



The Evaluation of the Clay Center Public Library’s operation and policy shall be made annually during the months of February or March and revised as needed.


These polices may be amended. The proposed amendment must be filed with the secretary and read at the regular meeting preceding the vote.
Amendments are made by the affirmative vote of four members of the board.


Carissa Eberhardt     2016
502 N Brown

Robin Gilbert  (President)    2014
402 South Brown

Dustin Mihm                 2021
30357 Deerfield Cir

Victoria Switzer (Secretary/Treasurer) 2013
205 N Swanson

Jeff Franklin       2015
319 N Swanson


Cheryl Green- Director

Kathy Gosser – Staff

Geneice Smith-  Staff

Mona Thatcher – Staff


The Board of Trustees shall consist of five members appointed by the City Council of Clay Center, Nebraska, upon nomination by the current board.

A board member shall serve a maximum of two consecutive five-year terms. Interim or temporary appointments for terms of less than 2 years shall not be considered a term.

The person must be a resident of the city of Clay Center.

The Board shall act in accordance with their policies and any applicable local and state statutes.


The officers of the board shall be President, Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer. These shall be elected annually in the January board meeting from among the members.

The President shall perform the duties pertaining to the said office.

The Vice-President shall in the absence or disability of the president perform the duties of the president.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall record all the official actions of the board and have custody of all official books, reports, and accounts. He or she will pay the bills monthly after the board action to do so. An audit is conducted by the city every year. Records should be ready for auditing when called for.


The Library Board establishes this financial policy to ensure fiscal accountability, appropriate use of funds in support of the Library’s mission and goals, and compliance with appropriate laws and ordinances.
1. The Library Director shall establish an annual budget. Submission for approval will go before the Library Board of Trustees, and then it will be submitted to the village clerk for inclusion in the Village’s budget.
2. After adoption by the Village Board, the allocated funds will be made available in the library account for library materials and services.
3. On a monthly basis, the Library Director shall present a list of all expenditures to the Library Board for review and approval. Invoices will be paid by the Library Treasurer.
4. On an annual basis, all Library funds, expenditures and revenues will be audited as part of the Village’s audit. Any notes or communications from the Village’s auditor regarding the Library shall be communicated with the Library Treasurer. The Library Treasurer will then communicate to the Board of Trustees.
5. Receipts:
a. Monies received as revenue by the Library will be deposited to the Library account.
b. Monies received as reimbursements for lost or damaged materials, computer printouts, copies and small donations for discarded books may be used to defray expenses in these areas, and serve as a petty cash fund, as authorized by the Library Board.
6. Withdrawn library materials and materials donated but not added to the collection will be disposed of at the discretion of the Library Director. There is a yearly book sale in the fall.
7. Grants & Donations: Funds donated to the Library may be allocated according to the wishes of the donor. Memorial Funds will be used as designated by the donor or for library materials or furnishings chosen at the discretion of the Director and Library Board if undesignated. Utilization of grant funds from any source will be used in accordance with the requirements for receiving the funds unless no specific commitment was required. In such cases, the expenditure of these funds will be decided by the Director and/or the Library Board and approved at the regular monthly meeting of the Library Board of Trustees.


January- Election of Officers

February -Review Policies

March- Approve update on policies

April- National Book Week

May -Review Technology Plan

June-Annual meeting


August- Community Needs Response Review

September- Annual Book Sale/End of business year

October -Distribute evaluation forms to Board

November- Personnel evaluation

December-Christmas on the square


The regular meeting of the board shall be held at the library on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.

Special meetings shall be called by the President or by two other members of the board for the transaction only of such business as is stated in the call.

Three members will constitute a quorum.



Call to order

Minutes of previous meeting

Treasurers Report
Bills paid
Balance on hand

Library Directors report

Old & Unfinished Business

New Business



It is the responsibility of both the library director and the library board to orient new trustees. To others in the community, trustees are representatives of the library that they serve. Therefore, every trustee should be thoroughly prepared to answer questions about the library.

Basic instruction to a new trustee is how the library works. The director will give a tour of the building and introduction to the staff.

A packet of information will be given to the new trustee containing:
Mission Statement
Program priorities
Current budget and treasurer’s report
Policy manual
Names, addresses, phone numbers, terms of present board members
Calendar of legal requirements, deadlines, and fiscal year.
City and State Laws

In orienting new trustees, the President must emphasize that individual trustees are not spokespersons for the library unless so designated by the board. They have decision making powers as a whole not as individuals.

