Mission Statement
The Mission of the Lied Battle Creek Public Library is to provide quality library service to its patrons and to provide lifelong learning opportunities.
The Library will provide materials, services, programs, and technology to the Battle Creek service area for information, entertainment, cultural, and educational development.
Reviewed 2-7-2019
- The library must provide its patron with equal and adequate access to information within the limits of its budget. This shall include the observance of limits on time and materials that provide fair and equitable usage by patrons of all ages.
- Service to the community does not stop at the door of the library. It begins there.
- A basic collection of materials needed and requested by patrons and recommended by regional, state and local organizations should serve the needs of most individuals – whatever age, station in life, or interests they may present.
Reviewed 4-4-2019
New Patron and Library Card Policy
Lied Battle Creek Public Library assigns patron numbers to all individuals and families who provide an address and working phone number. A patron number provides full access to the Library’s collection and services. Patrons borrowing items form the Library are using and taking home the assets of the citizens of Battle Creek. There is no cost to register for a Library number for any patron regardless of given address being within or outside of Battle Creek city limits. Children, defined as anyone under age 19, are allowed to register for a library card if a parent or guardian is present. The individual signing a child’s registration is legally liable for any and all charges and fees that are associated with the child’s library number. At the discretion of library staff, limits may be placed on accounts that have materials that are over 1 month past due, have late fees, or replacement fines. By signing a registration form, the patron is agreeing to :
- Obey all policies of the Library, especially Circulation policies
- Pay any fines and/or the replacement value as assigned by the library staff for any damaged or lost items
- Inform the Library of any changes to the patron’s phone number or address
Adopted 1-2024
Circulation Policy
- Books, audiobooks, periodicals, steam kits and vertical file materials are loaned for two weeks and automatically renewed for an additional two weeks or renewed by patrons request. Patrons may check out a limit of ten such items.
- Three DVDs and/or Blu-rays may be checked out for 7 days.
- Late fines are no longer applied in accordance with the Fine-Free Policy, with exception to Hot Spots. Hot Spots returned late will be fined $2 a day up to a max of $10.
- Materials may be returned to the City Office where they will be picked up by 10am.
- Reference materials are for use in the library only.
- The Battle Creek Municipal Code Book may be checked out with a $50 deposit.
- Late items will produce a phone call requesting return of the item quickly to avoid replacement fees. Excessive lateness in returning item will produce notification of restriction of privileges. When fines accrue above $25, the staff reserves the right to withhold all services until fines are paid and materials return.
Revised 8-8-2024
Computer Use Policy
Computer use in the library is free of charge. Priority for computer use is given to homework and adult use. Patrons using the computer for any other reason such as homework, research, or other school/adult business, can request a staff member to disable the auto log-off command. Any patron who plays games on the computers will only be allotted on hour of use per day and will be automatically logged off after reaching their limit. They might have to give up their computer for someone with adult or school business to take care of. Refusal to share computer time may end in loss of computer privileges.
Children may use the internet computers as allowed by the library staff – only certain games in the library are permitted with staff supervision. No games with violence or weaponry are allowed. No threats of ‘hacking’ or gaining control over another child’s play will be allowed. Such behavior will result in loss of privileges for 2 weeks. No annoying or harassing of others in the computer room will be allowed, at all, the same punishment as stated above will apply and may be subject to the Patron Behavior Policy.
Revised 3-6-2025
WiFi Hotspot Policy
Lied Battle Creek Public Library provides mobile hotspots for use by patrons when regular means of internet access is difficult or unavailable. Hotspots owned and with service provided by the Lied Battle Creek Public Library are the property of the City of Battle Creek and are subject to the property ordinances of the city. Hotspots will be loaned to patrons with the following parameters:
- Library patrons wanting to check out a hotspot must be 18 years of age and have no unpaid fines or fees for all patrons registered at the same address(household). Patrons can only check out one hotspot per household.
- Hotspots can be checked out for 3 weeks (21 days) and cannot be renewed. Patrons/households returning devices must wait one week before they can check out another hotspot. Hotspots must be returned before or on the due date. Hotspots returned late will be fined $2 a day up to a maximum of $10. Any hotspot not returned on its due date will have its WiFi service suspended and will become useless.
