Author Archives: vicki

Cakes at the Library

The Elementary Art Program met at the Library Wednesday to decorate cakes.  Had a lot of fun, and found a few sticky door handles.  Next months 100_0475program will be held  at the school.

End of Summer Reading

Check out the picture from the summer reading group.  Had a great year with 1,049 hours being read in 5 weeks.DSCF1610

Author Visit

DSCF1621Here is John Kalkowski signing books at the library after he told us the process he went through to write his book Red Cell.  Everyone enjoyed his talk, and will be waiting for his 3rd book to come out.

Book Sale

BOOK SALEWe will be having  our book sale for only 2 days.  Mark your calendars.

John Kalkowski -book signing

red cell coverJuly 14th  –   7:00 p.m.  – Superior Library * 449 N. Kansas * Superior, NE

John Kalkowski is an Omaha Middle School English teacher who in his spare time writes action-infused young adult books. He will be here to talk about his books, how to create boy readers, answer any questions, and sign books. There will be books at the library to buy.

Two autographed copies will be given away. Sign up for your chance to win during the program.

Summer Reading Program Get Ready To Start

SloganSign up for the  Summer Reading program is under way.  Any child ages 4 years through 6th grade are encouraged to sign up.  NEW this year is the adult reading program. No programs you have to come to, just read and record your time.  Challenge your children or grandchildren.  First 30 adults to sign up receives a book bag.

Children’s programs start June 1st from 2 – 3 p.m.
Children grades 3-6 can also sign up for Art Club.
For more information on any of this, call 402 879-4200 or stop in, 449 N. Kansas, Superior.


Spring Time at the Library

P1010028The trees are in full bloom at the library.  The bees are a buzzing.

New Children’s Computer


We now have 2 educational children’s computers. One is for children ages 2 – 8 years old, and one 8 years on up. Both these computers have over 4,000 educational activities and games.

Book Sale April 23rd

booksJust one week before the Library’s book sale.

Hours for Saturday will be 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Monday thru Thursday will be during regular hours.  1:30 – 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Adult. large print, and children’s books
VHS and DVD’s


Book Sale

BOOK SALEWhat better way to celebrate NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK than coming to our book sale.