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A Hairy Halloween Story For You

Hairy Toe      hairy toes

excerpted from Spooky Maryland 

retold by S.E. Schlosser

Once there was an old woman who went out in the woods to dig up some roots to cook for dinner. She spotted something funny sticking out of the leaves and dug around until she uncovered a great big hairy toe. There was some good meat on that toe which would make a real tasty dinner, so the old woman put it in her basket and took it home.

When she got back to her cottage, the old woman boiled up a kettle-full of hairy toe soup, which she ate for dinner that night. It was the best meal she’d had in weeks! The old woman went to bed that night with a full stomach and a big smile.

Along about midnight, a cold wind started blowing in the tops of the trees around the old woman’s house. A large black cloud crept over the moon and from the woods a hollow voice rumbled: “Hairy toe! Hairy toe! I want my hairy toe!” Inside the house, the old woman stirred uneasily in her bed and nervously pulled the covers up over her ears.

From the woods there came a stomp-stomp-stomping noise as the wind whistled and jerked at the treetops. In the clearing at the edge of the forest, a hollow voice said: “Hairy toe! Hairy toe! I want my hairy toe!” Inside the house, the old woman shuddered and turned over in her sleep.

A stomp, stomp, stomping sound came from the garden path outside the cottage. The night creatures shivered in their burrows as a hollow voice howled: “Hairy toe! Hairy toe! I want my hairy toe!” Inside the house, the old woman snapped awake. Her whole body shook with fright as she listened to the angry howling in her garden. Jumping out of bed, she ran to the door and barred it. Once the cottage was secure, she lay back down to sleep.

Suddenly, the front door of the cottage burst open with a bang, snapping the bar in two and sending it flying into the corners of the room. There came the stomp, stomp, stomping noise of giant feet walking up the stairs. Peeping out from under the covers, the old woman saw a massive figure filling her doorway. It said: “Hairy toe! Hairy toe! I want my hairy toe!”

The old woman sat bolt upright in terror and shouted: “I ATE your hairy toe!”

“Yes, you did,” the giant figure said very gently as it advanced into the room.

No one living in the region ever saw the old woman again. The only clue to her disappearance was a giant footprint a neighbor found pressed deep into the loose soil of the meadow beside the house. The footprint was missing the left big toe.


You can read more Maryland folktales and ghost stories in Spooky Maryland by S.E. Schlosser.

Check out American Folklore page for more stories


New Facebook Page

Like us on Facebook.  We have a new Facebook page at

Spring is here

001 (640x480)Spring is here and I am thinking about flowers and gardens.  If you are interested  in gardening too check out our selection of gardening books along with the gardening magazines that we carry.

New Card Catalog Coming Soon

We will be changing to a new operating  system by the end of this week, and will have a new look on the card catalog.  Keep watching.

Race Results For The 3rd Week of Summer Reading

The Yellow team is still ahead but not by much.  Watch out Yellow here comes the Blue team.  Yellow has 4,642 minutes, Blue has 4, 032 minutes and White is last (for this week) at 2, 838 minutes.   These first 2 weeks the whole group has read  192 hours so far. Keep reading.

Summer Reading Is In Full Swing

This is the second week of the summer reading program anda lot is going on.  This week we made coloring pages, but not just an ordinary picture.  We had some very interesting animals.
The children are divided into 3 teams, Blue, White, and Yellow and are racing across America by reading books.  The team to make it across first gets an ice cream party. So read, read, read.
Watch each week for new pictures and watch the race. Check out other pictures under the pictures on the right side of the home page.

Our Computers Are Here!

Our 7 new computers (thanks to a wonderful grant) came this last week.  These lap tops will be used for community computer training and meetings.  Along with the computers we received a projector, scanner, and shortly a wireless printer (back ordered).  After everything gets here, we will  hold an open house to show off  our computer lab and to see what type of classes you would be interested in.  If you have anything you would like to see us do, let us know.

Summer Reading

The summer reading program for children ages 4 years – 7th grade will start June 1st.  Come in now and sign up your child.  We will have crafts, games, and activities for all every Wednesday from 2:00 – 3:00 PM.  4th – 7th grade will have another program just for them on Tuesday afternoons.  Come in for more information and to sign up.

Computer Classes

The Library will be receiving our new computer lab sometime this month.  We will start having computer classes after we get our lab up and running.  If you are interested in taking classes, let us know what you would be interested in and we will see if we can get a class going.

How True!

“Like too many of the important institutions in life, libraries are underappreciated and underfunded. A place where everyone is welcome  to look for a job, write a resume, improve his or her mind, track down long-lost ancestors or recently absconded deadbeats  or just have fun with books, movies, music, the internet  how can we not cherish such an institution?”
Con Lehane