- Hotspots that are lost or damaged will be subject to a replacement fee of $50. If the hotspot is returned but the case, charger and/or cords are damaged or lost than a replacement fee of $25 will be the responsibility of the patron.
- Patrons who violate the terms of this policy and agreement will have their privileges to check out hot spots revoked.
- Lied Battle Creek Public Library and the service provider are not responsible for any damages resulting from patron use of the hot spot, including, but not limited to, damage to a computer or other device for which a patron may use the hotspot to access the internet, data loss, computer viruses, identity theft, invasion of privacy, or any other damages, which may result from access to and use of the internet.
- Use of mobile hotspots are subject to the Service Provider’s Acceptable Use Policy, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, and the Lied Battle Creek Public Library’s Internet Use Policy as printed on the reverse side.
Service Provider’s policies: www.verizon.com/about/termsconditions/overview
Proper Care and Use:
- Do not leave the hotspot in a hot vehicle for an extended period of time.
- Do not remove the SIM card for any reason.
- Please return the hotspot fully charged.
- Please do not use the Book Drop to return the hotspot.
Revised 5-8-2024
Internet Use Policy
Access to the internet has become a necessary information and communication portal. Serving as a free, reliable place for connecting to the internet has become integral to the Lied Battle Creek Public Library’s mission of providing access to information. The internet is a largely unregulated medium. The Library does not select the resources available on the internet in the way that it selects material for its Library collection and so cannot verify the validity of information found online and therefore is not responsible for its quality, accuracy or content. Patrons are encouraged to be smart information consumers when evaluating information provided on a website.
The Library recommends that patrons safeguard their privacy by not entering personal information into sites that are untrustworthy, by reading closely any disclosures or agreements required by websites, and by never divulging credit card numbers, social security numbers, addresses, or phone numbers to unknown persons met online.
Non-Acceptable Use
Using the Library’s public computers or mobile hotspots to violate any Federal Laws, State Statutes, or City Ordinances is prohibited, including those regarding copyright infringement, obscenity, child pornography, and delivery of harmful content to minors.
Due to the public setting of the computers and the presence of children in the Library, viewing of certain materials is prohibited. Under Nebraska State Statute (NRS 28-808), it is illegal to distribute or exhibit material that is harmful to minors, or to be reckless about whether a minor is present who will be offended or alarmed by the display of harmful material. Harmful material includes any communication consisting of nudity, sex, or excretion that (i) appeals to the prurient interest of minors, (ii) is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community with respect to what is suitable material for minors, and (iii) lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors. (See https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-obscenity for detailed information.)
These non-acceptable uses apply to any internet or computer use within the Library or on Library property, whether using the public computers, the public wireless internet, or a personal device. These non-acceptable uses also apply to any access to the internet obtained through a Library-provided device regardless of location.
The Library reserves the right to end an Internet session at any time if it is violating any of the above rules or if the patron is violating any terms of the Code of Conduct Policy. Consequences for violating any of these policies will follow the outline provided in the Code of Conduct Policy.
Internet Filtering: The Library utilizes a basic content filter in order to limit patrons’ exposure to obscene and illegal material. However, no internet filter is perfect at blocking all inappropriate sites, and sometimes sites that are appropriate are inadvertently blocked. If a patron believes a site is incorrectly blocked or incorrectly allowed, they may submit a request to have it blocked or unblocked to the Library Director.
Adopted 2-4-2021
Patron Behavior Policy
A shirt and shoes must be worn in the library at all times.
Food and drink may be enjoyed in the library. Patrons are responsible for disposing of their trash in the garbage baskets. Only covered beverages will be allowed by computers.
