CRICUT WORKSHOP @ Library on Wed. March 28th at 2:00 P.M!

The library is hosting a CRICUT workshop on Wednesday, March 28th at 2:00 p.m.  What is CRICUT?  It is a machine that scrapbookers and crafters love to use, to cut patterns out of different types of materials, to use to make things like:  cards, vinyl wall designs, scrapbook page designs, etc.  Jamie and Judy will be on hand to help you make them.  Bring an idea you’d like to have a small pattern or patterns for (names, particular shapes, etc).  Please call the library by March 26 to pre-register.  Should be fun! 🙂

Author Talk & Book Signing Saturday, March 3rd at 11:00 at the Library!

Author Zeke Pipher will be at the Library on Saturday, March 3rd, to discuss his book entitled “Man on the Run:  Helping Hyper-Hobbied Men Recognize the Best Things in Life”.  The book will hit bookstore shelves on March 6th.

Do you have a hyper-hobbied man in your life? Maybe “you “are a hyper-hobbied man. Hobbies and adventurous pursuits are good for the soul, says author Zeke Pipher. In fact, the human spirit was designed for challenge, stimulation, even risk. So why a book about hyper-hobbied men? Because too much of a good thing can pull men away from the even more important things–like family, friends, and church.

But there is another way. Men are capable of living with passion and zeal while at the same time remaining balanced and faithful to their most important relationships and priorities. They can learn to run hard and run well, while running after the right things. To do this, men need the help and support of their wives, children, friends, and greater community. If these basics are in place, watch out. Everyone wins when men are on the run.

Passionate, pursuit-driven men can make great husbands, fathers, friends, and colleagues precisely because of their tenacious tendencies. Yet the qualities that make men pursue adventure above all else can wreck their lives; overzealous men end up losing out on the best things in life. How to have the best of both worlds is what this book is all about.

Zeke is the senior pastor of Heartland Evangelical Free Church in Central City, NE. His sermons are broadcast each week throughout central Nebraska, northern Kansas, southern South Dakota, and western Iowa. His articles and photos appear regularly in several national sports magazines, including “Deer and Deer Hunting”, “Bow & Arrow Hunting”, and “Petersen’s Bowhunting”. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Talbot School of Theology and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.


Last Session for Weekly “Computer Fun Class” to be Wed. Febr. 29th

The last session for the “Weekly Computer Fun Class” will be held on  Wednesday, February 29th from 2:00-3:00 p.m. in the library meeting room.

The topic for this class will be “eReaders”. 

Anyone is welcome to attend this free class.   Be sure to bring your eReader along with and your laptop (if necessary for downloading with the type of eReader you have).

We will be available to answer questions about how the “Nebraska Overdrive” system works.  This system allows library patrons to checkout eBooks and audiobooks, using their eReaders.

This class is also for people who do not have eReaders yet, but are curious about how they work.  The library currently has two eReaders available for checkout, that are preloaded with books from many different genres.  We will have those available, for patrons to use.  We look forward to seeing you there!  🙂

“Starting Seeds for Your Garden” to be the Topic of Febr 16th Gardening Class

Be sure to attend horticulturist Luddenne Perry’s free gardening class at the library on Thursday, Febr. 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the library meeting room.  The topic this month is “Starting Seeds for Your Garden”. 

Luddenne will cover things such as:

  • when to start your garden
  • what soil to use
  • artificial lights vs window sill
  • watering
  • potting on
  • when to transplant

“Flop Box” Craft Sessions on Febr 6th at 1:30 & 3:30

Want to learn how to make a clever photo album that is easy and fun and can be used in many different ways?  Sign up for the “Flop Box” craft session(s) on February 6 at 1:30 PM or 3:30 PM.  Cost is $3.00 and everything you need will be supplied.  Boxes work great for gifts, in lieu of a card for someone in hospital or nursing home, kids’ projects, and more!  🙂

Call today!  Our phone # is 946-2512

Next Weekly “Computer Fun Class” to be Febr 1st (Wed) 2:00-3:00

The next Computer Fun Class will be related to the topic of how to upload pictures that you have taken, from your digital camera, to your computer.  Then we will cover what to do with the pictures, once you have them on your computer.

This will include fun things like:  editing them a little bit, publishing them on websites like “Facebook”, and emailing them.  If you have a laptop or an Ipad computer, be sure to bring it along with.  The library has a few extra computers for people to use that don’t have one.  This free class will be held in the meeting room from 2:00-3:00.  Look forward to seeing you there. 🙂

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