15 Reels of Microfilm Added to our Digital Archives Website!
We’re pleased to announce that 15 REELS of MICROFILM have just been ADDED to our DIGITAL ARCHIVES website! The reels that have been added are:Central City Republican-Nonpareil ~ Rolls #31-45 (4/14/1966-2/11/1988 Part of the digitization costs for these reels was covered by a donation that was made to the library for this purpose. The donation was given in memory of Lois Schank (former editor of the Republican Nonpareil).
Click here to access: http://centralcityne.advantage-preservation.com/The newspapers in the database are fully searchable by keyword and date (making it easy to quickly explore historical content). Use the archives to gain a local perspective on historical news, to research your family history, or to simply read about a person or event of interest. Additional pages will be added as the project progresses.
#DigitalArchivesAdvantage Archives#PreservingThePast#Digitizationhttp://libraries.ne.gov/centralcity/