Summer Reading Program Fun
Winter Break Activities – Bust the Boredom Blues
Story Time Returns
Children PreK – 5th grade Summer Reading Program
Welcome to the 2021 Ravenna Public Library Children’s Summer Reading Program! Thank you for encouraging your child to build their reading skills all while having fun this summer! As a participant, your child will travel around the world and learn about different animals! Attend online FACEBOOK sessions starting June 1st, Tuesdays and Thursdays: Pre3, Pre4, K & 1st grade @ 9:30– 10am, 2nd-3rd grade @ 10:15 -10:45am, and 4th-5th grade @ 11– 11:30am. Tuesday and Thursday sessions will include reading, craft activities, and probably even some silliness! Activities will be handed out weekly on Monday 9am – 6:30pm in bags labeled accordingly. Crafts can then be completed during our FACEBOOK story time. The crafts will be different according to the child’s age group. This year we will not have paper reading logs as we have always done in the past. We will be using the on-line app “Reader Zone” (see attached flyer). This is a free app to install and it will be the way you keep track of all your child’s reading minutes. The library will have access to see how much you are reading and award your prizes accordingly. Prizes can be picked out every Monday when you pick up your child’s craft bags.

Your child will record their time spent reading on their “Reader Zone” account. If your child is a family reader, please keep track of the time they spend reading with you! Recorded reading minutes entered on Reader Zone will qualify you for a weekly prize. More reading time = more awesome prizes! In addition, each child will be eligible for a weekly top reader prize each week. Participants can win the weekly top reader prize only once. However, your child will still be eligible to win the overall Top Reader Prize for their corresponding age group. Please make sure your child is keeping an accurate time of what they have read. Each FACEBOOK story time session that your child attends will count as an extra 15 minutes of reading time (the librarians will record this time for you, so make sure you say “HI” or make some comment, so that we know you attended and we can record your extra minutes)
In order to be eligible to win a grand prize, participants must log at least 300 minutes or 5 hours of reading (less than 15 minutes/day). Want to increase your chances? 600 minutes of reading or 10 hours (less than 25 minutes/day) will qualify participants for another grand prize ticket. 900 minutes or 15 hours of reading will qualify participants for 3 entries to win a grand prize. 1200 minutes or 20 hours will qualify participants for 4 grand prize entries. All participants must be in good standing with the library to be eligible to win any grand prize.
We are excited to offer 5 awesome grand prizes this year:
- Kearney Stay-cation: a one-night stay at Kearney’s Holiday Inn, 5 Kearney Area Children’s Museum Buy One Get One tickets, 5 tickets into the Nebraska Wildlife Encounter Zoozeum, Big Apple bowling pass for up to six people for 2 hours of bowling with shoes, a pitcher of pop and a single topping pizza, and 5 tickets to the Platte River Road Archway Monument
- Grand Island Stay-cation: Family day pass to Island Oasis, 4 admissions to the Stuhr Museum, 4 admissions to Pete’s Safari, $20 gift certificate to Dairy Queen
- Lincoln Children’s Zoo: Win 4 tickets into the zoo, 4 train ride tickets, 4 feed the giraffes, and a zoo stuffed animal (must make time and day reservations through Ms. Joy)
- Movie Party at YOUR Library: Invite up to 19 of your friends for a movie party at the library. You pick the movie (and keep it), popcorn, candy, and drinks provided for 20 total guests.
- Pool Party for you and 19 of your friends: You will receive a private pool party, snacks and drinks for up to 20 total guests.
Celebrate your child’s hard work with the Summer Reading Carnival. The carnival events will be announced as soon as we decide when we are having the in-person Carnival.
Every FACEBOOK session your reader attends and time recorded on “READER ZONE” will increase their chances of winning. (You must be present to win a grand prize, unless you speak with the director beforehand.) If you child doesn’t win a grand prize or qualify for the grand prize drawing, have no fear! Every participant will have their name entered in to win smaller prizes. No one will go home empty-handed! (Reminder: NO minutes entered after Noon on July 9th will be accepted as reading minutes.
We hope you can actively participate with your child in our Summer Reading Program. Parental interest in reading encourages your child’s interest in reading! If you have any further questions Thanks for sharing your child with us!
Happy Reading!
Ms. Joy And Ms. Brenda
If you are unable to use the “READER ZONE” app or the FACEBOOK LIVE sessions please contact us so we can make other arrangements for your summer reading experience. (308) 452-4213 or
Thank you to our Generous Donors:
City of Grand Island – Island Oasis Family Pass
Stuhr Museum – 4 Admissions to the museum
Big Apple Fun Center – Bowling pass for up to six people for 2 hours of bowling with shoes, a pitcher of pop and a single topping pizza
The Archway Monument – 12 Admission tickets to the Archway
Nebraska Wildlife Encounter Zoozeum – 5 Admission tickets
Kearney Area Children’s Museum – 5 BOGO Passes *buy one child admission and get one adult admission free*
Pete’s Safari – 4 Admission tickets
Dollar General Literacy Foundation – $1500
Library Holiday Hours
December 24th OPEN 9am – 1pm
December 25th – CLOSED- Merry Christmas
December 26th Open 9am – Noon
December 30th Ms. Joy’s B-day stop in for a treat
January 1st – CLOSED – Happy New Year
January 2nd – Open 9am to Noon
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Return Your Voting Ballot by December 23rd
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Ravenna Library
Wooded Dedication Book Spines Now Available
Did you miss out on getting your name on a brick in the entryway? Well now you can make a donation for a wooden dedication book spine with your name, a loved ones, or Class of (year) to be displayed at the library. All proceeds will go towards the principal on the libraries loan payment for the new building.