Check out our new New BookTalk program

Check out this fun session of Book Talkers! What are BookTalks? They are simple, informal book presentations designed to inspire others kids to read a book you enjoyed. Their talks on our blog site at We would love others to join us (3rd graders and up) and will be meeting again on Thurs. Jan 12th (2nd Thursday of the month), just remember to pick up your book talk form @ the library!

September Book Club Selection


The Library’s Book Club will be meeting on Monday, October 3rd at 7:00pm to discuss the book, A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley

Summary; When Larry Cook, the aging patriarch of a rich, thriving farm in Iowa decides to retire, he offers his land to his three daughters. For Ginny and Rose, who lives on the farm with their husbands, the gift makes sense-a reward for years of hard work, a challenge to make the farm even more successful. But the youngest, Caroline, a Des Moines lawyer, flatly rejects the idea and in anger her father cuts her out-setting off an explosive series of events that will leave none of them unchanged. A classic story of contemporary American life, A Thousand Acres strikes at the very heart of what it means to be a father, a daughter and a family!