Wauneta Public Library Policies
(Reviewed 2016)
Mission Statement
The mission of the Wauneta Public Library is to embrace and support the lifelong learning and reading enjoyment of the entire community by anticipating and planning for future needs.
- To assemble, preserve and administer in organized collections recreational, educational and historical materials in order to promote the communication of ideas, an enlightened citizenship, and enriched personal lives.
- To serve the community as a center for reliable information.
- To support educational, civic and cultural activities of groups and organizations.
- To provide opportunity and encouragement for children, young people, men and women to educate themselves continuously.
- To strive to identify community needs, to provide programs to meet such needs and to cooperate with other programs or services to meet community needs.
General Library Policies
The library strives to service the needs of the people within the community and surrounding area.
- Within the library, the use of all references and collections is free to all. Service will not be denied or abridged because of gender, age or physical condition; because of religious, racial, social, economic or political status.
- The library will initiate programs, such as the Summer Reading Program, to stimulate the use of the library by all ages.
- Responsibility for the reading choices of minors rests solely with their parents or legal guardians. The library staff will not withhold library materials from any patrons because of age.
- Library staff will provide information in the form of short answers (research time 30 minutes or less) to specific questions for Wauneta Public Library patrons who appear in person, call on the telephone, or request information through mail or electronic means.
- Library computers are available for use by the public.
- Free internet access is available to everyone through wireless access.
- The use of the library or its services may be denied permanently or temporarily for due causes. Such causes may include failure to return books, pay fines, pay for destruction of library property, disturbance of other library patrons or any other objections conduct on library premises.
- The library will supplement, but cannot perform the functions of the school which are designed to meet curriculum needs.
- The library will be open at least 10 hours per week. The Library Director may close the library because of storms or other problems and report the occasion at the next board meeting.
- The library will be closed on all legal holidays and days in which the village office will be closed.
- The decision to close the library for special events will be made by the Library Director and the President of the Board.
Library Membership
Library membership is granted to residents of the Wauneta/Palisade School District and trade area. (Revised 9/16/2012)
Circulation Policy
- Library cards are issued on request.
- To request an access card for OverDrive Digital eBooks, a patron must have a library card with up-to-date information.
- Up to four books, or two audio or two DVDs may be checked out for two-week periods with an additional renewal period of two weeks, unless otherwise approved by the librarian.
- No materials will be checked out to a patron who has unpaid fines or overdue books, unless arrangements have been made with the librarian or the fines have been waived.
- An overdue book charge of ten cents per day, per book will be assessed if not returned by the due date. Patrons with overdue items shall be notified by phone call or mailing. A maximum fine of $3.00 per item will be charged. If fines accrue to $15 or more, the patron will no longer be able to check out any items until a payment is made.
- A lost book, or other material must be paid for at purchase value or replaced.
- Interlibrary loans will be done with a $2.00 charge per request, plus return postage.
- Services and borrowing privileges may be denied to patrons refusing to follow library policies.
- Paperback books (not catalogued) may be checked out for an indefinite period of time.
- All patron information will be kept with the strictest confidentiality. Such records will not be made available to any agency of state, federal, or local government except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state, or local laws relating to civil, criminal or administrative discovery procedures or legislative power.
- The board shall resist the issuance or enforcement of any such process, order or subpoena until such time as properly showing of good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction. (Board will consult with legal counsel or the city attorney to determine if such process, order or subpoena is in proper form, and if there is a showing of good cause for its issuance. If the process or subpoena is not in proper form or if good cause has not been shown they will insist that such defects be cured.) For full intent of policy refer to Nebraska State Statute 84-712.5.
Use of Nebraska OverDrive Digital eBooks and Audiobooks
- Users must apply for an OverDrive access card at the Wauneta Public Library during regular open hours. There is no charge for the access cards.
- OverDrive access may be rescinded if patron moves out of the area or has outstanding unpaid fees. (Revised 9/16/2012)
Computer and Internet Use
- The computers provided for public use may be used on a first-come, first-served basis. A 30 minute time limit is placed on all persons using the computer, unless other arrangements are made with the librarian.
- Due to the public setting, privacy is not guaranteed.
- Children nine years of age or younger, must have a parent or adult supervision when they are using the internet.
- Computer users may not use the library name or address to open any accounts.
- It is not the duty of the library staff to teach basic computer skills. Library staff will assist patrons with the basics of accessing and searching on the internet.
- There is no charge for use of computers, however printouts are will be charged at the posted rate.
