• Do you offer any free online courses? If so then what and when are they offered?


    • centralcity

      We just finished up a round of computer classes in May, that were taught by CCC-Columbus. This was the second round of free computer-related classes that we have had in the past year. We hope to be offering more options in the future. Future options will probably be a variety of “free” types of classes and maybe some that there will be fees for. The CCC-Columbus classes were all paid for with grant funding.
      I can add you to our email listserv, if you would like (so you will know when we will be offering classes again)? Thank-you for your interest!

      • Wanda Salmon

        I want to learn more on spread sheets, or a variety of data entry. Please notify me if you will be offering any of these classes.
        Wanda Salmon

        • centralcity

          Hi Wanda,
          I added you to our eNewsletter list, so you will receive notices of any upcoming classes that we will be offering. Thanks!

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