Any activities illegal under federal, state, or local laws are also illegal in the library, specifically including:
- Theft or mutilation of city property
- Possession of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia
- Consumption of alcohol on public property
- Disturbing the peace
- Disorderly conduct
The Library prohibits:
- Use of tobacco, smoking, and vaping products in the library
- Use of library telephones for anything other than urgent calls or for children needing to call parents
- Carrying weapons of any kind
- Presence of animals that are not specifically registered service animals
- Misuse of restrooms, such as for laundering clothes and bathing
- Leaving children under 6 unattended
- Loud conversation that is disruptive to other patrons use of the library
- Abusive and profane language and behavior
- Engaging in disruptive conduct which interferes with other patrons using the library
- Sleeping in the library
- First Offense: A person who does not follow the library’s behavior policy will, unless the offense is severe, be given one verbal warning.
- Second Offense: If the person continues to disregard the policy after a warning, he or she will be asked to leave the library for the remainder of the day.
- Third Offense: If, after returning to the library, the person disregards the Library’s policy again, he or she will be banned from the library for a period of two weeks.
- Fourth Offense: Patrons that continue to disregard the policy will be banned from the library for one month.
- Repeated Offenses: Patrons that continually disregard the policy after the aforementioned consequences will be banned from the library indefinitely or until the staff deems the person is able to follow the Patron Behavior Policy. Should the person who has been allowed to return disregards the policy again the person will be banned from the library indefinitely.
Patrons banned from the library must promptly leave the building or the police department will be notified to remove the person.
Patrons under the age of 18 who receive a two week ban or any ban after such an event, will be required to be accompanied by an older supervisor, approved by the library staff, no younger than 13 years of age. These conditions will last until a staff member deems the person is able to follow the Patron Behavior Policy.
Severe violations of the policy will not require a warning and will result in the person being required to leave the library immediately. In any case where a violation involves possible criminal behavior (destruction of property, assault, etc.), the police will be notified immediately. Repeat offenders may be brought before the City attorney for possible prosecution.
Revised 12-5-2024
Children in the Library
Spending free time in the library is a privilege which may be revoked following misbehavior, defiance of requests made by the staff, or emergency needs of staff. If for some reason a staff member working alone needs to leave, all parties in the library will need to leave so the library may be secured. No one will be permitted to stay without a staff member present. Parents should have arrangements made to allow children to leave on demand in an emergency. Patrons maybe reported to the local authorities if the staff member needs to leave and the patron resists.
All patrons, including children, are expected to follow the Patron Behavior Policy. Caregivers present with children in the library are responsible for the children’s behavior. Failure to do so may result in a request for all, caregivers and children, being asked to leave. A caregiver will be billed for any property damaged by a minor in their care.
Unattended Children
Children under age 6 may not be unattended in the library and must remain within eye sight of their caregiver.
Children ages 7 and over may use the library independently provided they are able to follow the Patron Behavior Policy.
The library reserves the right to contact parents, guardians, or proper authorities if minors are left unattended, require supervision, or are unable to adhere to the Patron Behavior Policy. Failure of minors to adhere to the Patron Behavior Policy may result in them being asked to leave. If an unattended minor damages library property, the caregiver will be responsible to pay for the damages.
Caregivers should be aware of library opening and closing times and make suitable arrangements to meet and transport children. In the event that a minor 16 or younger is left after the library has closed, and no one can be contacted to provide transportation, the staff will call the Battle Creek Police Department for assistance. Staff will not transport children home or to any other destination under any circumstances.
Revised 12-5-2024
Emergency and Safety Policies
Lied Battle Creek Public Library shall follow legal guidelines in the development of emergency and safety measures. Currently all exists are marked with lighted signs. Doors locked from the outside may be opened in an emergency from the inside. Walkways (inside and outside of the building) will be kept free of impediments to escape from the building should it be necessary. Alarms and security measures will be placed per instruction from the State Fire Marshal and local officials. Staff members are instructed on procedures to follow in an emergency situation.
If the siren announces a tornado or severe weather impending, the library staff will try to get children and others evacuated IF THERE IS TIME. If not, there are two restrooms with no windows and heavy doors where patrons may go for protection, as well as a storage room with no windows. Restrooms would be the preferred locations as the steel dividers could provide protection from falling roof debris.
The Library is equipped with extinguishers in every area of the public part of the building, including an extinguisher in the computer room specifically for them. Exits are numerous in every public part of the building for escape. Staff is acquainted with the need to evacuate the building in case of fire.
