Internet Use Policy & Patron Agreement




The Broadwater Public Library provides the opportunity for public access to the Internet. This global computer network is a reference tool that allows individuals of all ages, including children and young adults, the freedom to explore and expand their knowledge far beyond the traditional “walls” of the Broadwater Public Library.


Before using any Internet workstation at the Broadwater Public Library, a patron must agree to and sign this “Broadwater Public Library Internet Use Policy and Patron Agreement” (the “Policy”). Children under the age of 19 must have signed parental permission to use the Internet, as indicated on this Policy.


Internet Content


The Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed on the Internet and will not be held responsible for its content. The Internet is unregulated and its contributors represent a variety of points of view. Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete or current information and many sites may offend some patrons. The Library expressly disclaims and shall have no liability for any direct, indirect or consequential damages related to information obtained from the Internet.


The accessing or use of the Internet through any equipment or service offered by the Village of Broadwater or the Broadwater Public Library shall constitute acknowledgment of this waiver and disclaimer and shall be deemed acceptance of its terms and conditions. All users shall expressly assume the risk of receiving incorrect, inaccurate, defective, fraudulent or unlawful information while accessing the Internet through any equipment or service offered by the Broadwater Public Library or the Village of Broadwater.


Children’s Internet Use


As with the use of all library material, the Library affirms the right and responsibility of parents to determine and monitor their children’s use of the Internet. Parents need to be aware that not all Internet sites are appropriate for their children and that Broadwater Public Library DOES NOT provide filtered internet use. A child may be exposed to undesirable materials.


Parents are encouraged to read and discuss with their children the rules for online safety contained in “Child Safety on the Information Highway” and “Teen Safety on the Information Highway”, distributed with the permission of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). Copies of these brochures are available free at any Library information desk.


For an additional resource on children and the Internet, see “Parents Guide to the Internet” located at


Children under nine (9) years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times while using a Library Internet workstation.


Access and Usage


Time limits on the use of Internet workstations may be imposed by the Library to allow equitable access for all users. The Library reserves the right to change, modify or add time limits as deemed necessary by the Library.


The Library may have its own procedures for reserving use of the Internet workstations.


Patrons may not invade the privacy of others.

Patrons may not access another computer or system to illegally add, delete, modify, copy, download, or “hack” another computer system. Misrepresentation of self by password or signature is prohibited.

Unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal information regarding minors is prohibited.

The Library does not provide e-mail accounts to users; however, users with existing e-mail accounts may access their accounts or users may register for free e-mail services available on the Internet through the Library’s Internet terminals. The Library assumes no responsibility and shall have no liability for any claim or damage that results from the provision of such access to users.


Printing may be offered at certain Internet workstations. There is a charge for printing.


Patrons may not attach personal hardware or load software onto Library computers.


Patrons may not engage in any activity that is harassing or defamatory.


The viewing or downloading of obscene materials or child pornography is prohibited.


Illegal activities or any activities that are intended to interfere with or disrupt

Library patrons, employees, services or equipment are prohibited.


The Library cannot guarantee privacy in using the Internet. In addition, the Library reserves the right to monitor the use of its Internet services and to review any electronic data on the Library’s lines (including e-mail communications) if necessary for the proper operation of the Library or to ensure compliance with this Policy and/or local, state or federal laws.


The Library reserves the right to take appropriate action to ensure compliance with this Policy, other Library or Village policies and procedures, or any local, state or federal law.


The Library reserves the right to revoke or suspend Library or Internet privileges for violation of this Policy or other Library or City policies and procedures or for violation of any local, state or federal law. In addition, unlawful activities will be reported to the Morrill County Sheriff’s Department and/or the Nebraska State Patrol, and dealt with in an appropriate manner.




Materials obtained or copied from the Internet may be subject to copyright law. Material protected by copyright may not be reproduced or distributed without the permission of the copyright owner, with certain limited exceptions. Violation of copyright laws may subject a user to legal action.


Responsibility for compliance with copyright laws and all consequences of copyright infringement lie with the user. The Library disclaims any liability or responsibility related to copyrights resulting from patron Internet use.


Policy may be Revised


The Library reserves the right to revise this policy from time to time. If revised, a copy of the current Policy will be available at the Library Reference Desks. All patron use of the Library Internet workstations must be in compliance with the current Policy whether or not a patron has signed or read the revised Policy.

Last Updated July 18, 2018

Patron Authorization and Signature


I have read and acknowledge the Policy.




Print name:                                                                                                




Library Card #:                                                                                          




Telephone #:                                                                                            


For users under 18, the minor’s name should be printed above and parent or guardian must sign below.


I have read and acknowledge the Policy and I authorize my child to use the Internet connection at the Broadwater Public Library. I recognize that the Library Internet workstations provide unfiltered Internet access and many Internet sites are inappropriate for children and I knowingly accept any and all risks involved in or resulting from my child’s use of the Internet connection at the Broadwater Public Library.




Print name:                                                                                                




Library Card #:                                                                                          




Telephone #:                                                                                            



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