Library Board Meeting set for September 6th


September 6, 2017 at 5 p.m.


1. Call meeting to order
2. Posting of the Open Meeting Act
3. Roll Call
4. Approve minutes
5. Approve claims for payment/Review of Budget Spending
6. Monthly Library Report/List of titles purchased/Review goals
7. Brown County Community Foundation Fund members to share story
8. Solar Eclipse Glasses from Northeast Community College
9. Digitalization Project
10. Library Innovation Studio Grant
a. Training
b. Cycle 1 for equipment in our library (Oct.-March)
c. Need team for promotion and training others
11. Proposed Budget 2017-18
a. County funding
b. City funding
12. Little Paws Preschool schedule for school year
13. Information on Lego Guy Program for summer
14. Events coming up:
a. Library Card Sign-Up Month-September
b. Book Discussion Group start up-Sept. 18th
c. Banned Book Week (September 25-30)
d. Teen Read Week (October 9-14)
15. Workshops/Meetings:
a. Library Foundation Board Meeting-August 24 1. Book Basket Fundraiser
b. City Budget Workshop-August 28th
16. Correspondence:
a. New password for NebraskAccess
b. Share several thank you notes
c. Articles of interest from library newsletters/journals
17. Set next meeting date/time
18. Adjournment

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