

Scotia Public Library and Heritage Center

110 South Main Street, Scotia, NE 68875

Library Board Statement and Operational Policies

The following was prepared by the Scotia Library Board to serve as an operational policy of the library. These objectives and policies shall be examined annually and may be revised at any time by action of the Library Board.

  1. General Library Objectives
  1. To assemble, preserve, and administer in organized collections, books and other materials, in order to promote the free communication of ideas for an enlightened citizenry.
  2. To aid the individual in his or her pursuit of education, information, and pleasure. 
  3. To endeavor to meet and/or exceed accreditation standards and guidelines as set by the Nebraska Library Commission.
  4. To provide service to all within the community regardless of ancestry, sex, religion, age, physical handicap, social or economic status, or political belief or affiliation. 
  5. To recognize that no single library can meet all the demands of the community and to collaborate with other libraries and agencies to provide services and programs. 
  6. To ensure that every effort is made to strengthen the library’s services and resources.
  7. The Scotia Public Library aims to promote a comprehensive understanding of the library’s objectives and services among governing officials, civic leaders, and the general public.The library will also promote active participation in the varied services it offers to people of all ages. Library staff and board members are encouraged to participate in a variety of activities that promote the betterment of library services for the community. In addition, library staff and board members are encouraged to advocate for libraries at local, state, and national levels.

II. Use of the Library

A. Hours Open:

  1. The Scotia Library hours will be agreed upon by the Library Board and will be posted.  These hours may be extended with permission from the Library Board and the Village Board. If the library must be closed during the above posted hours because of illness, vacation, a funeral, etc. when substitute staffing cannot be secured, the Library Director will alert at least one Library Board member and will place a notice on the library door and on the Facebook page as far in advance as possible. 
  2. The decision to close or open the library for special events shall be made by the Library Director in cooperation with at least one Library Board member. 
  3. At the discretion of the Library Director, the library may close because of bad weather. If the school closes because of weather, the library will also be closed. The Library director will report the closure as soon as possible to a member of the Library Board, will place a notice on the door when that is feasible, and post an announcement on the library Facebook page.
  4. Holidays: The library shall be closed for federal holidays for which the Nebraska Post Office is closed. If the date of the holiday lands on a Sunday, the Library Director will choose to close the library either the Saturday before or the Monday after the holiday.

B. Use Privileges

  1. With the exception of costs associated with making copies or faxes, and material fees associated with special programs, there will be no cost for the use of library materials. Services shall not be denied or abridged because of ancestry, sex, religion, age, physical handicap, social or economic status, or political belief or affiliation. The use of the library or its services may be denied temporarily for due cause. Such cause may be failure to return books or pay penalties, destruction of library property, disturbance of other patrons, theft, or any other objectionable conduct on the library premises. Decisions regarding temporary loss of library privileges shall be made by the Library Director who shall in turn bring the matter to the Library Board’s attention. The Library Board reserves the right to make the decision permanent. The Library Director shall keep this information in a file entitled, “Privileges” in which each incident shall be noted, with the date, and signed by the Library Director.
  2. Every consideration will be made to accommodate patrons with disabilities.

C. Loans

  1. The library shall have the right to place on special reserve and/or limit the loan period for materials that are, or are expected to be, in great demand.
  2. Items from the library collection, unless designated for a lesser period or excluded from check out, shall be loaned out for a two-week period and may be renewed for additional two-week periods unless requested by another patron.  There are no overdue fines.
  3. Interlibrary loans are due the date indicated by the lending library. Any overdue fines connected to Interlibrary Loans will be paid by the patron who borrowed the item(s).

D. Fines

  1. A patron shall be assessed the replacement cost of any lost or damaged items. Library privileges may be suspended at the discretion of the Library Director until the fine is paid. The Library Director may wave the replacement cost, or a portion of that cost, for items that saw little use, were outdated, or already in poor condition when checked out.
  2. The Library Director shall use every reasonable resource available to retrievechecked out items or collect replacement costs.

