Walthill Public Library

Getting in the Swing of Things!

Written By: nbriggs - May• 25•16

Yes, school is out for the summer, and that means the Walthill Public Library will be hopping with activity. Our summer reading program is, ON YOUR MARK, GET SET…READ!  The “Read for Pizza”, reading program began on May 16th. Youth will be reading so many minutes to earn personal pan pizzas at our local CK’s.
Wednesday’s will be our special program day. Our first session will be Wed. 25th–Ready, Set–Read a Recipe. Nebraska Extension of Thurston County will be providing the programming for Grades K-6th. The library staff will have a fun activity the following day, to extend the lesson.
June 1st- the lesson will Ready, Set–Fill Your Plate–and the focus will be creating a healthy meal.
June 8th–Ready, Set–Think Your Drink.  This day the kids will be able to make a special healthy drink, using an exercise bike. The next day we will be making our own shakes–using what we learned.
June 15th–Ready, Set–Use Your Senses. Sweet and sour- “Dill Pickles” will be a must for our extension of this lesson.
We have lots to keep us busy this summer. We hope to have Hula Hoop, Jump Rope games, and a “Bicycle Safety Day”. We also have a variety of crafts planned to keep the kids busy on those hot summer days.
Good Food—Exercise—and Fun Activities— and let’s not forget what it is all about —LET’S READ!


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