15 Reels of Microfilm Added to our Digital Archives Website!

We’re pleased to announce that 15 REELS of MICROFILM have just been ADDED to our DIGITAL ARCHIVES website! 😊👓💫📰📰📰The reels that have been added are:✔️Central City Republican-Nonpareil ~ Rolls #31-45 (4/14/1966-2/11/1988 ✨✨Part of the digitization costs for these reels was covered by a donation that was made to the library for this purpose. The donation was given in memory of Lois Schank (former editor of the Republican Nonpareil).✨✨

Click here to access: http://centralcityne.advantage-preservation.com/🔍The newspapers in the database are fully searchable by keyword and date (making it easy to quickly explore historical content). Use the archives to gain a local perspective on historical news, to research your family history, or to simply read about a person or event of interest. Additional pages will be added as the project progresses.📰

#DigitalArchivesAdvantage Archives#PreservingThePast#Digitizationhttp://libraries.ne.gov/centralcity/

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