In order to serve the community well, the library board should represent a spectrum of community interest. A board representing diverse viewpoints assures that the library will serve the total community.

There will be continuing education programs for encouraging participation of board members in local and statewide library activities.

The board will comply with the requirements of the State of Nebraska Library Commission Certification program.


Requirements set up by Nebraska Library Commission 1992

A library Board must complete 20 hours of continuing education activities in three years through:

Workshops and conferences sponsored by the Nebraska Library Commission or other library sponsored events.
Videotapes and audiotapes from the commission of systems
Work sessions between board members and consultant.
Self-evaluation sessions. Evaluation provided in Trustee Handbook
Training and consulting in planning and implementing the Public Library Planning Process.
Self-guided instruction on particular topics.
Other continuing education activity proposed by the Board.

The 20 hours may be: Divided between the board members
One member completing the entire 20 hours
A few board members completing the 20 hours.


The Clay Center Public Library will serve as center for learning and enrichment for all residents of the community.


Clay Center Public Library will be known as a boundless resource for educational and recreational materials.


The Clay Center Library Board and Staff’s objectives shall be:

Service the public regardless of religious, racial, social, economic or political status.

Assemble, organize, and preserve printed and non-printed materials within the physical and financial means of the budget.

Meet and exceed standards and guidelines prepared by the Nebraska Library Commission.

Cooperate with other libraries to provide services and programs for expended service to the communities.


The long range goals of the Clay Center Public Library Board and Staff are:

Continue to provide a variety of library materials to the community.

Continue to meet and exceed the standards set by the Nebraska Library Commission.

Work towards complying with the Disabilities Act.

Promote the library in the community by using newspaper articles, special programs, promotions, etc.




The Clay Center Public Library acts as a formal and informal clearing house for current information.

The Library maintains a high profile to respond to community questions and problems with services provided inside and outside the library building.


The library will maintain a collection of information resources that are easily accessible for the broad range of library clientele.

The library will offer free internet service.


The Director will increase and update informational materials used for reference on a planned rotation schedule.

The staff will help patrons with reference questions.

The Director will use inter-library loan for requests that cannot be answered in the library.


The Clay Center Public Library staff shall assist patrons, at all ages, and engaged in research programs sponsored by educational institutions.


The Library staff will maintain a collection of information resources of appropriate levels to supplement local school resources.


The Library staff will have open communication with the local school staff to know what materials will be needed.

The Library staff will help patrons with computer research.

The Library staff will subscribe to magazines and databases that are frequently used for reference.


The Clay Center Public Library Director and Staff will provide high interest materials for persons of all ages for reading, viewing, and listening.


The Director will select current popular materials in varied formats for all ages. Selections should be made monthly or bi-monthly to keep current materials available.


` The Director will choose a variety of magazines for all age groups and interests.

The Director and staff will keep a list of the current best sellers and new books that may be purchased.

Requests from patrons for materials will be kept for referral when purchasing is done.

The Director and staff will promote browsing in the Library.


The Clay Center Public Library is a place for children to visit and discover the delight of reading and learning. In addition, parents and childcare providers can obtain materials for use with young children at home. Play items will be available for play. Puppets and other toys can be played with in the children’s section. Some may be checked out for patron use.


The Library shall have a variety of materials and formats for children and for adults working with children.


The Director and staff will have a summer reading program for all children.

The Director and staff will attend the summer reading workshop to learn as much as possible about the sponsored statewide program.

Mothers with small children will be given special invitations to visit the library with their children.

Special programs will be held for Head Start and preschool children monthly. They will visit the library for story hour. They will have the opportunity to choose books to take back to the Head Start building to read.

Special reading hours will be offered to groups. Arrangements will be made to fit schedules.

Story kits are made available for check out.



Handicapped or shut-in: The library staff will provide lists of materials available in the library or suggest selections of materials available. These will be delivered to the home.

A bell has been installed at the foot of the steps for persons who want assistance. The librarians will help the patron upon notice.

A drive-up book drop is available for everyone’s convenience.

Reading programs are held outside in the summer or in places anyone can attend if the librarians are notified there is someone with a disability who wishes to attend.

Applications for disabled adults are available for large print materials from the State of Nebraska.


