Summer Reading

The summer reading program for children ages 4 years – 7th grade will start June 1st.  Come in now and sign up your child.  We will have crafts, games, and activities for all every Wednesday from 2:00 – 3:00 PM.  4th – 7th grade will have another program just for…

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Computer Classes

The Library will be receiving our new computer lab sometime this month.  We will start having computer classes after we get our lab up and running.  If you are interested in taking classes, let us know what you would be interested in and we will see if we can get…

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How True!

“Like too many of the important institutions in life, libraries are underappreciated and underfunded. A place where everyone is welcome  to look for a job, write a resume, improve his or her mind, track down long-lost ancestors or recently absconded deadbeats  or just have fun with books, movies, music, the…

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Health Fair April 16, 2011

“Health…It’s UP to you!” is this year’s theme for the Nuckolls County Health Fair.  It will be held out at the Suerior High School, 601 West 8th, from 9:00 AM – noon.  Along with the many booths, and  activities there will be a free will donation Grandiose Omelet Affair breakfast…

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eBooks now on iPads.

You can now use your iPad to read eBooks from the library.  The OverDrive Media Console app for iPad is available in the App Store ( or off our website .  This also works for iPhone and Android.  Other devices that work with OverDrive eBooks are Sony Readers, Nook, Windows, Mac,…

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Kill-A-Watt Meters

Don’t forget the library has Kill-a-watt meters to check out. You can use these to check your electrical devices to find the electrical hogs in and around your home.  Stop in and we will show you how  they work.  Here is a great (short) video that will explain about the meters.…

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