- The public library computers do not allow patrons to save onto the hard drive. Patrons will need to save to a CD or to a flash drive.
- The patron will not violate copyright laws.
- The library is not responsible for any damage to the patron’s personal software or loss of material due to any reason. (Such as electrical failure, user carelessness, viruses, etc.)
- The patron will not connect, disconnect or rearrange the equipment or software without the assistance of library staff.
Acceptance of Gifts and Memorials
Gifts and memorial funds will be accepted at the discretion of the librarian and library board. Gifts of books and other materials will be accepted with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only when needed and disposed of at the discretion of the librarian. Restricted gifts and requests will be reviewed by the Library Board members before being accepted or rejected.
Collection Policy
- The librarian will select those books and materials that best meet the needs of the community. General criteria to be considered:
- Suitability of physical form for library use.
- Insight into human and social conditions.
- Suitability of subject and style for intended audience.
- Present and potential relevance to community needs.
- Appropriateness and effectiveness of medium to content.
- Importance as a document of the times.
- Relation to existing collection and other material on the subject.
- Reputation and/or significance of the author.
- Attention of critics, reviews and public.
- The library subscribes to the Freedom to Read Statement and the Library Bill of Rights as prepared by the Library Association.
- The librarian will offer assistance to obtain materials requested by patrons through the use of Nebraska Library Commission inter-library loan, audio books, braille books, large print books and online resources.
- Materials which are no longer useful will be weeded from the collection according to accepted professional practices. These materials may be sold for small fee, taken to a used book warehouse, given away or destroyed.
- The librarian and library board will explore grants or fund raising as needed for collection development, equipment, technology, technology maintenance, Overdrive and anything else needed to stay current with the needs of patrons.
- Any objection about material within the collection must be addressed to the librarian in writing. The librarian and library board will then review the complaint and the material. A meeting will be held with the complainant.
Personnel and volunteers
- The librarian is an employee of the village and under the supervision of the Village Board of Trustees, and the Library Board.
- Selection of the librarian is based solely upon merit, with due consideration of personal, educational and physical qualifications of training and aptitudes for the position, regardless of race, color, creed, or sex.
- Job descriptions and requirements may be reviewed and changed by a majority vote of the board at any regularly scheduled meeting of the Library Board of Trustees.
- The employee salary shall be recommended by the library board and approved by the Village Board of Trustees.
- Vacation and sick leave pay is determined and approved by the Village Board of Trustees.
- Reimbursement for fees, transportations costs and other related expenses for any employee who participates in library related professional meetings, classes or seminars will be issued by the library. Mileage will be paid at the current rate/mile set by the Village of Wauneta.
- The library may pay state and national association for library staff and board members.
- The librarian shall have the sole charge of administration of the library under the direction and review of the board. The librarian is responsible for the care of the building and equipment, for the employment and direction of staff, for the efficiency of the library services to the public and for the operations of the library under the financial conditions set forth in the annual budget.
- The librarian shall attend all board meetings.
- Volunteers are welcome on approval of the librarian. Volunteers will be trained by the librarian as to duties and schedules.
- Assistants may be hired by the librarian, with review by the library board, as needed to substitute during an absence of the librarian, or to assist with library tasks as needed.
- The librarian has the right and authority to recommend to the board, dismissal of any staff whose attitude, professional ethics and conduct of performance of duties warrant such action. In each case, the employee shall have the right to present his/her case to the librarian and to the board. Employees may be dismissed for the following reasons among others: inefficiency, incompetence, fraud, negligence, failure to work harmoniously with other staff, repeated tardiness or absence without leave.
Handicap Accessibility
The library is accessible through the use of outdoor ramps and an elevator.
Library Facilities
- To provide quality service, the library board and librarian will maintain the library building to adequately meet the physical requirements of comfort and attractiveness of a modern library. Concerns beyond the control of the library board shall be reported to the village board. Facilities should offer to the community a compelling invitation to enter, read, and learn.
- The library may be used by groups within the Wauneta trade area for meetings that are civic, cultural, and /or education in nature and appropriate to the facilities. Such meetings will be decided upon with the librarian and the board president. Consideration will be given to the size of group and availability of the librarian or board member to supervise the meeting.
- Reservations for a group meeting are to be made with the librarian.
- The library may not be used for personal or commercial purposes.
- Each group is responsible for cleaning and replacing lost of damaged equipment.
- Any complaint must be filed in writing to the librarian to be submitted to the library board, who will review it at the next scheduled library board meeting where any action will be voted upon.