At the end of the Summer Reading Program, the librarians will do an evaluation of the program to take measure of what improvements can be made. The librarians will complete the following survey, and return it to the Director following the completion of the Summer Reading Program.


The Southeast Library system is one of four districts in the State of Nebraska set up by the Nebraska Library Commission to serve the areas with library information, education, and cooperation. Each system has a director and a board. The board is comprised of users and library personnel that are elected for four year terms at the annual meeting in June. Several services are available to all libraries;

These Are: Reference
Juvenile Resources
Large Print Book Loans
Workshops and educational classes
Professional magazine circulation

The director is encouraged to participate as much as possible in the systems programs.


This agreement is made by and between the Nebraska Library Commission and Nebraska libraries.


This program is to provide Nebraska citizens with direct access to more library and information resources. NebrasKard is a reciprocal borrowing program that allows library users from a participating library to directly borrow materials from other participation libraries.

1. Library participation in NebrasKard program is voluntary.

2. A public library must meet Nebraska accreditation requirements in order to issue a NebrasKard to its borrowers. However, an unaccredited public library may participate in the program as a lending library.

3. NebrasKard program is open to public and academic Libraries. The card will be honored at any participating library.

4. Participating libraries are expected to extend to the NebrasKard borrowers the same lending privileges as their primary clientele. No non-resident fee will be charged.

5. Clay Center Public Library will charge a yearly fee of $15.00 for non-town residents — the NebrasKard will then be issued free. Patrons in the town of Clay Center will receive the NebrasKard free of charge.

6. Clay Center Public Library will give the patron a keychain card with a Clay Center Public Library sticker: Name of Library
Name of Patron
Library Patron barcode number

7. A signature card will be kept on file at the Clay Center Public Library and patrons will be reminded to renew yearly.

8. A patron using another library will abide by the rules and policies of that library.

9. The patron will be responsible for returning checked out items on time.


Library Hours: Monday thru Thursday 12:30-6:00  p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
The Library is closed Fridays and Sundays.

The library will be closed on the following Holidays:

January 1- New Year’s Day
Last Monday of May- Memorial Day
July 4- Independence Day
First Monday of Sept- Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
December 24, 25
December 31

The library will be opened or closed on other special occasions by the decision the trustees and the director.

There is no meeting room in the library but the library may be used for small meetings when agreed upon by the library staff. Library staff will not supervise children during these meetings. The library is not responsible for accidents, injury, loss, theft, or damage of individual property that may occur while in these meetings. The library is not responsible for the safety of any personal items brought to the library. No activities are allowed that would interfere with the operation of the Library. The library reserves the right to deny the use of the library to any persons or groups.


Residents of the town of Clay Center are entitled to a library card free of charge upon presentation of the application card properly filled out.

Residents of the county will be charged a $15.00 yearly fee for a family membership-unless they have property in the city and are paying city property tax.

Anyone who has a library card can purchase a video card for $15.00 a year.

Children may have their own library card when they can sign their full name. They will need to get their parent’s signature on the back of the card.

Non-resident temporary visitors may borrow books. A deposit of $15 may be requested by the Director to be held as a deposit until the items are returned.

Materials such as reference materials, part of a set or hard to replace materials may be restricted.


Each borrower is given a card upon the completion of the application card. The user card must be presented whenever materials are checked out from the library collection.

County residents must renew their cards every year. A family may use one card.

If a card is lost, a new one will be issued for a $1.00 charge.

A card holder is responsible for all materials that are checked out with that card number. Materials are not to be loaned to someone else but returned to the library.

A patron will be charged replacement costs for library materials that are lost and must be replaced.

NebrasKards can be used by patrons of other libraries.


BOOKS: Books borrowed from the Clay Center Library may be kept 2 weeks and renewed for two weeks .

Restricted books cannot be taken from the library. (Reference books or books that cannot be replaced are to be used in the library.)

MAGAZINES: Magazines borrowed from the Clay Center Library may be retained for one week.

REFERENCE BOOKS: Some reference books are restricted for use in the library only. These are current issues or materials difficult to replace or are used frequently by patrons.

VIDEO EQUIPMENT: The TV sets are to be used in the library.

DVD PLAYER: May be borrowed for a fee of $5.00 per day or $7.00 per weekend. The borrower must be 18 years of age or older and have a library card.

