Winter Reading Challenges are available for all ages!

It’s cold outside and perfect weather for snuggling up with a good book and taking on the Winter Reading Challenge! PreK-4th graders are eligible for the following snowball challenge which ends February 1st. 5th graders through adults are welcome to take part in the Snow Many Great Books challenge ending February 28th with prizes rewarded on the state and local level.. Get started today!

Summer Reading Challenge Continues until August 15th!

Keep reading this summer! You can earn entries to win some fun prizes if you just pick up a book and read! The reading challenge is for preschoolers through adults. Stop by the library to pick up tracking sheets, follow the links below, or use the ReaderZone app.

Preschool-2nd grade sheet

Elementary 2nd-6th grade sheet

7th grade through High School Sheet

Adult Sheet

Summer Reading 2020: Imagine Your Story

Sign ups for summer reading 2020 are open for all ages! Fill out the Google form with the link below and you’ll receive codes to track books or minutes on the Reader Zone app or you can print out paper logs as well. You can also sign up to pick up Fun Kits in June for kids Preschool through 6th grade. We’re hoping to have Fun Shops in July so let us know on the form if your child maybe interested! Once you’re signed up you’re ready for a summer filled with imagination!