It’s no secret that our world has been turned upside down in 2020, and while we would like to try and give our area children as much normalcy as possible, we also need to keep our community’s safety in mind.
With much deliberation and research, while following the health department’s recommendations and guidelines, our Scribner Public Library board and myself have decided to create the following rules for this upcoming school year…
•The safety of our employees: if I get sick, this entire library shuts down till I am better.
•Older adults come in the morning, so each day after students leave, the entire library needs sanitized.
•The library will be closed to the public while the kids are here because our limit is 10 students.
The Library Is Not A Daycare
•This facility is an extension of their education.
•We encourage parents to make firm childcare plans that do not include the library.
•While we have taken great pride in our institution with offering our children a safe place to reside after school, we do want to make it clear that we will not be offering our typical after-school program.
Taking It Back to The Basics
•We will not be offering technology use, in terms of computer games. There will be no LEGO’s, no board games, no food, no drinks. The students can come to do their homework, or they can read. Those are the new choices.
•If you have no other choice, other than your child coming to the library after school, parents will need to notify me beforehand via phone, email, or Facebook so we can plan for social distancing.
•Limit of 10 students per day
•We expect you only send your children if they are in good health.
•The library will only be open until 5pm.
*These rules are subject to change at any point in time at the discretion of myself and the library board.
Facebook: Scribner Public Library
Angie Brainard, Director of Scribner Public Library