Butler Memorial Library Summer Reading Program 2020
We are starting to plan this summer’s reading program! We are not sure how things are going to go but we plan on our schedule staying the same or similar at least even if we have to go digital. I have created a site to use as a landing page…
ABDO: Free digital content through June 2020.

Your Wellness Matters to ABDO To help stop the spread of COVID-19, schools and libraries are closing across the country. ABDO wants to ensure that readers everywhere continue to have the opportunity to learn and grow during this unprecedented event.ABDO digital products are available for free now through June 2020. Click on the links…
New Computer Monitors for the Patron Computers
Google’s Applied Digital Skills
As more teachers and students are advised to stay home and work remotely, Google wants to help you be as effective as possible setting up successful distance-learning solutions.You’ll find three newly compiled collections on our website, stocked with video-based lessons to help you work, teach, or learn from anywhere. See…
Free Tumble Books access – until August 31, 2020

We hope you’re all staying safe during this difficult time. Tumble Books has sent us links to their free resources. Below are Direct Links for each account, which do not require library cards or authentication! The links will log users in with the click of a button. www.TumbleBookLibrary.com – K-6 children’s…
COVID-19 Plan for Butler Memorial Library
Stop by and stay a while
We have recently subscribed to some new magazines! Stop by, pick out a magazine or newspaper, grab a cup of coffee or tea and stay a while. Have a Happy Valentine’s Day from our Butler Memorial Library staff!
Grow with Google Applied Digital Skills
Butler Memorial Library is partnering with Grow with Google to provide resources to our local teachers, students and business owners. Applied Digital Skills: A Guide for InstructorsApplied Digital Skills: Quick Start Handout Lessons – Google Applied Digital Skills Curriculum Presentation available: Get Productive with Google’s Digital Tools (60 minutes) Slides:…
Story Hour
This week at story hour we will have the big kids making Galaxy Space Slime. They are also going to be sending their rockets to outer space! We will have the little kids decorating telescopes and playing planet match.