Civil War Activities Hosted by Library at the Merrick County Fair

Our library hosted this event at the Merrick County Fair (during Kids’ Day Activities) on Wednesday, July 30. It consisted of a Civil War Camp Reenactment with the Hood Family—people were able to see what life was like for a soldier and family, listen as they explained weaponry, foods, flags, tents, etc. Attendees were even able to taste “hardtack” and learn other cool stuff!! ~ The Lone Tree Quilters Guild helped participants make a quilt square. Quilts were used as secret escape codes by slaves to guide them to freedom on the Underground Railroad. Those that attended were able to make individual quilt blocks from paper that were part of those codes. They were also able to learn the secret message that certain quilt blocks held. ~ Scott Musil played Civil War era songs on old phonographs (from the early 1900’s) ~ Various historical characters from the Civil War wandered around the midway. They told us about themselves and their lives. Nancy Johnson was at the schoolhouse to tell people what it was like for students back then. The 4-H Junior leaders organized and played a variety of Civil War era games with the kids.
Thank-you so very much to the following individuals and organizations for partnering with the library for this event: Josh, Sarah & Kaleb Hood, The Lone Tree Quilters Guild, Scott Musil, 4-H Jr. Leaders, Tammy Stuhr & Merrick County Extension Staff, Merrick County Fair Board, Nancy Johnson, Merrick County Historical Museum, Connor Lovejoy, Nicholas Lovejoy and Katy Lovejoy!
*This project made possible by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Library of America, and the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. The grants are being offered as part of the “Civil War 150” project (a project timed with the 150th anniversary to encourage public exploration of the impact of the American Civil War).


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