Learn How to Spark Joy in Your Life! Register NOW!

Learn tips and tricks inspired by Marie Kondo‘s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” from certified KonMari™ consultant Shannon Honeycutt of Spark Joy Charlotte.

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED for this live virtual event!


Click here to register: https://forms.gle/B2193EzUpPZ4xKyU7

This is a virtual program offered at the Central City Public Library and will be held via Zoom. Registration with an email address is required. Event login information will be emailed to registrants prior to the program. SHANNON HUNEYCUTT is a Certified KonMari® Consultant & Professional Speaker.She is the founder of Spark Joy® Charlotte and certified Gold level KonMari® Consultant trained by tidying expert Marie Kondo. Marie is the author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and the creator of the KonMari Method®, which is a style of tidying focusing on decluttering and organizing your space by keeping only those items you love.

“The moment you start, you reset your life.”~ Marie Kondo

To provide you with the necessary skills needed to maintain a tidy home for life. Through the KonMari Method® you will visualize and create the space you’ve always dreamed of as you learn what truly Sparks Joy®.

“The moment you start, you reset your life.”~ Marie Kondo


To provide you with the necessary skills needed to maintain a tidy home for life. Through the KonMari Method® you will visualize and create the space you’ve always dreamed of as you learn what truly Sparks Joy®.

Congrats to Shawna Lampshire!

She’s the Winner of Our National Library Week Gift Basket!

WE’RE HIRING! Part-Time, Temporary Employment Opportunity!

Part-time, temporary (grant-funded) SUMMER INTERNSHIP POSITION available at the Library!!🌟👏☺️Applications being accepted until 5:00pm on Friday, April 22, 2022 or until position is filled. Applications are available at City Hall (1702 31st St.) or online (click link): http://libraries.ne.gov/centralcity/files/2022/04/City-of-Central-City-Application-1.pdf

Who should apply: High School or college students (at least 15 years of age). Applicant must have never been employed as staff by a library. There are no restrictions associated with students who have served as library volunteers or interns.

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