Library Board
- Board members shall be recommended by the librarian and the existing board members with approval of the village board of trustees.
- The board will consist of five residents of the Village of Wauneta with a term limit of 2 years with no more than 2 consecutive terms, unless otherwise approved by the village board.
- Meetings will be held on a semi-monthly basis. Special meetings may be called as necessary.
- Notification for library board meetings shall be posted at the library and one other location in the village.
- Elections for officers will be held on a yearly basis at the last regularly scheduled meeting of the year.
- Board members shall have an understanding of the community, its needs and resources, time to attend meetings, be informed of library trends and needs, and advocate for the library.
- Duties of the president are to preside at meetings, appoint committees, call special meetings, perform duties of a presiding officer and be the legal representative of the board. The president will ensure that the annual budget is presented to the village board in September, and will share with the village a “State of the Library” annual overview of library operations in January.
- Duties of the secretary are to keep minutes of all meetings, send thank you notes and handle all other correspondence, as needed.
E-reader checkout policy
- E-readers may be checked out from the library by patrons over age 18 in good standing, and who read, agree to and sign the E-Reader Loan Agreement. The agreement must be read and signed each time that an e-reader is borrowed.
- E-readers are available on a first-come, first-served basis for a period of 2 weeks.
- A $10 late fee will be assessed for an e-reader that is returned past its due date.
- The replacement cost for a lost, stolen or damaged e-reader is listed on the agreement, and depends upon the model borrowed. Additional charges may be assessed if the power adapter or case is lost.
- E-readers may be used to download and read books from Overdrive, using the patron’s access code. Patron’s may not download from other web sites or add apps to the e-reader using the library’s information or their own personal information.
- E-readers must be given to a staff member at the library circulation desk. They may not be placed in the outside or in-side drop boxes.
All Wauneta Library Policies reviewed and approved by board May 26, 2016.
Wauneta Public Library works to promote a comprehensive understanding of the library’s services among governing officials, civic leaders and the general public. Library staff and board members are encouraged to share information about the library to local organizations, boards and groups of all ages.
Patron behavior
Appropriate behavior is expected of all patrons. Violation of any of the following rules will result in a warning and/or expulsion from the property. If necessary, police will be contacted. The Director and staff have authority to carry out all powers of this policy.
- No food or drink may be consumed in the library (except with prior approval of the Director).
- No smoking in the building.
- No conduct which is disruptive to the operation of the library or threatening to patrons, staff or library property.
Exhibits, displays and boards
The Wauneta Public Library maintains bulletin boards and display cases inside the library for the exclusive purpose of promoting the services and programs of the library. Although patrons are invited to make suggestions for themes, the responsibility for design and placement of all displays rests with the staff of the library.
The library offers display space on the bulletin boards located outside the library in the hallway and near the stairs to patrons. First preference is given to the display of library events.
Items will be discarded at the discretion of library staff.
Posting of notices does not imply endorsement by the Wauneta Public Library.
Emergency situations
In the event of a fire, library staff will report the fire to the Fire Department and assist in evacuating the building.
Medical Emergencies
In the event of an ill/injured patron, library staff will respond positively with any reasonable help. If the ill/injured person is unable to make calls, the library staff will assist in notifying a relative or call an ambulance if necessary.
If dangerous weather is imminent, the Person-in-Charge will notify patrons and staff of weather conditions and invite them to take shelter in the predetermined best shelter location. The doors of the library building will remain unlocked so that passersby will be able to seek shelter.
Wauneta Public Library uses its web site and Facebook presence as well as frequent notices published in local news media to inform patrons and the community of new resources, materials and programs.
Programming Policy
A “program” is a planned interaction between the library staff and the program participants for the purpose of promoting library materials, facilities, or services, as well as offering the community an informational, entertaining, or cultural experience.
Programming includes such activities as storytimes, films and activities on no-school days, summer library program for children, speakers for young adults, and book or author discussion groups for adults.
The board, in conjunction with the library director, will establish a budget and goals for programming to facilitate the effective implementation of this service.
Public Relations Policy
Public relations goals of the Wauneta Public Library are:
1. to promote a good understanding of the Library’s objectives and services among governing officials, civic leaders, and the general public;
2. to promote active participation in the varied services offered by the library to people of all ages.
The Board recognizes that public relations involves every person who has connection with the Library. The Board urges its own members and every staff member to realize that he or she represents the library in every public contact. Good service supports good public relations.
Additional policies approved by board September 22, 2016.