Minutes from the August Library Board Meeting

The Ainsworth Library Board held its regular monthly meeting on August 2, 2023 at the Ainsworth Public Library.  This meeting was advertised in the local newspaper, over the radio, posted at the Library as well as on the library’s website and Facebook page.   The meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m.  Notice was given on the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act.  Roll call showed four members present.  One member was absent.  Library Director was also present for the meeting.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the last meeting and to approve claims for payment.  All members voted in favor of.  The Monthly Library Report for July was presented as well as a list of titles purchased.  A usage report from Google and our library Facebook page was shared.  It was reported at this time that our COE Student from the school would start work at the Library on August 16th

Updates were given on the repairs at the library.   It was noted that the company has not been to the library yet on the door opener. The estimate on the damages at the library from the hail in May was shared with the Board.  The city will be including the library roof in the bid advertisement with other damages to the city facilities.  It was noted that the outside soffit lights would be replaced with LED recessed lights.  The Library Foundation will be paying for this out of funds that they had raised for this project.

A review was given on the July 17th Author Visit by Rob Soles on his book “A Winding Path to Flat Water”.  Rob graduated from Ainsworth. We had a total of 34 in attendance.  He had a number of books to give away but asked people that were taking the book to give a little donation to the library foundation.  A total of $330 was raised. 

It was noted that the date for the Star Party being planned by the Foundation has not been set.  We are waiting on an expert to come from Omaha with a large telescope.

No news on the proposed budget.   The City and County usually do Budget Hearings in August.

The Book Club will be restarting soon.  The first book will be the One Nebraska/One Book title of “The Mystery of Hunting’s End” by Mignon Eberhart.  The discussion will be held on Sept. 18th.

Under meetings/workshops, a review was given by the library director on the Nebraska State Library Advisory Council Board meeting held on July 21st and the NCompass Internet filtering for CIPA and cybersecurity on the 26th.  It was noted that the United for Libraries Virtual training for Trustees, Friends and Foundations was currently being held from August 1-3rd.  The Library Foundation will also have a meeting coming up in August. 

Under correspondence, information from the Nebraska Public Commission Order was shared on the hearing to be held on 8-21-23 on implementing a program to incentivize new fiber construction for E-Rate eligible entities.  Articles of interest were shared from the Central Plains Library System Newsletter and the Library Journal for August.

The next meeting date/time was discussed.   Library Director will be on vacation the first part of September and asked to move the meeting to September 13th at 5 p.m.  The Board members approved the meeting date change.

Since there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

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August Library Board Meeting Agenda

AINSWORTH LIBRARY BOARD MEETING will be held on August 2, 2023 at 5 p.m. This meeting is open to the public.


1.         Call meeting to order

2.         Notice of the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act

3.         Roll Call

4.         Approve minutes

5.         Approve claims for payment

6.         Monthly Library Report/List of titles purchased

7.         Repairs:

            a.         Door Opener

            b.         Roof replacement due to hail damage

            c.         Outside LED lights by Library Foundation

8.         Review of Author Visit by Rob Soles-July 17th

9.         Star Party with Telescope

10.       Proposed Budget

11.       Book Discussion Group Restart

12.       Meetings/workshops:

            a.         Nebraska State Library Advisory Council meeting-online-July21st

            b.         NCompass:  Internet filtering for CIPA compliance & cybersecurity-July 26

            c.         Cybersecurity Training-July 26th

            d.         2023 United fo9r Libraries Virtual: Trustees, Friends, Foundation: Aug. 1-3

            e.         Ainsworth Library Foundation Board meeting

13.       Correspondence:

            a.         NE Public Commission Order NUSF-117 on hearing 8-21-23 on implementing a

                        program to incentivize new fiber construction for E-Rate eligible entities

            b.         Articles of interest from library journals and newsletters

14.       Set next meeting date/time

15.       Adjournment

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Author Visit with Rob Soles

We all had a great time with author Rob Soles. He was a great speaker! It was like old home week: he had family, classmates, friends and old neighbors here to hear about his book “The Winding Path to Flat Water”. Rob was very generous as he sold his book for a donation fee to the crowd and then gave the funds to the Library Foundation raising $330. Thank you everyone!

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July Library Board Minutes

The Ainsworth Library Board held its regular monthly meeting on July 12, 2023 at the Ainsworth Public Library. This meeting was advertised in the local newspaper, over the radio, at the Library and on the libraries FaceBook page and website.  The meeting was called to order at 5:01 p.m.  Notice of the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act was given.  Roll called showed three members present.  They included Todd Flynn, Phyllis Leach, and Alane Lentz.  Members Stacie Gilliland and Luke Hitchcock were absent.   Library Director, Gail Irwin, was also present for the meeting.

Alane Lentz made the motion to approve the claims for payment.  Todd Flynn seconded this with all members voting in favor of.  Alane Lentz moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting which Todd Flynn seconded.   All members voted in favor of.  The Monthly Library Report was presented as well as a list of titles purchased.  It was noted that the library’s roof did have hail damage.  The City will put out one bid for all of the city buildings needing roof work. 

A review was given on the Summer Reading Program.  We had a total of 64 children register (13 in the Toddler Time, 15 in the Preschool group, and 36 in the K-4th grade).  Total attendance to the month long activities came to 282 (Toddle Time 61, Preschool 56, K-4th grade 165). The Humanities Nebraska David Marsh program of Music from around the World had a total of 50 in attendance.  The Meet and Greet Community Vehicles attendance was 80.  The K-4th grade group kept track of time read with ReaderZone from June 1-June 30th.  Total time read by the whole group came to 6,253 minutes.  The reading goal was to read a total of 500 minutes.  We had 7 readers reach the goal.   Most time read over all was Kaydence Myers with 1,071 minutes and 2nd place was Kimberlyn Doke with 735 minutes.  Prizes were given to the top two readers in each grade.