Police-initiated Community Lockdown:
If so notified, the staff will make sure all entries are locked and that no one leaves unless escorted by police. Patrons will be instructed, as in other emergencies to stay away from windows and perhaps seek shelter in the restrooms or storage area. Entrances to the hallway and to the restrooms have locks that might prevent invasion where people have hidden.
Reviewed 2-2020
Patron Privacy Policy
Library staff and board will maintain the privacy of all patrons. Requests for information about patron must be accompanied by an official warrant by government officials. No ordinary individuals or staff member may be given personal information about another’s library records. Shredding records will be used to limit any access deemed unwarranted by staff.
Reviewed 3-5-2020
Continuing Education Policy
Both the Board and staff will seek and participate in appropriate opportunities for continuing education. Facilities at Northeast Community College and the Lifelong Learning Center make many such opportunities affordable and accessible. Activities provided by the Nebraska Library Commission and the Northeast Library System are often utilized as well. State and national library association conferences have been and shall be utilized as time and funding permit.
Reviewed 3-5-2020
Library Finance Policy
The library shall propose a budget with the help of and support of the Board. The City Council, with the assistance of the City Clerk, may consul with the Board and come to an approved budget. The Board and staff will strive to work within that budget. They may also elect to write grants or make a proposal to the County Commissioners for additional funding for special projects. The Board should be in agreement with the staff on the means and methods used to secure financing beyond local government and to follow the legal guidelines set forth by the Council, the County and State, as well as the guidelines encouraged by the Nebraska Library Commission.
Reviewed 3-5-2020
Marketing and Publicity Policy
Realizing the best public relations is a satisfied patron, the following procedures are encouraged:
- Information about library services and materials should be published in the local newspaper as events occur. Pictures for the paper should not include names, unless staff receives written permission.
- The members of the library board are primarily responsible for promoting the library to the public.
- Updates for the web page are the responsibility of the Director or capable staff and should be done every month or as often as time allows.
- Newsletters/posters to the public and the school are the responsibility of the staff. They may be done monthly or bi-monthly as time allows. Use of high school announcements is another method of informing students.
- Radio announcements may be made for special events by contacting local stations. Thank-you faxes may be a good follow-up.
- Messages on the electronic sign may be requested by the Board, City, citizens or organizations. However, no advertisements or political endorsements may be included. Requests should occur with some lead time for posting. Good rules of etiquette should be followed about language and good taste when using the sign. Identification of the “what, when, where, who and how” involved in a local event are a must.
Revised 8-8-2024
Collection Maintenance and Improvement
The Library staff shall seek the input of its cardholders and other patrons about the types of the books, movies, audios, reference materials, craft items, and special categories to be included in the library catalog. The staff will also make themselves aware of current trends in library materials that may interest others in the community. We welcome information that will help us maintain a well-rounded catalog that serves our community.
The opinions of a small vocal group or single individual will not force decisions about the existing items in the catalog unless they fill out a request for withdrawal form and discuss its ideas with members of the board and staff openly. If they do so, the Board and staff will consider their comments and examine alternatives for action.
To keep the content of the library current and valid, the staff may and should remove items that are outdated, worn out (tears, degraded covers, marks inside on the pictures or texts), unused for a long time (indicating disinterest by the patrons), or undesirable (as determined by staff and/or the Board). Worn out items that are still valuable resources may be replaced as time and money allow. Discarded items may be sold once a year at a used book sale or recycled if their condition is too bad. Items that are out of date such as audio cassettes, videocassettes, or CD-ROM materials that do not work with new computer operating systems may be sold or discarded as staff deems necessary. The Lied Battle Creek Public Library adheres to the Library Bill of Rights as published by the American Library Association (c.1996-2013).
Reviewed 7-2019
Meeting Room Policy
- The meeting room in the Lied Battle Creek Public Library shall be used by the public for educational and entertainment purposes. All meetings or gatherings will be allowed to use the meeting room at the discretion of the library staff.
- Private groups may rent the meeting room for a suggested donation of $25 payable to the Library Foundation.
