World Book Night is Tuesday, April 23rd!

Are you interested in becoming a World Book Night U.S. 2013 book giver?  World Book Night 2013 is Tuesday, April 23rd.  If you would like to receive 20 free copies of bestselling paperback books to hand out on World Book Night (to light readers/non-readers) be sure to go to the website below.  The website has an application for volunteer book givers.  Not only do some of our staff members participate by being book givers, our library is also participating again this year, by being one of the book shipment distribution locations.  The link below indicates the 30 books available that book givers are able to request in order of preference when they are applying.

Prairie Schooner Tour to Stop at Library on Dec. 20th!

Be sure to jot the date/time of December 20th (Thursday) at 5:30 p.m. down on your calendar!  Guggenheim Fellow, and winner of the “2011 Barnes & Noble Writers for Writers Award” Kwame Dawes will be at our library to do a poetry reading!  Dawes is the Editor-in-Chief of the international literary journal “Prairie Schooner”.  The journal is based out of the University of Nebraska. The journal’s managing editor & poet Marianne Kunkel will also be here.

Dawes will embark on a driving tour in December 2012 to promote Prairie Schooner in public libraries across the state of Nebraska. This tour fulfills one of the goals that Dawes set for himself during the first few months of his tenure as editor-in-chief of Prairie Schooner.

“Prairie Schooner is one of Nebraska’s greatest and most enduring gifts to the world, and it has been giving America so much for eighty-six years. I want to find as many ways to remind the people of the state about what a treasure we have and to see if we can generate even more ownership and pride in the publication.”

Since his arrival, Prairie Schooner has expanded its web presence and has even made the move, after almost a century, to online submissions. Prairie Schooner has begun to have a marked international focus. Dawes, however, sees this tour as a way to remind its core base about the journal’s roots in Nebraska and its continued interest in regional writers as well as its reliance on the support and interest of Nebraskans.

“We do not want to be an impersonal journal, but one that is aware that real people read and support the journal, and many of those real people live here in Nebraska. The great perk for all of this, however, is that I get a chance to see the state more and to find out how Prairie Schooner can support the literary arts in Nebraska in town after town.”

The tour, which spans from Dec. 8 to Dec. 22, will take place in public libraries in more than twelve cities, including Alliance, Beatrice, Broken Bow, Central City, and Fremont. Each visit will feature poetry readings by Dawes and Kunkel followed by a question and answer session. Kunkel will promote the journal to attendees, offering information about submissions and selling single copies and subscriptions.

Rod Wagner, Nebraska Library Commission Communications Director, says, “This is a great opportunity for people across Nebraska to hear an internationally-known Nebraska poet read from his work and to learn more about Nebraska’s own Prairie Schooner.”

Make sure to stay tuned to Prairie Schooner’s website for a complete calendar of the dates and times of the inaugural Prairie Schooner library tour.

Central City Public Library Named 2012 5-Star Library!

In its fifth edition of annual evaluations of public libraries nationwide, Library Journal has once again awarded the Central City Public Library a 5-Star rating!  (The 5-star rating is the best possible rating available).   7,570 libraries all across the country were evaluated.   Only 87 libraries received the 5-star rating for 2012.

Not only did our library receive the 5-star rating for 2012, our library has distinguished itself by being only one of 30 U.S. public libraries to earn a 5-star rating in each Library Journal Index Edition from 2009-2012.

To earn a starred rating, a library must

  • Meet the Institute of Museum & Library Services definition of a public library
  • Have a service area with at least 1000 population
  • Have total operating expenditures of at least $10,000
  • Report the output statistics of: patron visits, program attendance, circulation, public Internet computer use.


CORN-a-Licious Tasting Contest Winners Announced!

Contratulations to our CORN-a-Licious Tasting Contest Award Winners!  Luddene Perry was awarded the Judges’ Choice award for her tasty Sweet Corn & Chicken Curry dish.  Belinda Dierks and Adele Maynard were awarded the People’s Choice awards.  Belinda’s Birthday Cake Batter Popcorn and Adele’s Corn Pudding dishes were both very tasty!  Thanks so much to everyone who participated! Each of these winning recipes can be found in the library’s “CORN-a-Licious Recipe Book”.  The recipe books are on sale now at the library for $5 each.  Be sure to pick up a copy today! 🙂

Tasting Contest at the Library on Wednesday, October 17th!

Be sure to come to our “CORN-a-Licious Tasting Contest” at the library this Wednesday, from 4:00-6:00 p.m.!  Recipe submitters may enter their recipe into the contest for $2.  Tasters may sample all the recipes for $1 and vote for their favorite.  People’s Choice and Judges’ Choice winners will be awarded a cash prize!  Example of a serving size to bring:  9 x 13 pan (cut in 1″ x 1″ samples).

Celebrate Banned Books Week at the Central City Public Library Oct. 1st-6th!

Celebrate your freedom to read during “Banned Books Week” this week!  It highlights the value of free and open access to information. By focusing on efforts across the country to remove or restrict access to books, Banned Books Week draws national attention to the harms of censorship. The books featured have all been targeted with removal or restrictions in libraries and schools.  Examples of banned/challenged classic books include:  “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger,“The Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck, and “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee.

Nebraska Dept. of Labor to Conduct Job Seeker & Employer Workshops at Library!

Please join the library and the Nebraska Dept. of Labor in bridging the connection between the job seekers and employers using the latest technology- NE works!

Edit your resume, conduct a job search, research employers, and find a new job.

Stop by anytime between 1:00-2:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 10th.



Employers are invited to join us anytime between 10:30 a.m.-noon that same day, for an Employers Workshop.  Employers can learn how to:  Navigate NEworks, post jobs, search online resumes, attract quality candidates, and find and use labor market information.

Pinterest Parties at Your Library!

Learn how to etch glass with ease at the October Pinterest Party at the library!

Join us each month at the library to learn a project from Pinterest!

To see what’s planned each month visit the library, check this website,

our Facebook page or

our Pinterest page

If possible, please contact the library to let them know you’ll be coming by the Friday before.  Some classes will have a fee.  If you have ideas for Pinterest projects, please bring them to a monthly Pinterest gathering. 🙂



So you can be planning ahead to November..  here is the information on November’s “Vinyl Decor”  project! 🙂



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