DVDs: Patron must purchase a yearly video card. DVDs are checked out overnight only. DVDs may be renewed one time only. A limit of 10 DVDs may be checked out per family at each visit.

$1.00 a day will be assessed if the DVD is late
$5.00 each will be assessed if scratches or finger prints are found on returned DVDs.

DVDs marked with a red dot are R rated movies. Patrons under the age of 17 must have parental permission to check these out.

CDs: May be checked out for two weeks and renewed for two weeks.

CAKE PANS: Cake pans are borrowed for 2 weeks and can be renewed as needed.


January 2003
January 2005

Mission Statement

The Clay Center Public Library is committed to provide equitable access to the accumulated knowledge of the world. The Library supports the entitlement of each individual to have access to lawfully available sites on the Internet and the right of individuals to make information decisions about them.

The Internet is a worldwide network of information accessible via computer. Provisions of access to information on the Internet are consistent with the library’s mission to provide access to the knowledge of the world.

The content of the Internet is unpredictable and fluid. It changes frequently and its sources are limitless. The Internet is an unregulated medium that may include inaccurate, unlawful, and/or disturbing or offensive material, in both graphic and text form. The library does not vouch for the accuracy of information or endorse the various viewpoints accessed through the Internet.

The library staff provides assistance to all patrons seeking information on the Internet. The library staff will monitor internet use sessions in order to ensure equal opportunity of access for all patrons: however, the staff assumes no responsibility for supervision of any particular Minor’s internet use. Such responsibility remains with the parents/guardians. MINOR E-MAIL ACCOUNTS CAN BE MONITORED BY THE STAFF IF THERE IS A GOOD REASON TO DO SO.


The following are deemed unacceptable uses of the computers and Internet access:

Use of the computer and/or Internet to violate the law.

Use of the computer and/or Internet to cause harm to others or damage the property of others.

Use of the computer and/or Internet so as to jeopardize the security or access of the computer network or other networks on the Internet elsewhere.

Use of the computer and/or Internet so as to compromise the safety and security of others.


In general the library will treat information displayed on its computers and or printers as confidential. Users should be aware that the Internet is not a secure medium and that third parties may be able to obtain information about users’ activities. The user should be aware that the library cannot guarantee security or confidentiality.

In the event of a user under the age of 17, where such user is unmarried, such user’s parent or guardian shall sign the agreement, whereby such parent or guardian accepts full responsibility for his or her child’s use of the libraries computers and or internet.

The library is not responsible for any or all loss, costs, claims, or damages resulting from the user’s access to its computer network and the Internet, including but not limited to any fees or charges incurred through the purchase of goods or services by the user.


There are eleven Internet computers available for public use during normal library hours.

Use of the Internet access computers are on a first come, first served basis. Time limits of 20 minutes will be enforced when the demand for usage is there. After 20 minutes patrons must check with the desk to see if anyone is waiting to use the computers.

Librarians have the right to limit time, or allow persons with assignments to work before patrons who want to browse. LIBRARIANS CAN REFUSE USAGE TO PATRONS WHO DO NOT FOLLOW THE RULES.

The library does not maintain e-mail accounts for the public.




The librarian must Ok printouts.



The Clay Center Public Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The Internet is a global initiate with a highly varied user population. LIBRARY PATRONS USE IT AT THEIR OWN RISK.

All Internet resources accessible through the library are provided equally to all library users. Parents or guardians, not the Library Board or staff, are responsible for the Internet information selected and or accessed by their children. Parents may make written restrictions for their children’s access to the Internet resources at the Clay Center Library. Parents are advised to supervise their children’s Internet sessions.

The Clay Center Public Library does not protect patrons from information resources that may be found offensive. There are sexually explicit materials and other information resources, which may be personally controversial or inappropriate. NOT ALL SOURCES ON THE INTERNET PROVIDE ACCURATE, COMPLETE, OR CURRENT INFORMATION. Patrons need to be a good information consumer, questioning the validity of the information found.

The Clay Center Public Library does have access to the online services of OCLC. These databases are used to find factual information for schools and the public. The staff will be very happy to help the patron connect with these databases.

The staff will help in accessing the Internet and answer Internet questions.


Free wireless Internet access is available at the Clay Center Public Library.

You will need a notebook/laptop computer or other wireless device with 802.11b or 802.11g wireless networking. If you are not sure if your notebook/laptop computer or other device has this functionality, please check with your manufacturer or supplier of your equipment.

