5 P.M.
This meeting is open to the public.
Agenda is posted at the Library .

5 P.M.
This meeting is open to the public.
Agenda is posted at the Library .
The November Book Club title is now available. Up next will be the book by Barbara Eymann Mohrman titled “Four Blue Stars in the Window”. The group will meet on November 20th at 2 p.m. to share thoughts on the title. We have copies of this book at the Library. Stop by and pick one up to read.
Fifty years ago, a young girl opened a cardboard box in her basement. Long forgotten, it contained her father’s World War II uniform, vintage photos, semaphore flags, and other WWII keepsakes. The box opened up a world of pain and joy to author Barbara Eymann Mohrman as she set out on a personal journey to trace her family history and inadvertently, unspoken Eymann family secrets. This is the story of hard-scrabble life in rural Oakdale, Nebraska (population 851) starting in the heyday of the 1920s. Chriss Eymann, a newly arrived Swiss immigrant and his wife, Hattie Mae, raised ten children on the Dust Bowl-ravaged plains during the 1930s in the depths of the Great Depression. But their greatest sacrifice was yet to come—when they sent four young sons off to war in the South Pacific and Europe. The mother’s flag with its four blue stars proudly displayed the family’s precious contribution to the war effort. The story traces in detail and vintage photos from 1930 to 1947 the anguish, danger, and their everlasting hope with some surprising family news that brings the story full circle.
Stop by the library and view the “Barn” display. The Ainsworth Area Art Guild members are sharing their art pieces on barns.
Book Club will be meeting on Monday, October 16th, at 2 p.m. to share thoughts on this book. Please join us if you have read this title.
Last call on the solar glasses! Get your glasses today from the Library. We are open from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. The eclipse will be over by the time we open on Saturday so hurry in!
Keep your glasses and use with the total solar eclipse in the April.
October 4, 2023 at 5 p.m.
1. Call meeting to order
2. Give notice on the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act
3. Roll call
4. Approve minutes
5. Approve claims for payment
6. Monthly Library Report/Summary of Fiscal Year 2022/2023/State Statistical Report
7. Insurance adjustment work on hail damage report
a. Shingles completed week of Sept. 11-15th
b. Rain gutter installed Sept. 26th
8. Banned Book Week: Oct. 1-7th (Shine a light on banned books-Censorship leaves us
In the dark)
9. Eclipse Glasses: October 14th
10. October events:
a. Silent Witness Display – Bright Horizons
b. Ainsworth Art Guild “Fall” Exhibit
c. Halloween Storytime Oct. 24th 4-5 p.m.
d. Trunk/Treat Main Street-Oct. 31st
11. Discuss upcoming holiday closings
12. Workshops/Meetings:
a. NE State Advisory Council on Libraries Board Meeting-Nov. 17th-Lincoln
13. Correspondence:
a. Items of interest from various library journals/newsletters
14. Set next meeting date/time
15. Adjournment
October 4, 2023 at 5 p.m.
This meeting is open to the public.
Agenda posted at the Library for public viewing.
The Ainsworth Library Board held its monthly meeting on Sept. 20, 2023 after a lack of quorum for the meeting set for Sept. 13th. This meeting was advertised on the radio station, in the newspaper, posted at the library, and on the library’s website and Facebook page. The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. by President Phyllis Leach. Notice was given on the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act. Roll called showed three members present: Todd Flynn, Stacey Gilliland, and Phyllis Leach. Members absent from the meeting included Luke Hitchcock and Alane Lentz. Library director, Gail Irwin, was also present for the meeting.
Todd Flynn made the motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Stacey Gilliland seconded this with all members voting in favor of. Stacey Gilliland moved to approve the claims for payment. Phyllis Leach seconded this with all in favor. A list of titles purchased this last month was shared with the Board. The Monthly Library Report for August was presented. It was also noted at this time that the hail damage on the roof had been repaired on Sept. 11 to Sept.13. The insurance company had to make an adjustment on the number of shingle bundles as the roofers did not have enough to complete. The last section was finished on the 15th. The rain gutters need to be replaced yet and that should happen this week. City Clerk had stated that the road construction on Main Street north of highway 20 should be starting the first of November. Our library was helping the Library Commission with deleting some patrons from Overdrive after they had asked for help. We also deleted some patrons from our system at the same time. The total number was 329 deleted as noted on the monthly report.
The COE Student seems to be working out. An update was given on duties that she has been preforming.
The first Book Club discussion was held on Sept. 18th with the One Book One Nebraska title of “The Mystery of Hunting’s End” by M.G. Eberhart. A member of the community had called the library to complain on the titles that were selected for the Book Club. The list of titles selected was shared with the Board so they would know what books were planned to be read by the group.
It was noted that the Stanley Door Opener had been finally repaired. It is working well and people are enjoying it. The Board was made aware of the LED Lights that were installed around the outside of the library building by the Library Foundation Board. Everyone has been enjoying the extra lighting at night.
September is Library Card Sign-Up Month. The Library has been promoting this all month in the library, on the radio, and on our Facebook page and website.
It was noted that Banned Book Week will be celebrated from October 1-7th. Library staff is in the process of making a display with books that have been banned through the years.
The Library will be handing out Eclipse Glasses for the October 14th annular eclipse of the sun. Our area will see about 65% of the sun covered by the moon. Promotional work will be done at the Library, on our website and Facebook page. If we have glasses left over, we will save them and use on April 8th when the total eclipse happens.
The City had approved our budget for 2023–2024 as presented except for a change on the insurance lines. The Clerk will be getting a budget sheet to me as soon as she has her paper work done.
It was noted that staff had attended the Nebraska Public Media Early Childhood Resources Information Session on August 11th and The Planning Region Team 17: Early Intervention Act on Sept. 8th. The Library Foundation Board Meeting was held on Sept. 6th. Phyllis Leach gave a review from that meeting.
Under Correspondence, we had a letter from the Nebraska Library Commission stating that they had purchased the Swank Movie Licensing USA Public Performance Site License for the libraries in Nebraska. This license will be good for one year. A thank you note from Kimberlyn Doke on our Summer Reading Program was shared with the Board. Articles of interest from various library journals/newsletters were share with the Board.
The next meeting was set for October 4th at 5 p.m. Since there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:36 p.m.