Choose a category on the left to find helpful tutorials and resources.
Online Safety & Security for Kids
What is a Digital Footprint?
Tackling Screen Time
Social Media Guide for Parents
Dealing with Cyberbullies
Real vs. Fake Online
Games, Apps & Websites for Kids
Online Safety & Security for Kids
- Parent Guides from ConnectSafely (Connect Safely): This collection of parent guides covers everything from Tik Tok, Roblox, Cyberbullying, Amazon Alexa, Media Literacy and more.
- Be Internet Awesome (Google): Find a collection of information, games and resources to help parents and educators keep kids safe and secure online.
- Internet Safety for Kids (SafeWise): Learn about common online threats for kids and how to keep your kids safe.
- Help Boost Kids’ Safety, Privacy & Security (Common Sense Education): Four tips to help parents protect tweens and teens personal information online.
What is a Digital Footprint?
- Oversharing & Your Digital Footprint (YouTube- Common Sense Education): Teens share the truth about sharing information online and what happens to the things you post online.
- Digital Footprints Courses (Internet Society): This quick series of tutorials has everything you need to know about online data tracking, including how to take control.
- Help Kids Post, Comment & Upload Responsibly (Common Sense Education): 4 tips to help parents guide their kids safely through social media. Includes downloadable PDF.
- What You Need to Know About Sharenting (UNICEF): Sharenting describes what parents share about their kids online, and how that affects your child’s privacy, safety, and autonomy.
Tackling Screen Time
- Kids & Tech: Tips for Parents in the Digital Age: (American Academy of Pediatrics): Learn how to build a family media use plan to set and enforce healthy digital boundaries.
- Media Guidelines for Teens (The Mental Healthcare Coalition): Find guidelines, conversation starters, and other tips for parenting the digital generation.
- Screen Time Tips from Teens (New York Times): Hear tips and guidelines directly from well-informed, educated teens who have found healthy ways to interact with social media.
- Stop Thinking About Screen Time (YouTube- Connect Safely): Learn how “screen time” is less important than what you do online. Start asking how and why your kids spend time online.
Social Media Guide for Parents
- Parent Guides from ConnectSafely (Connect Safely): This collection of parent guides covers everything from Tik Tok, Roblox, Cyberbullying, Amazon Alexa, Media Literacy and more.
- Social Media Facts & Advice for Parents (Internet Matters): Get familiar with social media safety to keep your kids safe online.
- Guides for Parents & Social Media (Common Sense Education): Find guides and articles to help parents navigate common issues with social media.
- Screen Time Tips from Teens (New York Times): Hear tips and guidelines directly from well-informed, educated teens who have found healthy ways to interact with social media.
Dealing with Cyberbullies
- Parent’s Guide to Cyberbullying (ConnectSafely): Use this guide to keep your kids safe.
- (Handout) Help Kids Fight Cyberbullying (Common Sense Education): Six tips to help parents deal with the cyberbullying and mean behavior kids can face online.
- Keeping Kids Safe in Cyberspace (Center for Parenting Education): A guide to help parents learn and navigate safe use of digital communication for children and teens.
- Cyberbullying Organization (Stop Bullying): Learn how cyberbullies operate, how to establish online rules, deal with bullies, and prevent your kids from becoming a victim.
Real vs. Fake Online
- News Literacy (Games for Change): Find games, activities and resources for parents, students and teachers about news literacy.
- S.I.F.T. Method to Spot Misinformation (UChicago Library): Simple 4-step method to identify misinformation and evaluate resources.
- Parent & Educator Guide to Media Literacy & Fake News (ConnectSafely): Use this guide to help kids navigate media online to determine real from fake news online.
Games, Apps & Websites for Kids
- Free Educational Apps, Games & Websites (Common Sense Media): This curated collection of digital options will keep your kids entertained for hours.
- Some of the Best Online Learning Games for Kids (New York Times)
- Parental Control Guides (Internet Matters): Use these guides to make sure your kids stay safe and secure on their favorite apps.