DVDs at the Library

If your looking for something to watch on TV as the nights get colder, did you know you can check out  movies from the library?  The library has a collection of 845 movies in DVD or VHS.  There are children, family, adult movies (R rated) and even some nonfiction.  These can be checked out…

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Banned Book Week

Superior Library celebrating Banned Book Week Every year the American Library Association along with libraries all over the United States observe Banned Book Week the last week in September, this year Banned Book Week will be observed September 21st – 27th. Banned Book Week celebrates your freedom to choose and…

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New Kids/Teens Room for Overdrive

Did you know that there’s now an e-reading room for just kids and teens on Nebraska Overdrive? Parents and kids can now check out reading content that is geared for the younger crowd. You may search for books by Subject, Collection or Reading Level, and as always-it’s all free to…

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Foundation Quilt Raffle

The Superior Foundation will be raffling off this quilt made and donated by Nancy Sauvageau. Raffle tickets will be $1.00 each and can be purchased from the library or any of the foundation members or the library board. The drawing will be August 1st (before the snowy season again)  

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