- Organized groups may use the meeting room on a weekly or monthly bases with the understanding that if the Library has a need for the room to promote its own agenda on a night of a regularly set group activity, the group may be asked to move their meeting. The library staff would give several days’ notice before requesting the change.
- Groups with meet frequently in the meeting room may store items there if they are small enough o be easily handled with the limits of the room. Flags and banners may be kept there, but only displayed during the organization’s meeting (depending on the size of such flags or banners). Requests for storage room will be accepted and handled on an individual basis.
- No activities involving alcohol or gambling for money will be allowed in the meeting room. Bingo or other games played for inexpensive prizes will be approved
- Food shall not be warmed in chafing dishes with open flames nor candles lit for lighting.
- Groups or classes meeting in the library must clean up after themselves, gather the garbage and dispose of it in the appropriate receptacles. Bathrooms must be left orderly and in clean condition. Lights must be turned off when everyone leaves and the door locked. If there is need of sweeping or mopping floors, cleaning the microwave or refrigerator, wiping counter tops, tables, etc., the group must do this or expect to be asked to pay for the cleaning service to do it for them.
- All groups must sign up for their use of the room on a form provided by the library staff. A copy will be kept in the library.
- The library will not accept any responsibility for the actions of a group or persons using the meeting room if they have not abided by the previously mentioned rules. If a member of the group feels mistreated during a meeting and wishes to assert punitive or monetary damages on the library or its staff, the lack of cooperation with these guidelines will null and void that assertion.
Reviewed 8-2019
Challenged Materials Policy and Procedure
A reconsideration process is available if any patron with a library number believes that library resources are being provided or excluded in a way that does not align with the library’s policies. In this case, a (Citizen’s) Request for Reconsideration of Materials form may be obtained from the library. This form, once completed, will be (promptly reviewed by the Library Director) reviewed by the Library Director as well as the material in question. (The Library Director will attempt to resolve the complaint directly with the person.) The Library Director will make a decision and send a letter to the concerned patron with the reason for that decision within 15 business days of receiving the form. If the patron is not satisfied with the response provided, and/or if the Library Director decides that the situation warrants the input of the Library Board, either or both parties may bring the request to the attention of the Library Board at the next regularly scheduled meeting. A patron requesting the attention of the Board must make a written appeal within 10 business days of receiving the director’s decision. The Board will consider each request in terms of the criteria outlined in the library’s policies, provide a written response to the patron, and work with the Library Director to take any further action warranted by their decision. The decision of the Board is final.
Revised 4-4-2024
Fine-Free Policy
The Lied Battle Creek Public Library will no longer impose daily overdue fees on all materials with the exception of hotspots and any other electronic materials. This action is to remove financial barriers and ensure that everyone in our community has access to our collections and resources. Hot Spots do not apply to the Fine-Free Policy and will be charged in accordance with the WiFi Hotspot Policy.
Due Dates and Overdue Materials
Patrons are expected to return materials by the due date. All items will be automatically renewed once with the exception of hotspots. Items will be considered lost when they are past due for 30 days after the automatic renewal due date.
Lost and Damaged Items
Patrons are responsible for lost and damaged items. Items are considered lost at 30 days past the autorenewal due date. A notice of lost item and replacement cost will be sent to the patron. If the patron returns the item they will receive no charges. If the patron cannot find the item the patron will need to pay for the item at the cost given to them. If an item is damaged the patron should return the item to the library so that the library staff can determine if the item can be repaired. Should the library staff deem the item unable to be repaired, the patron will need to pay the replacement costs as given by the staff. Patrons are encouraged to not replace items themselves since the library staff have means to replace items at significant discounts not available to the patrons.
Suspension of Circulation Privileges
Patrons who have three overdue items that have been deemed lost by the above definitions will have their borrowing privileges blocked until the items are returned or the replacement costs have been paid.
Revised 8-8-2024
Gift Materials Policy
The Lied Battle Creek Public Library accepts unrestricted gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the Library collection only as needed. Gifts and unsolicited donations are all evaluated under the same policies, principles, and selection criteria as regularly purchased materials. Gifts and donated materials not added to the collection are disposed of at the discretion of the staff and in the manner chosen by the Library Director.
