2020 Brown Bag Programs

Written By: Sara

Brown Bag programs are noon events sponsored by the Friends of the Library organization and the North Platte Public Library.

Humanities Nebraska (HN) provides major funding for all of the programs listed here.  HN receives support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Nebraska State Legislature, the Nebraska Cultural Endowment, and private donations.

These are free 1-hour programs and attendees are encouraged to bring their own “brown bag” lunch to enjoy while listening to the speakers.  Please call the library at 535-8036, Ext. 3310 to reserve a seat as seating is limited to 70 people.

This year we are fortunate to have 7 Humanities Nebraska speakers.  We hope to add additional local programs.  Our first program will be Friday, February 7th with library staff, Liz Kurz, presenting “Starting Seeds Indoors.”

Below are a list of the programs currently scheduled.  Detailed descriptions will be added later through individual posts.

2020 Brown Bag Programs

March 27: The Better Half: Nebraska’s Hidden Treasures by Sarah Baker Hansen & Matthew Hansen:

APRIL 17:  (50th Anniversary of Earth Day) Harvesting Foods and Medicines in the Dakota Tradition by Jerome Kills SmallJune 5: Swedish Pioneers in Nebraska by Laureen Riedesel

JUNE 25: Patchwork of the Prairie by Yvonne Hollenbeck-

AUGUST 20:  (100th anniversary of suffrage for women in US) Winning the Vote: The Campaign for Woman’s Suffrage in the United States by Dianne Bystrom:

October 1: Czech Folk Costumes (kroje) by Janet Jeffries

NOVEMBER 5:  How did our election Campaigns by Barry Anderson get this way?