of the farmhouse window it feels like a dream. Sofia refuses to accept what she is seeing. Disobeying her father and evading the guards, she risks her life to sneak a letter to the green-eyed boy outside. She explains that she has hidden them food, and that she’ll do everything in her power to save them. This secret exchange sparks an escape that should have been impossible–and a love story that is unforgettable. But is love enough in the face of evil? And when Sofia and Isaac are concealed underground, holding their breath as the Nazis hunt them, will they survive?

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Library will be open on Monday, Jan. 16th

Please note that the Library will be open on Monday, January 16th. Celebrate this great day by checking out a book on Martin Luther King. Discover for yourself why he was so great and has a special holiday named after him.
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Beware of the ice!

While the snow and ice look very pretty it can also be dangerous. The front sidewalk coming into the building is very icy. The rain gutters are frozen with melted snow and it is dripping over the top of the gutters and on to the sidewalk. The back door is almost as bad as the front door.

Please be careful when coming into the library. We do have salt down but it can still be slick! This is going to be a daily problem until the snow is all off the roof.

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Minutes of January 2023 Library Board Meeting

The Ainsworth Library Board held its regular monthly meeting on January 4, 2023 at the Public Library.  This meeting was advertised in the local newspaper, on the radio, posted at the Library and on the library’s website/Facebook page.  President Phyllis Leach called the meeting to order at 5 p.m.  Notice was given on the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act.  Roll call showed all members present.  They included Todd Flynn, Stacey Gilliland, Luke Hitchcock, Phyllis Leach, and Alane Lentz.  Library director, Gail Irwin, was also present for the meeting.

Luke Hitchcock made the motion to approve the November minutes.  Phyllis Leach seconded this with all members voting in favor of.  Since the Board did not meet in December, we had no minutes to approve for that month.  Alane moved to approve the claims for payment.  Todd Flynn seconded this with all members voting in favor of.  The Monthly Library Reports for November and December was shared as well as the list of titles purchased.  The Summary Report for 2021-2022 was also presented.

Fundraising by the Library Foundation was discussed.   It was noted that the Book Basket Auction held on Nov. 19th raised a total of $1,605 for the outside lighting project.  A box of 62 ink cartridges has been sent off to Empties4Cash.  The funds for the recyclable cartridges will go to the Library Foundation.

The voting results on the OverDrive Collection Development Policy were shared with the Board.  The policy now reads that the policy will be reviewed by Nebraska OverDrive Library staff every five years or sooner if needed.   Also added to the policy was the following:  A patron may have up to five active reconsideration requests at one time. 

The Christmas Cheer Tuesdays in December was discussed.  We had Christmas crafts, Christmas stories, Christmas movies, Christmas Lego’s ornaments to make, and a Christmas puzzle for families to work with when they visited the library on Tuesday.  Attendance was not good due to snow storms and cold weather.  The few that did attend had a lot of fun.  The library also had a Holiday Bag for the kids to color and takes home to use.

It was noted that the Public Library Survey is currently being worked on.  It will be submitted by the Feb. 17th deadline.

The Summer Reading Program “All Together Now” was discussed.  The manual and products to use with the kindness/friendship/unity theme was shared.  Wanda and Gail will be attending a workshop in Grand Island on the 20th to help get ideas to do with the program.

The Library Telescope Program was discussed.  The equipment was shown to the Board. It was noted that library staff attended training on December 8th.  The proposed policy on the Library Telescope was shared.  After changing some of the wording and rules, the board will review the policy at the next meeting and approve it.

Reports were given on the Nebraska State Advisory Council on Libraries meeting that the Director attended by computer on Nov. 18th and the Library Telescope Training staff attended on the 8th of December.  Staff will be attending the Summer Reading Program Workshop on the 20th of January.

A number of items were shared under correspondence.  It was noted that Director was submitting application forms for several grants.  They included the Penguin Random House Grant for Small and Rural Libraries and the Science Kits for Public Libraries Grant.  The resolution on Banned Books Week, the attacks on books in U.S., and the 1st Amendment of Freedom of Speech and freedom to read and write by the U.S. House of Representatives was shared.  The information on the NEA Big Read was shared.  It was noted that our Library will take part in this Book Club title of “Sitting Pretty: The View from My Ordinary Resilient Disabled Body” by Rebekah Taussig in April 2023.  The Swank Movie Licensing USA Public Performance Site License has been paid for by the Nebraska Library Commission.  The license will run from 10/01/22 to 09/30/23 and is posted in the meeting room.  Articles of interest from various library newsletters and journals were shared. 

The next library board meeting was set for February 1, 2023 at 5 p.m.  Since there was no further business to perform, the meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m.

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Holiday Closings

The Library will be closed for the New Year’s holiday on Dec. 31st and on Jan. 2nd.

Happy New Year to everyone!

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Library Board Meeting-January 4th

AINSWORTH LIBRARY BOARD MEETING will be held on January 4, 2023 at 5 p.m.


1.             Call meeting to order

2.             Give notice on the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act

3.             Roll call

4.             Approve minutes

5.             Approve claims for payment

6.             Monthly Library Report/List of titles purchased

7.             Fundraising

                a.             Book Basket Auction-11-19-22

                b.             Recycle Ink Cartridges

8.             OverDrive Collection Development Policy

9.             Christmas Cheer Tuesdays

10.          Public Library Survey-deadline Feb. 17, 2023

11.          Summer Reading Program

                a.             Manual

                b.             Workshop in Grand Island in January

12.          Library Telescope Program

                a.             Equipment setup

                b.             Training on 12-8-22

                c.             Policy

13.          Meetings:

                a.             Nebraska State Advisory Council on Libraries-Gotomeeting-11-18-22

                b.             Telescope Training  12-8-22

                c.             Summer Reading Program Workshop-Grand Island-January 20th

14.          Correspondence:

                a.             Penguin Random House Grants for Small & Rural Libraries

b.             Resolution on Banned Books Week-Attacks on books in U.S.-& 1st Amendment of Freedom of Speech and Freedom to read and write by U.S. House of Representatives

c.             NEA Big Read-“Sitting Pretty: The View from my ordinary resilient disabled body by Rebekah Taussig-April 2023

d.             Swank Movie Licensing USA Public Performances Site License 10-2022-09-2023 

e.             Articles of interest from library newsletters and journals

15.          Set next meeting date/time

16.          Adjournment        

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Holiday Closings at the Library

The Ainsworth Public Library will be closed on December 24th and 26th for the Christmas holiday. We will be closed on December 31st and January 2nd for the New Year’s holiday. Please get your reading supply now so you have something to enjoy on the days that we are closed.


May be an image of tree and text

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Holiday Closing Dates at the Library

The Library will be closed for the holidays on December 24th; December 26th, December 31st, and January 2nd. Make sure to get your reading/movie supply a head of time.

May be an image of text that says '米 CLOSED For the Holidays!!'

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Get your holiday cheer on at the library Tuesdays before Christmas

Come with your family and do some fun things at the Library! Help put together a Christmas puzzle, make a Lego Christmas ornament, make a Christmas craft, or read a Christmas story. Make sure to check out some stories and Christmas movies to enjoy at home! Come and go as you like. Stay for a long time or a short time. Whatever works for you and your family. Hope to see you on Tuesdays in December!

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Library Closed For Thanksgiving

The Ainsworth Public Library will be closed Thursday, November 24th, for the Thanksgiving holiday. We will be open on Friday and Saturday as usual. Have a safe and happy holiday!

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