Library Services

All library cards for Hartington and Cedar County residents are available free of charge. Children must be 7 years of age before a library card is issued. Children between the ages of 7-14 are required to have parent or guardian signature. A one time $30 fee will be charged to those residing outside of Cedar County.


Checkout Periods

Books-2 weeks

Audio Books-2 weeks

Magazines-2 weeks

DVD’s-3 days

Items can be renewed over the phone to avoided late fees.  All cardholders are
responsible for all lost or damaged materials.

Other Library Services

10 Desktop Computers, 4 Laptop, and 8 Tablets

Automated and Online Card Catalog

Nebraska Overdrive Audio and E-book Service

Copying and Scanner Service

Seasonal Computer Classes

Local Genealogy

Large Print Books

Interlibrary Loan Service

Monthly Book Club

Music Monday

StoryHour Sessions

Afterschool Game Day

Movie Afternoons

Summer Reading Program

Annual Book Sale

Nebraska Humanities Programs

Public Meeting Room

Art Gallery


  1. Keep up the good work! I read about the book signing and Author, Charleen Meyers visit in the Cedar County News. A picture would have made the story even better—

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