Author: vicki
No Story Time
There will be no story time on Nov. 10th or Nov. 24th.
New Books
Here is our latest arrivals. Children and Young Adult Deep and Dark and Dangerous by Mary Dowing Hahn Fast and the Furriest by Andy Behrens Books on CD American Assassin by Vince Flynn Confession by John Grisham Reversal by Michael Connelly Worth Dying For by Lee Child Adult Fiction Don’t…
What is your favorite author?
Can't Get On Overdrive?
If you try to get on Overdrive and can’t get it to download books, check with the library to make sure we have your number added. Not all new patrons may have their card number added to Overdrive. We have also been removing card numbers of patrons who’s library cards have…
Downloadable e-books and audios
If you are a patron of the library you can now download e-books to your Sony, or Nook readers. Just click on the OverDrive link to take you to the web site. Visit our growing collection of audios and e-books. Contact the library for more information or help getting started….
Story Time
The library will start story time for children ages 4 years – kindergarten on Wednesday Sept. 29th from 3:45 – 4:30 PM. Story time is every Wednesday except during school holidays, early dismissal and snow days. Contact the library for more information.
Banned Book Week
September 25th – October 2nd we celebrate Banned Book Week. This is an annual event to celebrate our freedom to read what we wish and to remind us the importance of the First Amendment. Many people try to restrict what you read or hear because of their beliefs. Intellectual freedom…
Nebraska Library Commission and 147 Library Buildings to Share in a $3.6 Million Grant
The Nebraska Library Commission announced that the U.S. Department of Commerce has awarded the Library Commission a $2,416,403 grant to fund Nebraska’s public computer center project, Library Broadband Builds Nebraska Communities. The three-year project is designed to expand broadband capacity; upgrade public computing resources in libraries; and advance access to…
Want To See Your Picture On Our Website?
The picture in the header can be changed. If you have a picture of Superior, or happening in Superior, bring it in and see if it will work. Your name will be put up with your picture.