There was no new information to share on the Stanley Door Opener so no action was taken on this.

It was noted that an Author Visit by Rob Soles is planned for the 17th at 5 p.m.  Rob is an AHS graduate and has family roots here.   He will be talking about his novel “A Winding Path to Flat Water” which is a historical fiction on his great-grandfather’s life.   Refreshments will be served by the foundation board.

A Star Party is being planned by the Foundation Board the first part of August.  They are doing this to promote the use of the new telescope.

No news on the proposed budget for 2023-2024.   It has been submitted to the City Clerk.  Budget Workshop and Hearing are usually held in August.

Reports were given on the meetings and workshops attended by the library staff.  It was noted that the director had attended the Thursday Director’s Zoom Meeting on June 1, 22, and 29th as well as the NCompass: Nebraska Public Library Laws: Chapter 51 and Beyond.  Board members were encouraged to watch the video of this for their continuing education hours.  It was noted that the director would be attending the Nebraska State Library Advisory Council meeting on July 21st.   This will be held online so no travel involved.  The Nebraska Library Commission has purchased a statewide registration for the interactive three day virtual event for the 2023 United for Libraries Virtual: Trustees, Friends, and Foundation.  All library directors/staff, board members, and Friends of the Library and Foundation representatives can use this free registration for the three day event.  Information was shared with the board on this and the link will be sent to them to read at home. 

Under correspondence we had information on the new passwords for NebraskAccess ; information from the Star Library on the Solar Eclipses of 2023 & 2024 Guide; and the Library Early Childhood Resource Internet Form from the Nebraska Public Media.  Various articles of interest from library journals and newsletters were shared.

The next meeting date/time was set for August 2nd at 5 p.m.  Since there was no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:27 p.m.

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Total Time Read in our Summer Reading Program

Our summer readers in K-Fourth Grade that logged their minutes in ReaderZone did a great job! They had a total of 6,253 minutes reading time. Keep on reading!

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Top Readers Announced from the Summer Reading Program

The children in our K-4th grade Summer Reading Program kept track of the time they spent reading from June 1st to June 30th in the online Reader Zone program. The goal was to read 500 minutes during this period. We had a total of seven readers reach the goal.

The seven Star Readers include:

1st Grade: Reegin Alberts with 513 minutes and Leon Carpenter with 595 minutes

2nd Grade: Brynn Myers with 509 minutes and Landon Arens with 530 minutes

3rd Grade: Barrett Alberts with 524 minutes and Kimberlyn Doke with 735 minutes

4th Grade: Kaydence Myers with 1,071 minutes

Way to go Readers! Hope you will keep on enjoying books all summer long.

We have special prizes waiting for you at the Library!

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Author Visit by Rob Soles

A former Ainsworth High School graduate, Rob Soles, will be doing an Author Visit at the Ainsworth Public Library on July 17th at 5 p.m. Please join us as Mr. Soles talks about his historical fiction novel which came from the life of his great-grandfather, Henry Soles. The title of the book “A Winding Path to Flat Water” tells the tale of Henry being taken by a group of Native Americans as a small boy and of his search for his “white” family while following his dream of homesteading in Nebraska.

There is no charge to attend this event. Refreshments will be available. Come help us welcome Rob back to Ainsworth!

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Library Board Meeting Set For July 12th


July 12, 2023 at 5 p.m.


1.            Call meeting to order

2.            Notice of the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act

3.            Roll call

4.            Approve minutes

5.            Approve claims for payment

6.            Monthly Library Report/List of titles purchased

7.            Review of Summer Reading Program

                a.            Attendance numbers for the different groups

                b.            Total minutes read on Reader Zone/prizes awarded

                c.             Humanities Nebraska program:  David Marsh-“Music from around the world” 6-15-23

                d             Meet & Greet Community Helpers Vehicles on 6-29-23

8.            Stanley Door Opener

9.            Author visit with Rob Soles-July 17th-“A Winding Path to Flat Water”

10.          Star Party with Telescope-1st part of August

11.          Proposed budget for 2023-2024

12.          Meetings/Workshops:

                a.            Thursday Director’s Zoom Meeting:  June 1st, 22nd, and 29th

                b.            NCompass:  Nebraska Public Library Laws: Chapter 51 and Beyond

                c.             Nebraska State Advisory Council Meeting-July 21st-Online

13.          Correspondence:

                a.            Articles of interest from various Library Journals/Newsletters

14.          Set next meeting date/time

15.          Adjournment

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Holiday Closing

The Ainsworth Public Library will be closed on Tuesday, July 4th, to celebrate Independence Day.

Have a safe and fun holiday!

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Week Four of Summer Reading Program

It is now Week Four of our Summer Reading Program “All Together Now”. This week will we focus on Community Helpers and Community Vehicles that work all together to make our local area better for our residents.

We have Preschool Group on Tuesday from 1-2 p.m. Toddler Time will be held from 4:30 – 5 p.m. on that same day.

The K-4th Grade group will be here on Thursday from 2-3 p.m. We will be holding an event in the street in front of the library. We will have a “Meet and Greet Community Vehicles”. All kinds of large equipment, vehicles, and helpers here. If you are in the Reading Program, please come inside the library and we will explain/hand out the Vehicle Passport. This event is open to all. If you are under the age of 10, please come with an adult or babysitter.

May be an image of ambulance, car and text that says 'WHIMSY CLIPS COMMUNITY VEHICLES'
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