Join the Library For a Footbridge Tour at Crane Trust Nature Center!
Crane Trust Nature Center Footbridge Tour
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Crane Trust Nature Center Footbridge Tour
Celebrate National Craft Month!
Get inspired to make something creative this month, during National Craft Month!
Our books include: “Victorian Crafts Revived”, “Easy Does It Nature Crafts, “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Selling Your Crafts” and, “Crafts to Celebrate the Seasons”.
Pam Marco taught crafters how to make beautiful deco mesh wreaths at the library’s March Pinterest class. As you can see in the photos, each wreath can turn out very unique (depending upon the size of the form, the types of embellishments, etc.).
The library is hosting an after-school session on February 24 for 20 girls from grades K-6 who would like to learn more about another country. Barb Hoff, co-ordinator for International Students at Nebraska Christian High School, along with her Asian students, will provide a one-on-one experience for the first 20 girls who register for the program. The girls will choose a new Thai, Chinese, Korean, or Vietnamese name, learn how to say simple phrases and sing a familiar song in that language, and count. There will be foods and other treats, and flash cards with phonetic pronunciations will be prepared along with other things for children to take home. The session will run from 3:30 to approximately 5 PM. If this session is successful, another session for boys will be scheduled later.
“Books From the Bottom Shelf”.
Discover these usually overlooked treasures that reside on our bottom shelves! Some of the books have some beautiful photographs and illustrations in them: “Louis L’Amour’s Frontier”, “Norman Rockwell: Artist and Illustrator” and “Alaska”. — at Central City Public Library.
Have You “Red” a Good Book Lately?
Looking for something to read during the very cold winter weather? If so, be sure to stop in and check out our “RED” books display!
— at Central City Public Library