Time to Make a Valentine!

The Storytime kids are showing off the Valentine that they made. I wonder who their special person will be that they give it to? Thank you Central Plains Library System for providing us this wonderful craft to do with the children.

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Call The Library To Make An Appointment To Get Your Income Taxes Done For Free

Volunteers – trained by the Internal Revenue Service – ask you the needed questions to find out if you qualify for the EITC and other refundable tax credits. Volunteers at Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites, also prepare and e-file (electronically file) your tax return at no cost to you.

VITA is a nationwide program that partners with community groups to offer IRS-certified, free return preparation and assistance. The Ainsworth Public Library and local volunteers (Brenda Davis, Kay Anderson, Lydia Moody, and Linda Moody) are coordinating and preparing tax returns starting at the end of January through the first Saturday in April. Their goal is to assist taxpayers in completing a timely and an accurate tax return receiving all their eligible credits. The filing deadline is April 15, 2025.

Visit our free tax preparation site at:

Ainsworth Public Library, 445 N Main St, Ainsworth NE 69210

Stop in at the Library or call 402-387-2032 to schedule an appointment time on:

Thursdays (February 6th through April 3rd) from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. or

Saturdays (February 1st through April 5th) from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Both federal and state tax returns will be filled at no cost to you. This is free and open to all!

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early with all the need information listed below.

Bring the following to make sure our volunteers get you the right amount of credit you deserve:

  • A valid driver’s license or other photo id card
  • Social security cards, a social security number or ITIN verification letter for all persons listed on the return
  • Birth dates for all persons listed on return
  • All income statements: Forms W-2 and 1099, Social Security, unemployment, and other statements, such as pensions, stocks, interest and any documents showing taxes withheld
  • All records of expenses, such as tuition, mortgage interest, or real estate taxes
  • Copies of last year’s state and federal tax returns, if available
  • Bank routing numbers and account numbers to direct deposit any refund
  • Dependent childcare information: name and address of who you paid and either the caretaker’s SSN or other tax identification number
  • If you purchased coverage through the Health Insurance MarketplaceForm 1095-A PDFHealth Insurance Marketplace Statement
  • Both spouses to sign forms to e-file a joint tax return
  • Last year’s tax return would be helpful and highly recommended

Some returns maybe out the scope for this site to file and our VITA volunteers will not be able to prepare your return. Out of scope items include if you are reporting sale of cryptocurrency; if a depreciation schedule is required or a Schedule F (farm) is required; if self-employed with a net loss; has self-employed qualified retirement plan, SEP, SIMPLE; expenses of more than $35,000; has employees; or casualty or theft loss.

This site may be able to prepare a return with a schedule E (rental income, including farm rent); dividends, capital gains, or minimal brokerage transaction, or multiple state returns.

Our community volunteers want to help you get EITC and the maximum refund you’re due. Our goal is to help you get it and get it right. This is money you can save or use to pay off bills, buy that car to get to work or make a down payment on a home. Let us help make your life a little easier. Let us help you get it and get it right!

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February Book Club Title Available for Checkout

February Book Club selection will be “The Postmistress” by Sarah Blake. The group will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 18th, at 2 p.m. to share thoughts on this title. The Library has copies of this book available for checkout.

Those who carry the truth sometimes bear a terrible burden. “The Postmistress” is a sweeping novel about the loss of innocence of two extraordinary women-and of two countries torn apart by war. On the eve of the United States’s entrance into World War II in 1940, Iris James, the postmistress of Franklin, a small town on Cape Cod, does the unthinkable: She doesn’t deliver a letter. In London, American radio gal Frankie Bard is working with Edward R. Murrow, reporting on the Blitz. One night in a bomb shelter, she meets a doctor from Cape Cod with a letter in his pocket, a letter Frankie vows to deliver when she returns from Germany and France, where she is to record the stories of war refugees desperately trying to escape. The residents of Franklin think the war can’t touch them- but as Frankie’s radio broadcasts air, some know that the war is indeed coming. And when Frankie arrives at their doorstep, the two stories collide in a way no one could have foreseen.

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It is that time of year! Come choose your book date.

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February Library Board Meeting


February 5, 2025 @ 5 p.m.


1. Call meeting to order

2. Notice of the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act

3. Roll call

4. Public Comment

5. Approve minutes

6. Approve claims for payment

7. Monthly Library Report/List of titles purchased

8. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)

A. Open House-Jan. 31st

B. Schedule Appointment Thursday Evenings and Saturday Morning

9. Review of January events

A. Storytime Jan. &th (Snow) and Jan. 21st (Animals in Winter)

B. Book Club Jan. 21st-One Book One Nebraska title “Dancing with the Octopus”

C. Wooden Puzzle

10. Upcoming Events

A. Storytime Feb. 4th (Valentine’s) and Feb. 18th (Penguins)

B. Book Club-Feb. 18th-”The Postmistress” by Sarah Blake

C. Blind Date with a Book (Feb. 1st-Feb. 28th)

D. Read Across America-Dr. Seuss March 4th

11. Workshops/Meetings:

A. Thursday Director’s Zoom Meeting-Jan. 2nd

B. IRS 2024 EITC 50- Jan. 23rd

C. Library Foundation Board Meeting-Feb. 19th

D. Color Our World Summer Reading Program Workshop-Kearney-Feb. 26th

E. Big Talk for Small Libraries All Day Conference-Feb. 28th

12. Correspondence

A. VR Truck-Summer 2025

B. South Dakota attempt to defund their State Library

C. Federal government freeze on all Federal grants (LSTA Funding included)

D. Articles of interest from library journals and newsletters

13. Set next meeting date
14. Adjournment

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February Storytime

Storytime on Feb. 4th will run from 4-5 p.m. Our topic will be Valentine’s.

Storytime on Feb. 18th will feature penguins. Hope to see your child there!

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11:30 A.M. TO 1:30 P.M.

Enjoy some food, meet the volunteers, and schedule a date to have your taxes done for free!

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February Book Club Title Now Available

February Book Club title now available for check-out. We will meet on Feb. 18th at 2 p.m. to share thoughts on this World War II historical fiction novel.

The Postmistress is a tale of two worlds-one shattered by violence, the other willfully naïve—and of two women whose job is to deliver the news, yet who find themselves unable to do so. Through their eyes, and the eyes of everyday people caught in history’s tide, it examines how stories are told, and how the fact of war is borne even through everyday life.

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Animals in Winter Storytime

Storytime featured animals in the winter. We made animal puppets from the book “Bear snores on”.

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Tuesday-January 21st

1. Book club will be held at 2 p.m. with the One Book One Nebraska title of “Dancing with the Octopus” by Debora Harding.

2. Storytime from 4-5 p.m. Our theme will be “winter animals”.

Bundle up as the weather forecast says it will be very cold out!

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