The Library does not normally accept gifts of money and donors are encouraged to have these gifts handled by the Battle Creek Library Foundation, a non-profit corporation established for the primary purpose of accepting such gifts and using them for the benefit of the Library.
For anyone wishing to present the Library with books or other items as memorials or tributes to loved ones, the Library staff can assist in selecting appropriate items. The donor may also request a bookplate to be placed inside the item indicating the donor and the occasion of the gift.
Adopted 10-6-2022
Advocacy Policy
Lied Battle Creek Public Library aims to promote a comprehensive understanding of the library’s objectives and services among governing officials, civic leaders, and the general public. The library will also promote active participation in the varied services it offers to people of all ages. Library staff and board members are encouraged to participate in a variety of activities that promote the betterment of library services for the community. In addition, library staff and board members are encouraged to advocate for libraries at local, state, and national levels.
Adopted 10-6-2022
Intellectual Freedom
According to the American Library Association, “Intellectual freedom is the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction. It provides for free access to all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question, cause or movement may be explored.” The Lied Battle Creek Public library strives to represent in its collections and services a wide variety of viewpoints and adopts the following statement outlining the library’s position.
The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.
- Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
- Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
- Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
- Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
- A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
- Libraries that make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
Adopted June 19, 1939, by the ALA Council; amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948; February 2, 1961; June 27, 1967; January 23, 1980; inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 23, 1996.
Adopted 10-6-2022
Personnel Policy
Library staff shall adhere to the policies of the City of Battle Creek as stated in the Human Resources Manual and operate in accordance with library procedures and Library Board policies.
Adopted 10-6-2022
Security Camera Policy
Lied Battle Creek Public Library uses security cameras to help document events involving safety and security of Library users, staff, and property. The security camera installation consists of dedicated cameras which may provide real-time surveillance through a video management system. The primary use of security cameras is to discourage inappropriate and illegal behavior and to enhance the opportunity to apprehend offenders. Library use is governed by the policies established by the Library Board and are enforced by the library director and other staff in the library director’s absence.
The Library shall post and maintain signs giving notice of the use of security cameras for monitoring and recording activity in public areas of the Library property.
Camera Location
Cameras are located to view service desks, exits, and areas prone to theft, vandalism, or other activity that violates Library policy or criminal law. In no event shall cameras be located in areas where patrons and/or staff have a reasonable expectation of privacy such as restrooms. Because security cameras are not constantly monitored, staff and patrons should take appropriate precautions for their safety and security of personal property or personal injury.
Access to Digital Images
Video data is recorded and stored digitally. Recorded data is considered confidential and secure. Access to live feeds of images is available to staff in order to monitor current activity. Access to recorded video data is limited to the Library staff and law enforcement as laid out below. The general public are prohibited from viewing camera footage due to confidentiality/privacy issues.
Access by Law Enforcement
Video surveillance records are not to be used directly or indirectly to identify the activities of individual Library patrons except as viewed in relation to a specific event or suspected criminal activity, suspected violation of Library policy, or incidents where there is reasonable basis to believe a claim may be made against the Library for civil liability. Authorized individuals may use a still short or selected portions of recorded data to request law enforcement review for assessing the security risk of a specific individual or for investigating a crime on library property.
Video data will be made available to law enforcement officials or agencies upon written request. The library shall retain a copy of the request.
Adopted 6-2023
Weather and Emergency Closure Policy
In order to ensure the safety of library staff and patrons, the library may be closed or reopened at any time at the discretion of the Library Director. Such weather and emergency reasons include but are not limited to;
- One or more closures within the Battle Creek School District or the private institutions.
- Closure of city offices or multiple businesses.
- Dangerous conditions of roads leading to and out of Battle Creek.
- A “State of Emergency” is declared by the Governor.
Such closures may be done in the case of current or potential harsh weather (ice, snow storm) or disaster (flood, fire, dangerous equipment malfunctions, etc.)
In the event the Library Director is unavailable, any available staff of the Lied Battle Creek Public Library shall be granted authority to act in place of the Library Director. It will be up to the Library Director or the staff on hand to inform the community of any closures or reopenings that may occur.