We have tried to make wireless access as available as possible in our library, but you may encounter some “dead” spots. If you have trouble accessing the internet or staying online, please move to a different location within the library.

Wireless internet offered at Clay Center Public Library is unfiltered. By choosing to use this free service, you agree to abide by the Library’s internet use policy.

Our wireless internet is not secure. Information sent to and from your notebook/laptop computer or other wireless device may be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software.

The library staff of Clay Center Public Library will not be able to provide technical assistance and no guarantees are made that you will be able to make a wireless connection. The library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for notebook/laptop computer or other wireless device configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the Clay Center Public Library’s wireless access.

January, 2003

Clay Center, NE 68933

Dear Patron,

The Board and staff of the Clay Center Public Library would like to inform you of some Federal laws and requirements that we must meet in order to qualify for State and Federal Funds.

The Congress passed the Children’s Protection Act in the fall of 2001. It required schools and libraries to install filters on all computers.

Enclosed are the policies adopted by the Library Board of the Clay Center Public Library and a permission page that all parents of children under 17 must sign and return to the library before their child can use the library computers.

If you have any questions concerning this letter, please call the Library (762-3861) for help. We will try to answer your questions.

Clay Center public Library Board and staff:

Robin Gilbert       Laura Cundiff
Jeff Franklin         Sandy Overturf
Victoria Switzer    Cheryl Green
David Studnicka    Kathy Gosser
Carissa Eberhardt  Susie Koohmaraie

Clay Center Public Library encourages the use of its facilities for reading, study, research, and the legitimate use of the Library’s resources and services. The Library pledges to provide an atmosphere conducive to delivering library services to all of its patrons.
To further this goal, Library patrons are asked to conduct themselves in an orderly and considerate manner. Any behavior that disrupts the orderly use of the Library is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, behavior that constitutes a nuisance, or presents a safety and/or security hazard or affects the ability of the Library staff to provide service to its patrons.

Clay Center Public Library does not have much space for displays. All displays/exhibits will be under the direction and decision of the Director and staff. There is a bulletin board in the entry way that is used for public announcements and posters.

June 2003

If anyone approaches the librarian alleging to be law enforcement official requesting information DO NOT disclose to that individual any information.

Ask for proper papers or identification from that individual. If a law enforcement officer requests circulation information without a subpoena or a search warrant, the staff of the library has no duty to furnish information. Refer him to the Director.

If a subpoena is presented, direct either the person or the paper to your supervisor, who will in turn direct it immediately to legal counsel.

If a warrant is presented do not interfere with their search or seizure, and call your supervisor as soon as possible.

The staff and board of the Clay Center Public Library respect the privacy of its patrons.


Freedom is fundamental to our country. The freedom to read is essential to our democracy. We believe that free communication is essential to the preservation of a free society and a creative culture. We also believe that every American community must jealously guard the freedom to publish and to circulate in order to preserve its own freedom to read. Publishers and librarians have a profound responsibility to give validity to that freedom to read by making it possible for the reader to choose freely from a variety of offerings. Publishers and librarians do not need to endorse every idea or presentation contained in the books they make available.

Unattended Child Policy

Library staff cannot assume the responsibility for supervising a child’s behavior and assuring a child’s safety while at the library. It is the responsibility of each minor child’s parent, guardian or chaperone to monitor his or her child’s behavior and safety at all times. Preschool children must be closely accompanied at all times by an older responsible person (parent, guardian, or high school babysitter) except in the case of attendance at scheduled library preschool programs. The child’s parent will be contacted if the child is left unattended. The library reserves the right to turn over to the proper authorities’ preschool children left unattended.


Federal law provides several civil and criminal penalties for unauthorized reproduction, distribution or exhibition of copyrighted motion pictures, music, and videos. The Federal Bureau of Investigation investigates allegations of criminal copyright infringement. Criminal copyright infringement may constitute a felony with a maximum penalty of up to five years in prison and or $250,000 fine.

The “First Sale Doctrine” allows libraries to circulate movies for home use.

Section 109 (a) rests and confirms the principle that, where the copyright owner has transferred ownership of a particular copy or photo record of a work, the person to whom the copy or photo record is transferred is entitled to dispose of it by sale, rental, or any other means … a library that has acquired ownership of a copy is entitled to lend it under any conditions it chooses to impose.

