Please Join Us for An Open House at the Library on Saturday, April 6!

Be sure to mark your calendars, for our Open House, coming up on Saturday, April 6 (10:00 am – 1:00 pm)!  Featured at the Open House:  new technology items received through the “Library Broadband Builds Nebraska Communities Project”.  Special Remarks will begin at 10:45 am.  Program at 11:00~ Poetry Readings by Kwame Dawes & Marianne Kunkel (University of NE, Lincoln’s International Literary Journal:  Prairie Schooner Library Tour). —

Kwame Dawes, Guggenheim Fellow and winner of the 2011 Barnes & Noble Writers for Writers Award, embarked on a driving tour in December 2012 to promote Prairie Schooner in public libraries across the state of Nebraska. Dawes is Editor-in-Chief of the international literary journal based out of the University of Nebraska. He will be joined by poet and managing editor, Marianne Kunkel.


“Blind Date With a Book Winner Announced!

Congratulations to Sylvia Erickson!  She is the winner of the “Blind Date With a Book”, dinner for two, to the Lincoln Manor Steak House.  According to the “Rate Your Date” slips, most of the “dates” with the books were enjoyed by the participants.   We heard feedback from quite a few people that they were exposed to types of books/authors that they would otherwise not have read (if they had not participated). Thanks to everyone that participated! — at Central City Public Library

Make a Blind Date With a Book at Central City Public Library

Tired of your same old relationships?  Need something new and exciting?  During the entire month of February stop by the library for a mysterious rendezvous.  We’d like to fix you up with a blind date (with a book of course); after all we are a library! We’ll select a variety of books, wrap them up in plain brown paper (no peeking) and you won’t know the “identity” of your blind date until you get it home.  Will it be fiction or non-fiction, a mystery, biography, or a cookbook?  Funny, heart-breaking or informative?  Sure, you may be disappointed; then again… you may end up really enjoying something you may not otherwise have chosen for yourself.

Each book will have a “Rate Your Date” slip.  If you are so inclined, say whatever you want about your date (even if your date was a dud- don’t worry, its feelings won’t be hurt).  With each slip you return, you can enter a drawing to win dinner for two at the Lincoln Manor Steak House in Central City.  So, be sure to stop by the library anytime between February 1 and 28.  Who knows, you might get lucky; if not in love then perhaps in literature?


“Gardening Throughout the Year” Class to Begin January 17th!

It’s that time of year again- the seed catalogs have arrived!  Luddene Perry’s “Gardening Throughout The Year” classes will begin on Thursday, January 17 at 7:00 p.m. at the library.  The first class will be about the ins and outs of adding fruit trees to your garden.  It will cover:  appropriate varieties, the right root stock, site preparation, proper planting techniques and pest control.  Everyone is welcome- no class fees. — at Central City Public Library.

“Peppermint Sugar Cookie Bars” One of Recipes for Upcoming Cookie Swap!

“Peppermint Sugar Cookie Bars” is one of the Pinterest recipes being made by one of the participants in the upcoming library cookie swap (being held on Wednesday, Dec. 19th at 6:00 p.m.).  If you would like to attend, bring 6 dozen cookies to the library for the swap, mingle and enjoy some of the cookies.  Then, take home a variety of the 5 dozen delicious cookies, to enjoy during the holiday season!  If you want to participate, but can’t attend the swap, you may drop your cookies off in advance, and pick up your variety of cookies afterwards.Peppermint Sugar Cookie Bars

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