International Fun and Flair @ the Library Feb. 24!

The library is hosting an after-school session on February 24 for 20 girls from grades K-6 who would like to learn more about another country.  Barb Hoff, co-ordinator for International Students at Nebraska Christian High School, along with her Asian students, will provide a one-on-one experience for the first 20 girls who register for the program.  The  girls will  choose a new Thai, Chinese, Korean, or Vietnamese name, learn how to say simple phrases and sing a familiar song in that language, and count.  There will be foods and other treats, and flash cards with phonetic pronunciations will be prepared along with other things for children to take home.  The session will run from 3:30 to approximately 5 PM.  If this session is successful, another session for boys will be scheduled later.

Registration can be done by either calling  the library at 946-2512, or emailing the library at Registration will be closed after 20 have signed up, but we will keep a reserve list in case someone cannot make it.  Please let the library know if, for some reason, you are one of the 20 and find you cannot attend so we can notify the next one one the list.

International Fun & Flair @ Library

“Blind Date With a Book” Through February 28!

Blind Date With a Book

Make a Blind Date With a Book (February 1-28).  Tired of your same old relationships?  Need something new and exciting?  During the month of February, stop by the library for a mysterious rendezvous.  We’d like to fix you up with a blind d…ate (with a book of course);  after all we are a library!  We’ll select a variety of books, wrap them up in plain brown paper (no peeking) and you won’t know the “identity” of your blind date until you get it home.  Each book will have a “Rate Your Date” slip.  With each slip returned, you can enter to win a drawing to win dinner for two at the Lincoln Manor Steak House in Central City.  So, be sure to stop by the library anytime between February 1-28.  Who know, you might get lucky; if not in love then perhaps in literature?

— at Central City Public Library


Register for a Facebook & Pinterest Class! (Thursday, Febr. 13 @ 4:00 pm)

Facebook & Pinterest Class

Register now for a “Facebook & Pinterest” class!  The class will be held Thursday, Febr. 13 @ 4:00 p.m.  The first half of the class will go over how to set-up and use a Facebook acct. (including how to upload photos).  The second half of the class will involve how to set-up and use a Pinterest acct. (including creating boards, pinning items, & uploading photos).  Both parts of the class require that participants have a working email address.  Space size is limited.  No cost.  Instructor:  Dorlissa Beyer. Made possible through a Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to the Nebraska Library Commission.

— at Central City Public Library.

Contact the Library to Find Out Our Library Specific Nebraska OverDrive Password!

Nebraska OverDrive is now requiring a library specific password to be entered before a patron is able to sign into their OverDrive account! We cannot post the password on our website or Facebook page, but you may contact the library in order to get the password. You will need this password in order to continue using this fantastic service. Please call (946-2512) or stop by to obtain the password.

Phyllis Bartholomew’s Chocolate Meringue Pie Baking Class (Febr. 27, 1:00-4:00 pm)!

Chocolate Meringue Pie Baking Class

Register now, for National Pie Baking Grand Champion Phyllis Bartholomew’s “Chocolate Meringue Pie” class, Thursday, Febr. 27 @ 1:00-4:00 pm! Her pumpkin pie class was so well received, that we asked her to teach another one!  $36 includes:  hands-on instruction, recipe and a homemade pie to take home. Contact the library to register: 946-2512. Space is limited.
Sponsored by: Central City Public Library, Merrick Foundation, Inc. & Central Community College (Columbus Campus).

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