The Clay Center Public Library Board and director will follow the guidelines of the law. They will inform patrons of the copyright laws.


Because the quality of a library collection determines its usefulness to the community, all materials must be carefully selected. When selecting materials the Director must consider the needs of the community and how these needs can best be met.

The User: Users of this library are mainly adults who enjoy recreational materials. Video movies, DVD’s and fiction reading materials are the most popular items. The second largest group is young children.

The User’s Needs: The Director of the library acknowledges that each person has informational needs that are important to the individual. It is also recognized that there are limited financial resources to respond to those needs. The Director of the library has a responsibility to use public funds in ways that are advantageous to the largest number of constituents. While the Director will not deny any need consistent with the mission, the Director will never the less develop the collections with recognition that the materials purchased have the ability to meet certain needs more effectively and efficiently than others.

Interlibrary Loan and the NebrasKard will enable the public to select a wider range of materials.

Three user needs groups have been stated and the collections will be developed to meet the needs of these groups.


Clay Center, Nebraska is located in the center of Clay County in South Central Nebraska. Like many towns in Nebraska, Clay Center is working hard to retain and attract businesses to the area.

The population is under one thousand people. Clay Center is the County seat of Clay County. Since there are many county residents that work in town so close to the library, they use many of the materials of the library. The library is supported by city taxes. Therefore the county patrons must pay a fee to use the materials. This enables the director to purchase more materials for a larger interest group.

There are a variety of interests of the people in the area. Farming is the primary occupation of the county but the Meat Animal Research Center also employs a good number of persons. A large trucking business operates out of Clay Center and many of those employees use the materials in the library. Retired persons make up another part of the population.

A middle school is located in the town. The public library is used for reference work done by the students. The public librarian and the school librarian work together to offer a variety of books for all ages of children.



Below is a list of materials used and asked for by the patrons in the community:

Popular: Best sellers, popular fiction, romance paperbacks, recreational reading.

Health information: Diets, exercise, medical information.

Juvenile: Preschool story books, summer reading program materials, Golden Sower books, school reference.

Do-it-yourself book and Crafts.



These points should be considered when selecting materials:

Bibliographical data: Author, copyright date, publisher, and edition.

Subject matter and scope of material.

How does the material relate to the collection and its needs?

Is the treatment of material complete?

Does the collection need more materials of this type?

What is the reading level?

Actual merit of the material.

What is its purpose?

How well does it accomplish that purpose?

Is the material usable?

For what audience is it intended?

Will patrons use the material?

What is the literary quality and authority of the author?

Is the characterization vital and consistent?

Is there originality of plot?

Format (attractive, durable, easily used)

Selection Aids: Most librarians cannot see the materials before purchasing so they must rely on selection aids for information about materials.

Basic Book Aids: These are guides to build library collections that list materials that are essential to any collection. Standard catalog for public libraries, children’s catalog and fiction catalog.

Current selection Aids: Reviews in professional journals.


High priority: Adult leisure reading
Preschool leisure reading
Student research for Elementary/secondary School
Do it yourself information

Mid-Priority: Youth leisure reading
Young adult leisure reading

Low Priority: University programs materials
Scholarship information


Through the community survey, in house sampling, and shelf analysis, the following materials will need to be added to the collection.

IMMEDIATE: Creative books – 145 for summer reading
Best sellers

ON GOING: Adult nonfiction
Juvenile nonfiction
Juvenile fiction
Audio Books

Budgetary considerations: While it is difficult to project what the materials budget will be each year, it is estimated that for effective collection development, no less than 20 percent of each year’s materials budget should be devoted to collection development.


Materials which are no longer useful in the collection will be systematically weeded according to accepted professional practices.

FICTION: If the material has not circulated in the last three years pull it and make room for newer and more frequently used items.

BIOGRAPHY: Many best sellers sit idle after the initial thrill is gone. If the subject is a historical or well-known figure, keep it. If the material has not been used in the past five years, pull it. If there are a large number of books on one subject keep only the highest quality ones.

NONFICTION: Circulating materials should be checked for usage. The general rule is if the material has not been checked out in the past five years or the copyright date is more than ten years old, it is a candidate for weeding. There are obvious exceptions-history, literature, or art. Some other materials can be out of date in a short time.


