Blind Date With a Book at CCPL Begins February 1

Our super popular BLIND DATE WITH A BOOK begins TODAY and goes through the ENTIRE MONTH of February!!!
Adults and Teens (ages 13-18) may enter to win some fabulous prizes!
With each “Rate Your Date” slip you return, adults are entered in a DRAWING TO WIN: dinner for two and a bottle of wine from Prairie Creek Vineyards & Winery or $50 in Bison Bucks!
TEENS MAY ENTER TO WIN Bison Bucks ($20 or $10) and $5 Taco John’s gift cards!
Drawing slips must be returned by March 1st!
We’ve selected a variety of books, wrapped them up in plain paper (no peeking)! You won’t know the “identity” of your blind date until you get it home. Will it be fiction or non-fiction, a mystery, biography, or a cookbook? Funny, heart-breaking or informative?
Each book will have a “Rate Your Date” slip (to return for our prize drawings! Enter as many times as you wish!