Author: vicki
Book Sale April 23rd
Just one week before the Library’s book sale. Hours for Saturday will be 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Thursday will be during regular hours. 1:30 – 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Adult. large print, and children’s books VHS and DVD’s Audios
Book Sale
New movies
The library has been given 2 large collections of movies, so we will be putting new ones in for a while. We have Star Wars movies.
Children’s Programing during Christmas Break
Library Gets Accreditation
Nebraska Library Commission Accredits Superior Public Library Nebraska Library Commission Library Development Director Richard Miller recently announced the accreditation of public libraries across Nebraska. The application for Public Library Accreditation was developed for Nebraska public libraries in order to assist and support improvements in Nebraska public library services. The purpose…
Best-Sellers at the Library
The Omaha paper has the top 10 fiction best-sellers for the week of the Oct. 25th. Out of the top 10 the library has 5 of them. Check your’s out today. See Me by Nicholas Sparks The Murder House by James Patterson/David Ellis …
A Hairy Halloween Story For You
Hairy Toe excerpted from Spooky Maryland retold by S.E. Schlosser Once there was an old woman who went out in the woods to dig up some roots to cook for dinner. She spotted something funny sticking out of the leaves and dug around until she uncovered a great big hairy…
Halloween Story Time
The Library will be closed!
The library will be CLOSED on October 12th for Columbus Day. And so the librarians can go to convention, the library will be CLOSED the nights of October 14, 15, 16, 2015. We will close the library at 5:30 PM each of these 3 nights.