Refer to the CREW manual for details on weeding. Systems directors can be of assistance if there is a question.


The Clay Center Public Library subscribes to the Freedom to Read Statement and the Library Bill of Rights prepared by the American Library Association.

Any objections about material within the collection must be addressed to the Director in a written complaint. The Director and the Library Board will then review the complaint and the material. A letter by the Director explaining the decision of the Board will be sent to the patron. If the letter cannot settle the matter, a meeting may be scheduled with the Director, Library Board, and the complainant.

If the Library Board needs help, they may ask for help from the Nebraska Library Commission.

Complaint forms are kept in the file.


The Clay Center Public Library has received your complaint about material listed below. In order to give the complaint the necessary consideration, will you please complete the following questionnaire and return it to the Library Director


Author and Title:

Complainant represents: Self________Group_______

Did you read the entire material?

Why do you object to this material?

To what specifically in this material do you object?

What do you feel might be the result of reading this material?

Is there anything good about this material?

Have you seen a review of this material?

What would you like your library to do about this book?

Signature of complainant________________________________

Address ________________________________


Vacancies: Positions will be advertised in local media.
Requirements for the position will be listed.
All applicants will be reviewed.
The board will make the selection with the input of the director.
All applicants will be notified of the selection.

                   JOB DESCRIPTION

The library staff are considered part-time employees of the City of Clay Center and do not receive financial compensation for vacation time, health of medical expenses, sick leave, or funeral leave.

All employees of the Clay Center Public Library are paid by the work hour. All employees shall receive the regular pay plus expenses to attend workshops and conventions for continuing education and professional development.

There shall be an hourly wage differential between the director and the assistants.

Wages shall be reviewed each year with changes to be effective at the beginning of the next fiscal year.


The board will make a performance evaluation of the director at least annually.

The director will annually review the job description, individually, with each staff member.


Grievances shall be made in writing to the board and sent to the president of the board. Actions are to be taken by the board at the next meeting. A written reply shall be made to the grievance.

Resignations shall be made in writing to the board and sent to the president of the board.


Staff in-service and professional affiliations are encouraged by the board. Monies have been established in the budget for this purpose.


The director is hired and supervised by the Board of Trustees.

Responsibilities: General operation of the library.

Supervision and management of employees and volunteers.

Inform the board of all library operations

Duties: Selection and purchasing of library materials.

Keep financial and circulation records, including yearly reports to the Nebraska Library Commission.

Attend board meetings and give monthly reports.

Trains and keeps staff informed of updates.

Supervise staff–make assignments, work schedules, trains new staff.

Selects and discards library materials.

Works with board on budget preparation.


The board with the input of the director hires the support staff.

Duties: Work well with public. Adults and children

Be familiar with library materials to assist patrons.

Be familiar with accession procedures of all materials.

Be efficient and professional when working at the desk.

Be able to work alone when the director is gone.

Attend as many workshops as possible.


Persons wishing to volunteer time to the library will make this known to the director or the board. The director will then inform the volunteer what is needed to be done and what time is available. Arrangements will be made as to duties and schedules.


A group of interested persons who volunteer to help with activities that take place in the library or are library affiliated. Anyone may belong and contribute as much time as they can. They are also a member of the Clay Center Community Foundation.

Activities: Annual book sale
Special programs
Children’s book week
Fund raising activities
Summer reading activities


Carrying a concealed weapon or handgun is prohibited in or on this place or premises.

Those in control of this property have prohibited permit holders from possessing or carrying a concealed handgun or weapon on these premises. Unless otherwise authorized by law, violation of this prohibition is a criminal offense.
Nebraska Revised Statute 69-2441


