Best Choice UPC seals

The library is saving UPC seals from the Best Choice products.  Any UPC seals that you would like to donate can be put in a bag and dropped off in the book drop, bring them inside, or anywhere else you find us. These are then turned in for money we…

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New Year’s Noon Party for children 3rd – 6th grade. December 31, 2016 10:00 AM – Noon Activities, games, food and noise makers.  Ball drops at Noon. Library will be closed Saturday morning for party.

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Author Visit

Here is John Kalkowski signing books at the library after he told us the process he went through to write his book Red Cell.  Everyone enjoyed his talk, and will be waiting for his 3rd book to come out.

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John Kalkowski -book signing

July 14th  –   7:00 p.m.  – Superior Library * 449 N. Kansas * Superior, NE John Kalkowski is an Omaha Middle School English teacher who in his spare time writes action-infused young adult books. He will be here to talk about his books, how to create boy readers, answer any questions, and…

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