E. Services

  1. Interlibrary loans for patrons shall be provided free of charge. 
  2. Home delivery service for those unable to come to the library will be provided by the Library Director or a volunteer.
  3. It is the policy of this library to cooperate closely with the local school library through the sharing of materials, or interlibrary loan services, and by encouraging teachersand the school librarian to bring their classes to the library for visits during library open hours.
  4. Children’s services are as follows: A) A summer library program. If this program is conducted by the Library Director he/she should receive compensation for the hours worked. If volunteers conduct the program, they shall be solely responsible and the Library Director shall not work or receive compensation.  B) Story time. This may be conducted by the Library Director or volunteers. Story time kits shall be available for check out as an alternative to a live story time. The decision to use volunteer help shall rest with the Library Board for either of the above children’s services. Additional children’s services and programs may be added by the Library Director with permission from the Library Board.
  5. Internet, public wireless access, a public use computer, copy and fax machine, microfilm reader/printer, and a print enlarger machine are available for patron use.

F. Internet & Computer Use

  1. The computer(s) may be used on a first-come, first-served basis. Computer usage is not limited unless other patrons are waiting to use the computer, in which case usage will be limited to 30 minutes. 
  2. The Scotia Public Library adheres to CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) rules and regulations. Parents are ultimately responsible for the Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children, as the library filtering or blocking system may not cover all sources of offensive materials. 
  3. The Library staff reserves the right to supervise, monitor, or enforce penalties to any minor(s) under 18 years old while in the library if parental guidance is unavailable.
  4. Use of the computer for any illegal or criminal purpose is not permitted. Any responsibility or consequences of copyright infringement lies with the user. Users agree not to incur any costs for the library through their use of the internet.
  5. The Library is not responsible for any damage to the patron’s personal software or loss of material due to any reason (such as electrical failure, user carelessness, computer viruses, etc.).
  6. The patron will not connect, disconnect or rearrange in any way the equipment or software. Users shall not create new programs or alter basic computer set up.
  7. The patron will save personal files on their own memory device. Patrons must delete any documents they established while on the computer. The Library is not responsible for any damage or deletion of personal files left on the computer.
  8. E-mail is not available through the library. If the patron has an account elsewhere, it may be accessed through the library computer, but staff is not responsible for determining the particular method needed for accounts on other servers.
  9. There shall be a fee of 10 cents per copy made at the library. Fees of 75 cents per page of sent or received faxes shall be collected.
  10. Any violation to the Internet Use Policy will be reviewed by the Library Board. The Library Board will determine what if any penalties will be imposed. The Board may remove library privileges. 

III. Physical Facilities

A. Primary Purpose

  1. To achieve the goal of good library service, the library building shall be maintained to adequately meet the physical requirements of comfort, attractiveness, and ease of use, thereby offering the community a compelling invitation to enter, read, look, listen, and learn. 

