Friends of the Library


   Who are the Friends? 

            The Friends are a group of individuals who believes the library offers
a great  wealth of information and activities. They may be
the book lover, researcher, avid learner or activities supporter!

    What is their purpose?

        Their purpose is to promote and support all aspects of the library and
to provide financial support to the library

   Who determines what the Friends do?

  A board of directors governs the Friends of the Library.
They meet monthly to discuss new projects and implement them.

What type of projects do the Friends support?

Host a yearly Nebraska Humanities program
Provide ongoing sale of used books
Annual Book Sale/October
Sell Rada Cutlery in the library
Purchase books and materials
Winter Reading Program/Pizza Party
Read Across America/March
Provided supplies for children’s programming
Snacks for Summer Reading Program
Host Fundraisers
Provided financial support in the construction costs of the
existing library and art gallery.

How Can I Become a Member?

Contact the Library to purchase a membership.
Available June 1st-May 31st each year

Membership Fees

$10.00 – Yearly Membership (renew annually)
$100.00- Lifetime Membership

Board of Directors

Miranda Becker, President
Laura Neuhalfen, Vice President
Traci, Secretary
Jane Sayler, Treasurer
Kim Emanuel
Becky McGregor
Kayla Mann
Kara Lammers
Laci Kramer

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