13 Days till Spring

Less than 2 weeks for the first offical day of spring.  Are you thinking about your garden (flower or vegetable)?  Well, if so come and check out our books on landscaping, flower and tree species, insect and disease control, gardening, or maybe a book on what to plant to bring in…

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eBooks now on iPads.

You can now use your iPad to read eBooks from the library.  The OverDrive Media Console app for iPad is available in the App Store (http://bit.ly/OverDriveApp) or off our website .  This also works for iPhone and Android.  Other devices that work with OverDrive eBooks are Sony Readers, Nook, Windows, Mac,…

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Kill-A-Watt Meters

Don’t forget the library has Kill-a-watt meters to check out. You can use these to check your electrical devices to find the electrical hogs in and around your home.  Stop in and we will show you how  they work.  Here is a great (short) video that will explain about the meters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l_mo1jwh8Y…

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Winter is Here

The snow is starting to fly and we are staying indoors more.  If you are getting bored we can help you.  The library received some really nice Christmas gifts from people who helped decorate our Christmas tree, and because of this, we have ordered two new shipments of books and…

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Home Delivery

Are you home bound or know someone who is?  The library will bring you books if you are home bound and living inside the city limits of Superior.  Call the library and let us know your needs and we will set up a delivery service for you.

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Decorate Our Christmas Tree

By giving money to purchase an item in one of our Christmas tree balls,  you can help support the library, and help decorate our tree at the same time.  Your name will be added to the ball as “donated by”, or  you can give “in memory of”.  A plaque is then put on the…

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