B. Community Use

  1. Groups may use the library for meetings that are civic, cultural, and/or educational in nature and appropriate to the facilities. Permission must be secured from the Library Director and a member of the Library Board for each use unless permission is granted for a regularly recurring meeting time. 
  2. As a noncommercial, governmental service, the library prohibits events and programs that involve the sale, advertising, solicitation or promotion of commercial products or services, the solicitation for later sales or client contacts, and free educational programming by a for-profit entity. This includes investment seminars, sales/service demonstrations, programs by private for-profit healthcare representatives, etc. Only library sponsored meetings or programs may involve sale of items, fundraising activities, or solicitation of donations.
  3. Library programs shall receive first consideration in scheduling all events. In the event of a conflict for non-library programming or group meetings, preference shall be given to any meeting which is open to all members of the public. 
  4. Each group is responsible for cleaning up and replacing lost or damaged equipment.
  5. Equipment or other materials belonging to groups using the library may be stored in the library for short periods of time. The library shall not be responsible for loss or theft of group materials.
  6. No alcohol consumption, controlled substance use, smoking or use of tobacco products is permitted in the library. 
  7. Pets are not allowed in the library. Service dogs, trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, as well as service dogs in training with their bona fide trainers, are allowed in the library. Library staff may ask these two questions (and only these questions): “Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?” and “What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?” The library may ask a person with a disability to remove their service dog from the library if and only if the dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it, or if the dog is not housebroken. When there is a legitimate reason to ask that a service dog be removed, staff must offer the person with the disability the opportunity to obtain goods or services without the animal’s presence. The library may choose to offer educational programs for the public that include various animals. Such animals are permitted in the library building for the duration of the program and must be accompanied by the owner at all times.
  8. The Library Director, Assistant Librarian(s), and members of the Library Board shall have keys to the library. Keys may be lent temporarily, with permission from the Library Director and at least one board member, to individuals using the library for authorized programs during the hours the library is otherwise closed. The Library Director and Assistant Librarian(s) shall have a key to use during normal library hours, for special events, or for the purposes of cleaning or maintenance of the library.
  9. The key held by the Village Clerk is only to be used in case of emergencies and for access by those providing building maintenance. If the Village Clerk wishes to use any of the library equipment, he/she must first seek permission from a member of the Library Board. 

C. Housekeeping

The Library Director and any other staff will divide housekeeping duties as assigned by the Library Director. It is the responsibility of the library staff to:

  1. Empty the trash as needed. All food trash shall be removed at the end of each work day.
  2. Maintain and clean the coffee maker, microwave and refrigerator. Wash any used mugs.
  3. Clean the bathroom once a week.
  4. Make sure the library is locked and lights are off before leaving each day.
  5. Straighten and dust the bookshelves.
  6. Maintain the public bulletin board on the inside of the building with pertinent, up-to-date information.
  7. Vacuum the carpet once a week. Schedule carpet cleaning when needed.
  8. Empty the dehumidifiers when they are full.
  9. Check and replace the batteries in the smoke detector and CO2 detector when needed. 
  10. Inventory and purchase supplies as needed, including but not limited to: toilet paper, paper towels, disinfecting wipes, copy paper, copy toner, book covers, spine labels, coffee and tea, bottled water.
  11. The computer may be left running throughout the week to allow for back ups, but should be turned off before leaving on Saturday and restarted on Monday morning.
  12. Concerns beyond the control of the Library Director and Library Board, both indoors and outdoors, shall be reported to the Village Board. 

D. Exhibits and Displays

  1. As an educational and cultural institution the library welcomes exhibits and displays of interest, information, and enlightenment to the community. Displays of handiwork, historical material, nature study, or any material deemed of general interest may be exhibited. The Library director shall accept or reject material offered for display based on its suitability and availability. 
  2. No poster, display, exhibit, pamphlet, brochure, leaflet, booklets, etc. shall be exhibited, displayed, or placed in the library for distribution without permission of the Library Director.
  3. The library assumes no responsibility for the preservation, protection of possible damage or theft of any item displayed or exhibited. 
  4. Whenever possible displays or exhibits utilizing the display areas shall incorporate books or other materials from the library’s collection.
  5. No political advertising, or any type of solicitation or collections shall be allowed.

E. Emergency and Safety

  1. A Fire extinguisher, a smoke alarm and CO2 alarm are located in the building and kept in working order.
  2. The best shelter from a tornado is the basement of the building. For those unable to use the stairs, the bathroom would be the next best location.
  3. There are two exits for fire safety. 