The Clay center Public Library attempts to provide a safe environment for all who use our facility as well as a safe repository for library materials of all types. Despite our best efforts, situations may arise of an emergency nature. These guidelines for foreseeable but unplanned emergencies which may occur in the library are designed to reduce risk to life and materials. In the event of a major disaster involving a wider section of our community, the library will adhere to the Clay County LEOP as directed by emergency personnel.
1. Weather Emergencies
a. Tornado or Violent Storm
i. When warranted, staff will monitor weather conditions using television, radio, Internet or the Clay County Emergency Activation System. When Clay County is in a watch or warning, staff will prepare to take shelter or evacuate the building.
ii. If time allows, patrons must either leave the building or take shelter in the library’s lower level when notified by staff that a tornado warning is in effect. After the main level of the library is evacuated, all doors will remain locked except for those leading to the lower level. Access to the lower level will remain open to the public throughout the warning period.
iii. If the tornado strikes with little or no warning, and there is no time to evacuate to the lower level, patrons and staff should take shelter away from windows and exterior walls, hiding under furniture if they cannot get to an interior room. Everyone should protect their heads as much as possible.
b. Snow Storms
i. The library may open late or close early when winter weather conditions present a danger to staff and patrons.
ii. Programs for all ages will be cancelled whenever the Clay Center/Sandy Creek School calls off school because of inclement weather, even if the library stays open.
2. Facility Emergencies
a. Fire
i. At the first indication of smoke or flame, staff should investigate the situation to determine location and extent. If the problem can be easily contained, staff should proceed to do so using a fire extinguisher. If the fire cannot be contained, staff should immediately call 911 and then evacuate the building ensuring all patrons have left the building.
ii. Staff should familiarize themselves with the location and operation of fire extinguishers in the building.
iii. Library staff should await emergency personnel outside the front entrance at a safe distance from the building.
b. Loss of utilities
i. If electrical power is lost for at least two hours, or if the loss makes the temperature or the lighting in the library difficult for working, the library may close until the problem is resolved.
ii. If the natural gas supply to the library is interrupted during winter months and the temperature drops enough to make working in our using the library uncomfortable, the library should close until the problem is resolved.
c. Hazardous Materials
i. If carbon monoxide detectors warn of danger or if other chemical fumes are noticeable, staff should immediately evacuate the building and call 911 for assistance.
ii. If a traffic accident in the vicinity of the library involves hazardous waste materials of any type, library staff should call 911 and follow the direction of emergency personnel in case of evacuation.
d. Plumbing problems or water leaks
i. If a plumbing problem is limited to a single area, staff will close off the affected facility and call for professional assistance if they are unable to resolve the problem.
ii. If a plumbing problem or water leak affects major parts of the library, the Library Director may close the library if deemed necessary. City crews can be called upon for immediate assistance.
e. Bomb Threat
i. Staff receiving a bomb threat will try to keep the caller on the line as long as possible, noting every detail about the caller’s voice, background noises and so forth. If the caller does not disclose the location and detonation time of the bomb, Staff should ask the caller this information.
ii. When safe to do so, call 911 and clear the building of all staff and patrons, or as directed by emergency personnel.
iii. Staff will assist police and emergency workers by providing any information possible and will then evacuate the area as directed by emergency personnel.
iv. If a bomb threat has been received at a nearby facility, evacuation of the library will be based on the judgment of emergency personnel.
3. Personal Safety
a. Health Emergencies or Accidents
i. Staff should exercise caution when assisting anyone with a health complaint. Make the affected person comfortable and call 911 immediately. Staff should not attempt to provide first aid unless certified.
ii. At no time should staff ever dispense medication, including aspirin to the public.
b. Patron Unruliness or Violence
i. Library patrons are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which shows respect to other patrons and staff. Disruptive behavior which disturbs others or destroys property will not be tolerated. Disruptive behavior includes but is not limited to any violation of the Policies of the Library or violation of any Internet Policies in place.
ii. Parents/Guardians are responsible for the behavior of their children while in the library. Children who are being disruptive and do not respond to staff request to stop will be asked to leave the building and if necessary the parent will be called to pick the child up from the library.
iii. Staff members may handle patron situations directly if they feel comfortable to do so. If they feel uncomfortable doing so, they may call the Library Director or the police if the situation escalates.
iv. Staff members may dismiss the offender for the rest of the day or for up to two weeks, depending on the severity of the offense. Repeat offenders or those who commit an extremely serious offense may be permanently banned from the library facility by the Library Director. Appeals of the dismissal must be submitted in writing one week prior to regular Library Board meetings and will be reviewed by the Library Director and members of the Library board at the regular meeting following receipt of the appeal.
v. Patrons who remain on library premises after being asked to leave, or patrons who enter the library during the time period in which they have been banned from the library, will be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespassing.
vi. Staff members will use standard internal communication tools to make others aware of patrons who are temporarily or permanently banned from the library.
4. Reporting Emergencies
a. All emergency situations should be reported to the Library Director as soon as possible. The full Library Board will be informed of the emergency at the next regular board meeting.

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