Choose a category on the left to find helpful tutorials and resources.
Safe Shopping Tips
Safe Online Payment Methods
Booking Flights & Hotels Online
Buying & Selling Used Goods
Buying & Selling on Amazon
Buy & Sell Crafts on Etsy
Filing Taxes for Online Sales
Safe Shopping Tips
- 10 Tips for Safer Online Shopping (PC Magazine): Tips to stay safe while shopping online.
- Online Shopping Tips (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse): This brief list is a good add-on to the PC Magazine tip list.
- Buying Online Guides (Tech Life Unity): Find a range of guides to popular sites to buy concert tickets, travel, buy through Amazon, and other common platforms.
- Internet Safety Course (GCFGlobal): Following good internet safety overall can help you shop safely online, and while using your computer in general.
Safe Online Payment Methods
- The Best Ways to Pay Online Safely (The Balance): Discover the potential risks and best practices for paying for purchases online.
- Introduction to PayPal (Tech Life Unity): Learn how to get started with PayPal for safe, secure online payments and money transfers.
- What is Venmo? (Tom’s Guide): Venmo lets you pay and request money from friends. Some businesses accept Venmo as well. Learn how it works and decide if it is right for you.
Booking Flights & Hotels Online
- The Best Travel Apps for 2024 (PC Magazine): Use these expert recommended apps to improve your travel planning process, from itinerary building to flight and hotel booking.
Guides to Popular Booking Tools
- Introduction to Expedia Course (Tech Life Unity): Learn how to get travel deals and book flights, hotels, and car rentals online using Expedia.
- Introduction to Priceline Course (Tech Life Unity): Learn how to “name your own price” on Priceline to get flight, hotel, and car rental deals online.
- Introduction to Kayak Course (Tech Life Unity): Learn how to use Kayak to book travel accommodation deals online. Use their tool to track prices over time.
- Introduction to TripAdvisor Course (Tech Life Unity): Learn how to use TripAdvisor to find the best restaurants, local attractions, and plan your trip.
- Introduction to Airbnb (Tech Life Unity): Learn how to use Airbnb to book hotel alternatives.
Buying & Selling Used Goods
- Ebay Buying & Selling Guides (Tech Life Unity): Learn how to search for items, pay securely, track and manage orders on Ebay.
- How to Buy Used Gear on eBay (WIRED): Find tips for searching, price comparison, efficient bidding, and choosing safe sellers.
- A Tax Filing Factsheet for eBay Sellers (Turbotax): Learn when you do and do not have to report eBay sales on your taxes, and which forms to use if reporting is required.
Facebook Marketplace
- Buying on Facebook Marketplace (Facebook): Make sure you look at their FAQ section for helpful tips on safe buying, vetting out sellers, and what can and cannot be sold on Marketplace.
- Selling on Facebook Marketplace (Facebook): Find out how to create listings and what can be sold on Marketplace, then check out their FAQ to sell responsibly and safely online.
Buying & Selling on Amazon
- Introduction to Amazon Course (Tech Life Unity): Learn everything you need to know about starting an Amazon account to shop at one of the largest online retailers.
- How to Sell on Amazon (Amazon): Find out which products you can sell on Amazon and how to get started as a seller on Amazon.
- Handmade Amazon (Amazon): Find out how to sell your own handmade goods on Amazon.
Buy & Sell Crafts on Etsy
- Etsy Buying & Selling Guides (Tech Life Unity): Learn how to buy and/or sell items through Etsy, an online store for craft-lovers and craft-makers.
- An Introduction to Buying on Etsy (Etsy): Learn the best ways to search for and buy handmade creations, vintage items, tools, and supplies on Etsy.
- How to Open an Etsy Shop (Etsy): Learn how to open your shop, add listings, market, and manage your Etsy shop.
Filing Taxes for Online Sales
Income & Other Taxes
- Etsy Seller Tax Preparation Checklist (TurboTax): Determine which type of online seller you are and which forms to use to report any necessary income and available deductions.
- A Tax Filing Factsheet for eBay Sellers (Turbotax): Learn when you do and do not have to report eBay sales on your taxes, and which forms to use if reporting is required.
- Do I Need to Report Taxes for Online Sales? (Experian): Understand the different types of online sales and tax filing requirements for different situations.
Sales Tax Specific
- Sales Tax 101 for Online Sellers (TurboTax): Learn when you need to collect sales tax online and how sales tax differs from state to state.
- Etsy Marketplace Sales Tax (Etsy): Find which states Etsy already collects and remits sales tax, and how the process works.
- Guide to Amazon Seller Taxes (Amazon): Learn which types of taxes Amazon sellers need to pay, Amazon’s role in sales tax collection, and what the seller needs to do.
Choose a category on the left to find helpful tutorials and resources.