OverDrive/ Libby is an app that you can download to your phone, tablet or kindle. There are over 15,600 audio books and 27,500 eBooks available to check out…. for FREE! You must have a library account in good standing to utilize this amazing service. Books borrowed through OverDrive/ Libby go towards our libraries circulation numbers so this doesn’t hurt our circulation numbers it actually helps. Why are you still spending money on ebooks when you can check them out for free. Call the RPL today for more information on how you can get your own OverDrive/Libby account! (308)452-4213
Hours & Contact Information
Monday 9am – 8pm
Tuesday 9am – 5:30pm
Wednesday 9am – 5:30pm
Thursday 9am – 5:30pm
Friday 9am – 5:30pm
Sat: 9am – Noon
Sun: CLOSEDEmail: library@myravenna.com
Phone: (308) 452-4213Library Director – Joy Kyhn
Assistant Library Director – Brenda Spaulding
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