IV. Library Material and Services

A. Collection Management

    1. The responsibility of book selection rests with the Library Director and the approval of the Library Board, operating within the framework of the board policies. The Library Director will select from the mass of available materials and organize for easy access, those books and materials that best meet the needs of the community, striving to maintain a balance in the material selection so all patrons may have access to the library material. Patron recommendations and requests are to be considered. 
    2. The library adopts the policy statement of the America Library Association, the Library Bill of Rights, and the Freedom to Read statement on book selection and controversial materials.
    3. Surplus, damaged, defective, obsolete, or duplicate books and materials shall be systematically purged according to accepted professional practices. Withdrawn library materials and materials donated but not added to the collection will be disposed of at the discretion of the Library Director.
    4. The Library Director will explore and present to the board opportunities for grants, fundraising, or requests for donations for the purchase of books and materials, programming costs, equipment, technology, general maintenance, an Overdrive/Libby subscription and anything else deemed necessary to provide best service to the community.

    B. Interlibrary Loan and Purchase Recommendation Policy

    1. The library board recognizes that no single library can meet all demands in its community. Because of this, advantage shall be taken of inter-library loan services. This service allows patrons to borrow materials that are not available on the library’s shelves. Borrowers are responsible for any overdue charges, damages to items, or lost items. Charges for lost or damaged items are determined by the loaning library. The Scotia Public Library has no control over the length of time it takes for ILL items to arrive. Many variables are involved, such as: availability, lending policies of the loaning libraries and number of libraries that own the item. The due date and opportunity for renewal is determined by the loaning library. If a renewal is needed, the request must be made 1 week before the item’s due date. An item may be renewed only once.
    2. The Library acknowledges that each person has information needs that are important to that individual. It also recognizes that it has limited financial resources to respond to these needs.  The Library has a responsibility to use public funds in ways that are advantageous to the largest number of its constituents.  While the library’s materials collection will not deny any need consistent with its objectives, the Library will nevertheless develop its collections with the recognition that it has the ability to meet certain needs more effectively and efficiently than other needs.  It is aware of the availability of information-giving institutions in the region and will use these resources when possible.

      B. Gifts

      1. Books and other materials shall be accepted on condition that the Library Director and/or the Library Board has final discretion as to their use or disposal. Monetary gifts and memorial funds are gratefully accepted to be used where deemed most necessary by the Library Board. 
      2. Unencumbered and unrestricted gifts of land or propertyshall be gratefully accepted by the Library Board.
      3. Gifts of money, land, property, or bequests with specific restrictions attached shall be reviewed by the Library Board before the gift is accepted or declined.

      C. Services of the Library

      1. The Library Director shall provide guidance, in a pleasant manner, for patrons seeking assistance. The Library Director, staff, and any volunteers must be cordial, helpful, and congenial to every patron that passes through the library’s doors.
      2. The Library Director shall suggest programs, story times, speakers, events, discussions, etc. to the Library Board designed to stimulate the use of the library materials for the enlightenment of people of all ages.
      3. The Library Director and the Library Board shall collaborate with civic and community agencies and organizations when the opportunity arises.

      D. Confidentiality of Patron Records

      1. The Library Board recognizes that library records and patron information are confidential. Library records are defined as a record in any form that is maintained by the library and that contain any of the following types of information:

      a. Information an individual is required to provide in order to be eligible to use the library services or borrow materials

      b. Information that identifies an individual as having requested or obtained certain materials on a specific subject.

      c. Information that is provided by an individual to assist staff to answer a specific question or provide information on a particular subject.

      1. All librarians and library employees are advised that such records shall not be made available to any agency of state, federal or local government, or to any spouse or other individual, except pursuant to the following:

      a. For the records of minor children when requested by parents or guardians.

      b. In accordance with a subpoena, search warrant or other court order, or to a law enforcement officer who is investigating a matter involving public safety in demanding circumstances.

      c. At the request or consent of an individual who is the subject of the record or information.

      d. For library administrative purposes. Patron record information is available to staff of the library for use in the ordinary conduct of library business.

