Battle Creek Fun Days brightens our city on June 2-4th.  On Friday, June 2nd, the Carnival sets up on Main Street and runs through Sunday, June 4th. Its hours are: Friday 5-11 pm, Saturday 12-10 pm, & Sunday 12 pm-10 pm. Register for  the Home Run Derby @ 6:30 pm at the park. It is sponsored by the BC Ball Association.
Saturday everyone may enjoy the carnival and these other activities: Market in the BC Park; Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby, Lions Club Kid Games, Â Pool Party, Cup Cake Walk, BBQ, Parade 8 pm, & Meat auction after parade (Main Street).
Sunday wraps it all up with the Carnival from 12 pm-10 pm. Many thanks to the BC Betterment Club, Lions Club, BC Ball Association, Boy Scouts, St. John Lutheran and St. Pat’s Education Center, 106 Kix Radio Station, and many other helpful Battle Creek citizens.