Three Rivers Library System has added a new book kit title to borrow!
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We currently have 10 copies available to borrow of :

New Kid by Jerry Craft
Check out this young adult novel that is a 2020 Golden Sower Award Nominee. This novel follows seventh grader, Jordan Banks, who loves nothing more than drawing cartoons about his life. But instead of sending him to the art school of his dreams, his parents enroll him in a prestigious private school known for academics. Jordan quickly realizes that he’s one of the few kids of color in his entire grade. While Jordan finds himself stuck between two different worlds, he realizes he’s not really fitting into either world.
Want to see a list of all the past and current Golden Sower Nominated titles we have to borrow? Check out our Golden Sower Nominee tag! Have questions? Trouble logging into Libib? Get in touch with Chelsea at