If the library is closed during the event of a snow or ice storm, any treatment of walkways and entrances not cleared by the city cannot be cleared by the Library Director or staff.
Adopted 6-5-2024
VR Headset Policy
The Lied Battle Creek Library provides access to a Meta Quest 3 VR headset with Augmented Reality integrations, to all of its patrons 10 years or older. Patrons will be given access to certain accounts based on their age. 10–12-year-olds will be required to use the BCLibrary Child account under heavy restrictions, while patrons 13+ will be allowed access to the BCLibrary Guest account.
Patrons are required to sign the VR Headset Rental Agreement & Waiver before they are allowed access to the headset. Patrons under the age of 18 will be required to have a parent or guardian’s signature. Guests who sign the VR Headset Rental Agreement & Waiver are to adhere the following rules;
- A mandatory completion of the VR Headset Safety Test.
- Allocation of 1 hour of use per day.
- Users are not permitted to add their own Meta accounts to the VR Headset. If a user signs onto a personal account, such as Google, must sign out at the end of their session.
- Users must stay in the boundary assigned to the headset, and are forbidden from changing any settings regarding the boundary.
- If the assigned boundary is missing you must manually set it to the edges of the rug, no further.
- Straps on the Meta Quest Touch Plus Controllers must be worn at all times unless not in use.
- Use of VR face mask before affixing headset.
- Food and beverages will not be permitted while using the VR headset. You may have a sealable drink container to use, only after the headset and controllers are removed.
- All objects that could obstruct the user, must be removed.
- Only library staff, and parent/guardian’s will be permitted access to the meeting room with the user while the headset is in use.
- New users to VR are required to use a chair until they are comfortable with the device.
- Purchases on the VR headset is not permitted under any circumstances. Requests for games are permitted.
- The VR headset cannot be shared with anyone who has not signed the VR Headset Rental Agreement & Waiver, nor passed the VR Headset Safety Test.
- VR sessions must take place within the library’s meeting room. Those who leave temporally will be required to remove the headset, and return it to the case before exiting the meeting room.
Violators of the VR Headset Policy or the VR Headset Rental Agreement & Waiver may have their privileges indefinitely revoked only after one warning. Violators will also be subject to the consequences to the Patron Behavior Policy. Any damaged product is subject to fines.
Adopted 11-7-24
Printer Use Policy
The Lied Battle Creek Public Library possesses a Sharp printer that allows patrons to print, copy, fax, and scan documents. A Fellows Neptune is also provided by the library for laminating purposes. Faxing and scanning documents are free services provided by the Battle Creek Library.
To prevent the printer queue from being overfilled, a patron may only have 10 separate print jobs in the queue at a single time. A patron may only print a max of 200 pages per day, but a library staff member may grant an exception at their discretion. Larger print jobs must also be separated out in piles of 50 in order for easier counting. No printing jobs can take place after 5:50 when computers shut down.
The following prices are based on copies/prints and laminates per page.
- $0.10 Black and White
- $0.25 Color
- +$0.10 for Cardstock
- $0.20 Black and White Cardstock
- $0.35 Color Cardstock
- $0.25 Business Card Lamination
- $0.30 4×6 Lamination
- $0.50 8½x11 Lamination
- $1.00 8½x14 Lamination
- $1.50 11×14 Lamination
The Lied Battle Creek Public Library also has a number of those who are exempt from paying printer/copier prices.
- City of Battle Creek and their employees
- Boy/Girl Scouts
- The Heritage Park
- Teachers and Students for school purposes
- Leaders of the Lion’s Club
Print jobs that cannot be paid for will be held by the library until the patron can produce the funds necessary to pay off the debt. In the event the printer debt reaches $25 or more, all printer privileges will be revoked until the entire debt is paid. If the patron continues to refuse to pay off the printer debt, library privileges will be revoked and may also be subject to the Patron Behavior Policy.
All patrons without a library account must sign this document acknowledging the rules of the Printer Use Policy, and shall provide a valid phone number along with a home address.
Adopted 1-9-2025