July 20th Hockey Scholar Workshop at CC Public Library (for Grades 5-8)!!

Thursday, Jul. 20, 1:00pm-3:00pm
July 20– Hockey Scholar Workshop (limit 20 kids) 1-3 PM
Grades 5-8
The National Hockey League (NHL) and the National Hockey League Players’ Association (NHLPA) have partnered to create a web-based course that teaches science, technology, engineering and math and how these are part of the game of hockey.  Mr. Brandon Wright, science instructor at CCHS, will lead the 2-hour hands-on workshop that concentrates on things like angles, rates and ratios, states of matter, force and energy.  You will have a ton of fun with hockey as you realize the science behind the game.  The workshop will be limited to 20 children in grades 5-8 this past year.
Those who complete the 2-hour course will receive free tickets to a hockey game in Kearney in September, compliments of the Kearney Storm Hockey Team.

Register online here: Hockey Scholar Registration

READ to WIN $529!

READ TO WIN $529!! 💵💰 Another great reason to register kids in our fabulous summer reading program!!👍
NEST will deposit $529 into NEST 529 College Savings Plans accounts for 15 lucky summer readers, five in each of Nebraska’s three congressional districts selected randomly among children registering for and completing the Nebraska “Summer Reading Program.” Each winner’s library also wins $250!!

Official rules may be found here: https://treasurer.nebraska.gov/csp/scholarships/read-to-win/2017/NEST-Summer-Reading-Scholarship-Official-Rules-2017.pdf
Register for Kids’, Adult & Teen Summer Reading Programs here: http://libraries.ne.gov/centralcity/2017/03/21/weve-got-lots-of-activities-being-planned-for-this-summer-at-central-city-public-library/

Mahjong at Central City Public Library on Wednesday, May 3rd!


At  Central City

Public Library

Wednesday, May 3



Join us to play the ancient Chinese game of Mahjong!

Beginners and more experienced players welcome.

If you have a mahjong set, please bring it with you.

Contact the library for registration information:  946.2512

The game Mahjong originated in China and is traditionally played using 144 tiles or cards that represent five different suits: bamboo, circle, dragon, wind and written characters. Most versions also include several “bonus tiles.” Players must match the images on the tiles in order to collect them, however matches can only made between tiles that are “free.” The player who collects the most tiles wins the game.



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