A new life on the web for Lied Battle Creek Public Library, Battle Creek, Nebraska

Since 2010 Battle Creek Public Library has been situated on the corner of Highway 121 and Main Street. From our work room window the staff can watch children walking to the Library from the Elementary School or exiting  Tilly’s gas station/convenience store to cross the highway and enter the Library. We also hear the fire sirens and watch the engines turn onto the highway at our corner. This old building, more than 100 years old, has seen it all and weathered the years with grace.  It was, after all, a Methodist Church before we moved in.  And our previous library building? It’s now a police station–and a pretty nice one, at that, complete with its sign and globe-like lamp above the door.

So this is our first notice to the world that our webpage has also moved. Stop in some time, won’t you?