      E. Complaints

      1. All objections to books or material held by the library and any other complaints must be submitted by the patron in written form using the “Statement of Concern about Library Resources” form which is available in the library. 
      2. The Library Board shall review the complaint at the next scheduled library board meeting and action if any indicated voted upon. Should such complaint be an emergency a meeting will be scheduled accordingly. 
      3. A letter by the Library Director or Library Board member explaining the decision of the Board will be sent to the patron. If the letter cannot settle the matter, a meeting may be scheduled with the Library Director, Library Board and the complainant. If the Library Board needs help, they may ask for assistance from the Nebraska Library Commission. 

      VI. Library Personnel

      1. Library Director
      1. The Library Director and support staff shall be hired by the Library Board.
      2. Areas of responsibilities:

      a. identify strengths and weaknesses of the library and administer plans developed by the Library Board,

      b. recommend policies to the Library Board,

      c. complete the e-rate process each year in cooperation with the Village Clerk,

      d. complete the yearly public library survey and submit to the Nebraska Library Commission, 

      e. submit a copy of the yearly library survey to the village board for their February meeting.

      f. take the necessary classes and accrue the required continuing education credits in order to reach and maintain certification,

      g. work with the Library Board to maintain Library accreditation.

      h. keep the Library Board advised of any new materials, grants, programs, and/or developments in the field well ahead of deadlines so that the Library Board can act on them.

      i. work for needed improvements and make the best use of his/her time.

      j. work with the Library Board to maintain the software provided on the computers designed to limit misuse, viruses or malware. 

      k. act as Publicity Director between the library and the community for the Library Board under their direction.

      l. assume full responsibility for administration of the library, provide supervision for support staff, and shall attend at least every other Library Board meeting unless requested by the Library Board to attend additional meetings. 

      m. ensure that any bills are received by the Library Board financial secretary.

      n. The Library Director shall provide a report of the current petty cash balance and an accounting of any petty cash used since the previous meeting.

      o. The Library Director shall provide a copy of the yearly library survey to the Library Board at the meeting that follows submission of that survey.

      1. Professional expenses: the library encourages the attendance of all staff members and Library Board members at professional meetings and conferences. When possible, time will be allowed with pay for staff attendance. Library funds will pay for mileage and registration fees for staff and Library Board members to attend meetings.

      B. Personnel Policies

      1. Failure to follow any of the policies of the Scotia Public Library, including lack of interest in the library, failure to communicate or cooperate with the Library Board, not showing up for work, not being congenial and helpful to patrons, complaints from patrons, etc. may result in a written reprimand. Written reprimands of employees could be cause for dismissal. 
      2. If additional hours are needed a request may be made at a regularly scheduled Library Board.
      3. In the event that the Library Director or support staff are unable to work, that person should make an attempt to find a replacement. If a suitable replacement cannot be found, a member of the Library Board should be contacted.

      C. Library Board duties/responsibilities

      1. The Library Board is made up of at least five members. Board members shall be chosen by the existing library board members. Members of the Village Board of Trustees may not be members of the Library Board. Members will not receive pay or compensation for their services. 
      2. Library Board members shall have an understanding of the community, its needs and resources, time to attend meetings and work for library objectives, keep informed of library trends, exert every effort to insure the necessary funds for the operation of the library, and accrue the necessary hours of continuing education credit to maintain the Library Board certification.
      3. The Library Board recognizes that public relations involves every person who has any connection with the library. The Library Board urges its own members and the Library Director to realize that he or she represents the library in every public contact. 

      VIII. Amendments

      This Library Board has no knowledge of prior commitments or policies made by any other board.

      This Library Board Statement and Operational Policies shall be in affect immediately upon approval by the Library Board.

      Amendments may be made to these policies upon a majority vote of the entire Library Board at a special or regularly scheduled meeting.

      This document was adopted during Executive Session at the Scotia Public Library, 128 South Main Street, Scotia, Nebraska 68875, on February 15, 2024 by a unanimous vote of the Scotia Public Library Board. 

      8 pages


      This document shall be on file in the library and a copy given to each member of the Library Board and to the Scotia Village Board.